Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 249 Senior Brother in the Demon Realm

Chapter 249 Senior Brother in the Demon Realm

Hei Feng still didn't quite believe it, "He's just a late stage Transformation God, how could he escape?"

"I believe it is enough, are you reluctant to leave?"

"Where do you see reluctance? You girl, I'm afraid that after you leave, you will blame me."

After Heifeng finished speaking, he mentioned Qingyi angrily, and wanted to fly back.

"You let me down, I can fly by myself, do you know where to go?"

"I don't know, how about leaving this place first, returning to my place, and then thinking of a way?"

Qingyi glared at him, did not refute, and flew away with the black wind.

The woman in red looked at the direction the two were flying away, and under her calm eyes was a sad and beautiful smile, hehe, it turned out that she was just the crazy woman in his heart!
Are you crazy?The years are too long, and being alone is really too lonely. If he can accompany her, why bother to find those pleasures?

She lowered her head, thinking of Lan Fengli who had escaped, he was a better man, but also more heartless...

Hongyi raised her head, and laughed at herself again. She was unfeeling only towards her, but towards others, that is, the woman just now, she was very affectionate.

Thinking of Qingyi who left, really made her jealous, should she continue?or leave...

Qingyi returned to that dark place again, the two monsters, one black and one red, really matched each other.

"How do I get out of here? I don't think senior brother should be in your two places."

"Well, I have already checked my spiritual sense. How powerful is that kid? There is really no one who can leave here. Your vision is really not bad!"

Heifeng glanced at Qingyi, and said cautiously, hey!Whoever made himself a mistake first, now still depends on his face in front of the juniors.

Qingyi lowered her head and was thinking, where should she go to find Lan Fengli?
Hei Feng was also thinking about it, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Haven't you guys already become Taoist couples?"

Qingyi glanced at him, but nodded without knowing why.

"Then it's easy to handle, take a drop of your blood essence, and you can know where he is."

Qingyi was delighted, she seemed to understand it, and quickly took out a drop of blood, Heifeng took out a small object similar to a disc, and motioned for her to drop the blood on it.

Qingyi flicked lightly, and the blood essence sank into the disk, and then dispersed little by little, forming two light spots, one bright and the other dark, the bright one was her, and the dark one was Lan Fengli.

Qingyi looked at Yuanpan in surprise, and at the little spot of light far away from her.

"This kid really escaped, but how did he get there?"

Qingyi carefully looked at the location below, and couldn't help being surprised, "That location should be the boundary of the demon cultivator?"

Heifeng didn't want to nod, but...

Forget it, he should go to the demon world with this girl. Although he is a demon cultivator, he hates the demon world very much.

Qingyi had a bad premonition in her heart, Lan Fengli would not escape to the demon world, so there was only one possibility, being captured.

With Lan Fengli's character, if he was caught by the demon cultivator, he must have been seriously injured at the time!

Qingyi's heart ached, she looked at Heifeng, and really wanted to beat him up, it was only this broken rat that made senior brother like this.

However, it is useless to complain now, and she still needs his help to go to the demon world.

Hei Feng got up quickly, "Don't look at me like that, I'll take you to find him, okay? Hey! I'm your uncle, why am I so different from that kid."

"At the beginning, you were the one who took him away. Of course, you have to find him for me. Let's go quickly. Brother must be injured. It's late, I'm afraid..."

"This time I will fly with you, the speed can be faster, the demon world is far away from here, even with my speed, it will take a few days."

Qingyi didn't refuse, Heifeng took her and flew towards the east, seeming to pass through some barriers during the process.

Soon, the scenery in front of Qingyi changed. Although it was also the top of the mountains, it was far, far away from the magma river...

After flying out of the top of the mountains, Hei Feng slowed down, and he pointed at a big city in front of him.

"That city was originally the clan land of your Chu family, and now it is the city lord's mansion of Ye Fengyan.

At that time, because of your father's departure, I was very sad, so I went back to my original land. Who knew that the Chu family would undergo such a big change?It's all my fault for not helping your father take good care of his parents and clan. "

Heifeng's tone was full of self-blame and guilt, and Qingyi said comfortingly:
"Uncle Hei, I can't blame you for this. The Chu family will be taken away by Ye Fengyan sooner or later."

"Hearing you call uncle, I'm really happy. From now on, with your uncle covering you, who would dare to bully you? That Ye Fengyan, I have long since disliked him."

"Okay, we will definitely take back the clan land in the future, and your help will be indispensable at that time."

Heifeng was in a good mood, and brought Qingyi to a hidden place, "To go to the demon world, you must pass through this city, flying above the city is not allowed."

It would take at least three days to cross the city, and it would take only one day to fly through the city at her speed, so the fastest way is to fly over the city.

Qingyi took out a flying magic weapon, which was given to her by Lan Fengli, which can hide and hold her breath.

"Let's fly over, come up quickly, this magic weapon can be invisible, and others cannot see it."

"You still have such a baby?"

"Well, it was made by senior brother."

"That kid is still a refiner?"

Qingyi nodded, Heifeng sighed secretly, it would be a pity if this kid died...

The magic weapon flew into the air again in an instant, and quickly passed the city wall. Qingyi did not fly so fast, and she also wanted to take a closer look at the former clan land of the Chu family, and now the Dark Night City.

"I didn't expect that this city has changed so much. The original Chu family was not so prosperous. Ye Fengyan is a person who likes to show off.

The current Central Territory, just this city, has a mortal aura, so it's no wonder he can't ascend. "

Looking at the changes in the city below, Heifeng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Uncle Hei, didn't the Chu family have Mahayana monks after Daddy was promoted? How could such a big family be taken away so easily?"

"Yes, your great-grandfather and grandfather are both early Mahayana monks."

Qingyi's eyes widened, she obviously didn't believe that two Mahayana monks couldn't beat Ye Fengyan?
"After I came out, I learned that the Chu family was destroyed, and I also investigated it. It is said that at that time, your great-grandfather's lifespan had expired, and only your grandfather had a Mahayana period, and Ye Fengyan seemed to have united with the Bai family, so... ..."

"Bai family?" Qingyi thought of the few monks of the Bai family she had met, no wonder they were not pleasing to the eye, so they still have this kind of relationship.

"The current Mahayana monks of the Bai family are of the same generation as your father. They had conflicts with Chu Muyuan back then, and the Bai family and the Chu family have never been very friendly. Therefore, it is normal to help Ye Fengyan."

"It turned out to be like this. In the future, we will have another powerful enemy, and it will become more and more difficult."

Qingyi sighed softly, now that there are Demon Realm and Dark Night City, it is really difficult to come out to Bai Family today!

(End of this chapter)

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