Chapter 269
Chen Ping really didn't pay much attention to Yu'er and the others. They were just four little cultivators at the stage of transforming into gods. Although there were still three flying dragons, they were all ants in front of him, the peak of the later stage of fusion.

He didn't even pay attention to the sword that Yu'er swung towards him, he didn't even take the weapon, he directly turned his spiritual power into his palm, and grabbed the piece of sword energy that was coming.

The sword energy was caught by him in an instant, even if he could leapfrog the level again, in the face of the huge gap in strength, all means would be in vain.

Of course, Yu'er didn't expect to be able to defeat the enemy with a single sword. He just blocked it. Yu'er jumped and landed on Xin Quan's back. The three brothers swung their dragon tails, threw those people away, and headed towards Chen Ping. Just rushed over.

Chen Ping was taken aback, shouldn't he choose the position of the weak to break through?Could it be that in their eyes, he is the weak one?
Chen Ping, who has always had a good temper, now the anger in his heart is also rushing to the ground. He doesn't understand why he has become a weak person in the eyes of ants?

He must show them some color. If they really let them break out from his position today, he won't have to be the palace master in the future.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to push it any further, especially that Yu'er's sword just now seemed to be easily dispelled by him, but he was also surprised in his heart.

This kid is really not simple. If his cultivation reaches the fusion stage, he will no longer be his opponent.

A long spear appeared in his hand in an instant, filled with spiritual power, carrying the power of heavenly power, and stabbed at Xin Quan's dragon head.

I thought that one spear would be enough to stab the dragon, but who knows, a pair of air swords blocked the spear's penetration.

The air swords quickly converged in midair, and soon formed a sword array, trapping Chen Ping and his gun inside.

Yu'er can only reach the eighth level of Qi Sword Formation now, and it can't hurt the monks in the fusion stage, and can only be trapped for a short time, but this is enough.

Xin Quan took the opportunity to raise the dragon's head, passed directly beside Chen Ping, and flew northward. Xin Wu and Xin Wen behind him, the dragon's tail swept across the few people who were chasing.

Although they are now in the body of a dragon, they are much stronger than before, but after all, their strength is greatly lacking. Under the magical attack of several people, the two brothers have been injured, and blood slipped from the body of the dragon and spilled all over the ground.

But they still rushed out. When Xin Wu was excited, a dragon chant flew across the sky, shaking the souls of several people, but it also attracted more monks from the city of dark night.

Xin Wen looked at Xin Wu helplessly, and said, "Second brother, you will attract another group of people with your roar, how can we escape?"

"Oh, I forgot in the moment of excitement, the big deal is to fight with them."

Chen Ping quickly rushed out of the air sword formation, looked at the three worms flying in front of him, almost spit out a mouthful of blood, he glared at those people, and chased after them with a ray of light.

No matter how fast the three Xin Quan brothers flew, the difference in cultivation was still quickly caught up by those people. Yu'er turned her head to look at the chasing people, her gaze became firm again.

Raising her hands, she softly shouted "Heaven and Earth Net", tens of thousands of Qi swords flew out around Yu'er's body in an instant, forming a dense net quickly, and surrounded the six people behind.

Chen Ping was taken aback, he knew that this kid was a sword repairman, but how could he send out so many Qi swords all at once, how much spiritual power would it need?

Really can't be taken by ordinary people, Chen Ping swung his long spear again, this time with a stronger momentum than last time, he didn't believe that he would be trapped by these broken swords again.

Those five people also sacrificed their magic weapons. Seeing the big net coming towards them, their aura really made them tremble a little.

Not to mention the five people attacking the sword net with all their strength, even Chen Ping alone can defeat the sword net. Yu'er's purpose is not to trap them, but to hurt them, so that it is possible to rush out.

Just when their spells were about to attack the sword net, the sword net automatically separated to form six exhaust swords, which flew towards the six people respectively.

Boom boom boom... The explosion of countless air swords shook the surrounding space.

Yu'er sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood, and lay on Xin Quan's back. He had no strength left, so he went to see how those people would be hurt.

After the smoke and dust passed, Liu Mei'er was the weakest, she fell directly from mid-air, and her life and death were unknown.

Of the remaining five people, three of them were seriously injured by the blast, covered in blood, staggered and finally fell from mid-air.

Only Chen Ping and another monk in the late stage of fusion were relatively better, but seeing the bright red blood flowing from their bodies, they forgot to pursue them for a while.

Chen Ping looked at those three dragons in disbelief. He was not only escaped by the little ants today, but also injured. Where should he put his face?

But now is not the time to lose face, such a big commotion has probably alarmed the city lord, if they are allowed to escape, his palace lord should have done it.

He wiped the blood off his body, and a ray of light chased after them. He couldn't believe that he couldn't catch them. He probably didn't have the ability to fight anymore.

The three Xinquan brothers continued to fly north, and when they saw the injured Yu'er, they were also amazed. He was indeed the son of their master, as tough as his father.

Feeling the monks flying here from all directions, the hearts of the three couldn't help but feel cold. How should they escape?
I just hope that I can reunite with Lan Fengli as soon as possible, but with so many monks, even if Lan Fengli comes, can they escape?

When the monks in the night city saw the flying dragon suddenly appearing in mid-air, they were of course very curious, so they all flew here, including Ye Fengyan's children.

How long has it been since I saw the flying dragon? How could it appear in the sky above the Dark Night City? If it was captured and used as a mount, it would be so majestic.

So Ye Fengyan's children all brought their subordinates and galloped towards this side, fearing that they would be caught by others if it was too late, and the sky above Dark Night City was full of excitement for a while.

The three Xinquan brothers ignored the many monks who surrounded them, and went on a rampage all the way to the north.

The blood on his body was like raindrops on a sunny day, gorgeous and glaring, each drop was submerged in the soil, sounding and seemingly silent...

Finally passed through the siege of the monks who flew up nearby. Fortunately, these monks are all in the stage of transformation, otherwise it would be difficult for them to break out of the encirclement.

Seeing the city wall so close, the three brothers were overjoyed that they would be able to fly out of the city immediately, and maybe they could escape when they met Lan Fengli.

However, seeing the prohibition that suddenly appeared on the city wall, the three brothers were taken aback. Who activated the big formation to protect the city?

The last glimmer of hope in their eyes was also extinguished, and it seemed that they could not escape death today.

At this time, Chen Ping had already chased up from behind, he laughed and said:
"Three little worms, surrender obediently, but you can spare your death. I will only catch the kid on your back."

Xin Quan raised his head and let out a long moan, which shocked Chen Ping for a moment.

"Death is imminent, but you still dare to resist, where should I stab you with this shot?"

After Chen Ping finished speaking, he raised his spear and fired again, "I will definitely pick you out this time."

It was just a sword that suddenly appeared in midair, directly meeting his spear.

(End of this chapter)

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