Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 233 Leaving Fairy City

Chapter 233 Leaving Fairy City

Back at the inn, Yu'er and Mao'er began to count the harvest this time, and they couldn't help but said in surprise:
"It was a worthwhile trip, we earned more than 1000 million high-grade spirit stones."

Shui'er glanced at Mao'er, "You earned only 50, at least."

"Shui'er, you're wrong, there are people who didn't even earn a single Lingshi!" Mao'er said and glanced at Lan Fengli, who was sitting beside him calmly.

"They have ladies who make money, do you have one?" Chu Qinghao laughed from the side.

Mao'er scratched his head and glanced at Shui'er, when will he have a wife?Using martial arts is not enough, and using words has no effect, hey!It seems that he still has to practice hard.

"It's still easy for alchemists to make money. You see, we only got 50 spirit stones after winning ten games in a row, but my mother and fourth aunt got so many spirit stones easily. Knowing this, I also learned alchemy back then." Yu'er said with emotion.

"You think alchemy is easy, if it's easy, why are there so few?"

"I know alchemy is not easy, mother, don't shoot me..."

Several people were chatting happily about this harvest, when the door was pushed open, and the Meng family brothers and sisters in white clothes floated in.

When she learned that they were leaving tomorrow, she felt a little bit sad, especially Meng Yihan, she said regretfully:
"I wanted to ask you some alchemy techniques, but you were about to leave."

"We can discuss each other now, besides, we won't see each other in the future." Qingyi also smiled.

"Okay, then you come with me." Meng Yihan pulled Qingyi to her guest room very bluntly, and began to talk about alchemy.

Meng Hangyu and Lan Fengli sipped tea and talked in the room, and they left very late.

The next day, when all the monks in the guest room were about to go to the competition field, they left quietly, but changed their appearance again.

If you want to leave Yuexian City, you must take the teleportation array. During this period, very few people left by teleportation array, so when they got there, it was very deserted.

Two service staff were chatting on the sidelines. Their intrusion seemed to have affected the conversation between the two.

Seeing the lazy attitude of the two, Mao'er became angry, "Why don't you open the teleportation array?"

One of them replied indifferently: "There are not enough people, so we can't open."

"What if there's no one there?"

"Then wait." The man continued to reply lightly.

"Let's double the number of spirit stones, is that okay?" Yu'er still had a good attitude.

The man looked up, but didn't answer immediately, as if hesitating.

At this time, the door opened, and more than a dozen monks came in. Their cultivation bases were all in the stage of transforming gods. The attitude of those two people was obviously much better than when they were facing Qingyi and the others.

Mao'er curled her lips at the side. During this trip to the Immortal City, I met a lot of snobs!

Why did so many cultivators of transforming spirits leave the Immortal Reading Conference?There is only such a little time behind them, Qingyi intuitively feels that these people should leave because of them.

I didn't expect that if I wanted to leave quietly halfway, I would be targeted. I don't know which force these people belong to.

The dozen or so people handed over the spirit stones, glanced at them lightly, and then entered the teleportation formation.

Soon the teleportation array was activated, and within a few breaths, they arrived at another city. After leaving the teleportation array, Qingyi sent a voice transmission to Chu Qingxue and Chu Qinghao's spiritual consciousness beside her:

"The dozen or so cultivators at the transformation stage behind should be following us. When the fight starts, I will send you to my space. Don't resist, and don't be surprised."

Although Chu Qinghao and Chu Qingxue still didn't understand a little bit, they didn't ask in detail, and their spiritual sense replied: "It's all up to you."

Qingyi felt relieved, and the group of people walked out of the city leisurely, not paying any attention to the dozen or so people following them.

"You sure it's that kid."

"I'm sure that although his appearance has changed again, the aura and physique of him and his spirit beast have not changed."

"Okay, after leaving the city, we will capture them, so that we can hand in the mission and get paid."

"I didn't expect that so many monks from the Nascent Soul stage would be arrested by us. This is the first time."

"Don't be too careless. You forgot that the two early stage gods who received the mission last time have already fallen. They must have been beheaded by them."

Several people communicated in low voices behind.

It was outside the city in a blink of an eye, and the afterglow of the setting sun rendered the mountains outside the city a layer of hazy beauty.

Behind, a shrewd-looking man suddenly stopped and whispered:

"They should know that we are following, why are they not nervous at all, and seem to be waiting for us, is there any other way?"

"What method can there be? Only two of them are in the stage of transforming gods. With so many of us, we can still be afraid of them. Are you too careful?"

The shrewd man still shook his head, "I always feel that something is wrong."

"Then you stay here, and if there is a problem, you can also be our backup."

The shrewd man nodded quickly, and the people next to him curled their lips in disdain. This guy said he was shrewd, but he was actually a coward who spared his life.

Looking at the few people who left, the shrewd man blinked his eyes and exhaled.

He never told anyone that in fact, he has a kind of foresight of danger, which is very accurate, and because of this, he has avoided danger many times and lived for so long.

Just now, his premonition of danger reappeared, and it was particularly strong. Although he didn't understand why the previous few people who were not as good as them made him feel this way, but he, who has always been careful, still Believe that his premonition is accurate.

He quietly hid aside, did not leave immediately, and did not want to be their backup.

After walking for a while, Qingyi looked at the surrounding environment and nodded secretly. This place is very good, remote, away from the crowd, suitable for fighting.

She glanced at Lan Fengli, the two of them understood, Shuai stopped first, and Yu'er followed suit.

The people behind were obviously surprised, but they didn't care too much, but immediately went up to meet them, one of them said with an evil smile:

"You guys want to fight? Your courage is commendable!"

"Who are you guys, aren't you tired after following for so long?" Lan Feng left his mouth and asked.

"Hehe, why is it so tiresome to arrest people? Those two boys are the ones we want to arrest. If we hand them over, we can consider letting other people go, how about that?" the man continued.

"It's not good. You think too simply, and you'll be caught easily." After Lan Fengli finished speaking, he went up to him holding his sword.

Qingyi's spiritual sense, Chu Qinghao, and Chu Qingxue sent the two of them into her space with an idea, and then glanced at Yu'er, Shui'er and Mao'er.

The four of them met those people at the same time. The cat was very excited and wanted to catch me, so I will show you how powerful Mr. Cat is.

Although his cultivation base is only in the late stage of Nascent Soul, he can infatuate the souls of monks in the transformation stage. Although not fatal, it can still make them feel uncomfortable.

The dozen or so monks didn't expect that these little people would dare to take the initiative to attack, and soon they all sacrificed their magic weapons, and the battle broke out in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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