Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 248 The woman in red

Chapter 248 The woman in red
Heifeng didn't stay any longer, and he was very anxious. That witch is not easy to mess with. He wanted to let that kid go and never come back, but now, hey... Is he reaping the consequences of himself?
Thinking of this, he mentioned Qingyi and flew into the air, fleeing towards the south.

Qingyi was very surprised, this speed was similar to her moving, is this a Mahayana monk?Really strong!
In half a cup of tea, they arrived at a gorgeous and warm place, which was in stark contrast to the black wind.

Heifeng put Qingyi down, looked at the bright red door in front of him, was very displeased, and wanted to turn around and go back.

Seeing that he hesitated, Qingyi couldn't help but ask with wide eyes: "Are you afraid of her? Or has she hurt you before?"

"What are you talking about, can I be afraid of her when I'm so powerful? I just don't like seeing her like that, um, it's so annoying!"

Heifeng gave Qingyi a blank look, as if to cover up his guilty conscience, and then walked aggressively towards the gate.

Before he hit the gate, there was a squeak, and the gate opened from the inside, left and right, and the entrance was still bright red. The house, flowers, gravel, and even the leaves were all mainly bright red.

Although they are all red, this place gives people a sense of warmth and festiveness, while the red of the blood bat on Cassia Island is depressing and dark.

Heifeng took Qingyi with her head high and her chest high, and walked towards a large hall opposite. How should I put it, there was a feeling of going forward bravely and being heroic.

Qingyi secretly laughed in her heart, there is definitely an inexplicable relationship between this black golden mouse and the owner here.

But what she's most worried about right now is Lan Fengli, but she doesn't have time to figure it out. While following the black wind, she spreads her consciousness, trying to find Lan Fengli's figure.

It's just that the divine consciousness she had just dispersed was pushed back by a stronger divine consciousness. Qingyi covered her head, and the sting of the primordial spirit made her stop.

Hei Feng also stopped, watched with concern, and said in a low voice, "Don't use your divine sense anymore, that temptress' soul is extremely powerful, so don't offend her easily."

The stinging pain disappeared soon, Qingyi glanced at Heifeng, "Can you beat her? Anyway, you caused this, you have to protect me."

"Of course I did. Your Uncle Hei is a monk in the middle stage of Mahayana. How could you be afraid of her in the early stage of Mahayana?"

Qingyi looked at him suspiciously, did not speak any more, and the two continued to walk inside.

"Little Heizi, do you still dare to come here? And you brought a human female cultivator with you."

A pleasant female voice sounded in the air and reached the ears of the two.

"Why didn't I dare to come? I came here to ask for someone. What did you do to that kid? Give it back to me quickly." Hei Feng's tone was very strong.

"Hmph! You still dare to ask for someone, and I still want to find you. Who did you send?" The woman's voice was full of anger.

After the sound fell, a beautiful red-clothed woman appeared in Qingyi's field of vision. She was sitting against a stone, and she didn't look at them, but looked at the afterglow in the corner, with a lazy and luxurious expression.

Is this the old hag in Heifengkou?Where is it old?Qingyi looked at Heifeng with big clear eyes, Heifeng hurriedly turned his head away and looked at the woman in red.

"The boy I sent is not only good-looking, but also has a better temperament. You must like it. Tell me, what did you do to him? Did you torture him to death?"

The woman in red finally turned her head, looked at them, and glanced at Qingyi, "Is this girl the one that kid likes?"

Heifeng nodded hurriedly, and the woman turned her head in disdain, "You just threw that kid to me because you fell in love with this girl, didn't you?"

"This girl is my old friend's child, don't talk nonsense, return that kid to me quickly, otherwise, I will..."

"How about you?"

"Smash your hall into pieces."

The woman turned her head back again, her tone was flat, "Since it's mine, what I want to do with it has nothing to do with you, you are still as naive as ever!"

The anger in Qingyi's heart surged up, the tone of this banshee, the senior brother seemed to be a private property of hers, and the Mahayana period was amazing.

Thinking that all of this was caused by Hei Feng, Hei Feng couldn't help but stare at him fiercely. Hei Feng suddenly felt his back go cold, and felt that he had lost face in front of the junior, so his anger surged up, and his voice became tough.

"If you don't let him go, I will forcefully break into your entire rock palace. I will definitely find him out and see how you stop me."

"Unfortunately, he is dead, how do you find him?"

Although the woman's voice was light, but Qingyi could hear it clearly, she staggered and almost fell, Hei Feng hurriedly comforted her:

"Don't listen to her nonsense, she is a seductress who is quiet on the surface but a lunatic on the inside."

The originally quiet eyes of the woman in red were instantly filled with anger, "Is this how you look at me?"

Hei Feng didn't speak any more, he seemed very angry, and disregarded the woman in red in front of him, he just let go of his consciousness and began to search carefully.

Qingyi also calmed down from the shock at the beginning. She felt that Lan Fengli was still alive and might be injured. Moreover, she remembered what the woman said at the beginning, that the senior brother probably escaped.

Thinking of this, her heart also calmed down, and when she looked at the woman, it was just as Hei Feng said, she looked very quiet and beautiful...

The woman seemed to know that Qingyi was looking at her, and cast a disdainful glance, "Didn't he tell you that I hate women looking at me?"

"You hate women who are prettier than you looking at you, don't you?" Qing Yi's confident tone seemed to anger the quiet woman in red.

As soon as she raised her hand, a strong air current hit Qingyi, and Heifeng rushed to meet her, shouting angrily:

"You are really a crazy woman. If you dare to hurt her, I will never show mercy to you."

"Have you ever shown mercy to me?" The woman snorted, withdrew her hand, and continued:
"You have checked it too, leave quickly, you are not welcome here!"

Heifeng is really in a hurry this time, there is no such place, is he really dead?He wanted to get angry again, but suddenly softened again.

"Hong Yi, I beg you, what happened to that kid?"

The woman was silent for a moment, as if she was still not used to Heifeng's title and tone.

Qingyi didn't speak any more, she didn't know how to ask for help, she couldn't beat her when she was angry, she could only look at Heifeng with those eyes, the meaning was very obvious.

Seeing that Hei Feng wanted to kneel down to the woman in red, just to tell the truth.

The woman flicked her sleeves, stood up, looked at Heifeng complicatedly, turned and walked inside.

"That kid is very powerful. He not only escaped from me, but also hurt me. You should be satisfied this time, right?"

Qingyi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that her guess was right, but where did the senior brother escape?
To be able to escape from the demon cultivators in the early days of Mahayana, the price should be very high?Thinking of this, her heart ached, and she pulled up Hei Feng's sleeve, "Let's leave quickly."

"Leave? Are you sure what she said?"

"Well, I also believe that the brother escaped, let's go find him, he must be injured."

(End of this chapter)

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