Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 270 Lan Fengli Reappears

Chapter 270 Lan Fengli Reappears

Chen Ping was startled, how could that kid still have fighting power?No, this is not sword energy, but sword field, which is much stronger than the sword just now.

His long spear was locked in that area, making it difficult to penetrate an inch, he couldn't help being startled, thinking of the man with the mighty sword on the fixing talisman, could it be him?
Chen Ping raised his head and looked forward, only to see a handsome man in black, holding a sword against him, looking at him indifferently.

It was really him, although not the original appearance, but the same temperament, even better than two years ago.

Who are these people, and why have their cultivation improved so quickly in just over two years?Moreover, the formation prohibition of the big city protection formation was ineffective on him, he should have just rushed over from outside the city.

Chen Ping calmed down and didn't worry too much. On the contrary, he was very excited, thinking, will that woman appear in a while?
Coming to Dark Night City is their world, no matter how strong these people are, what's the use?It's not in their urn.

Thinking of this, the spear in his hand shook, and he rushed out of the sword field, looked back at the late-stage fusion who followed him, and shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and arrest people."

The male cultivator regained his senses, and quickly sacrificed his magic weapon to join the battle circle.

While facing the enemy, Lan Fengli glanced at Yu'er on Xin Quan's back. Yu'er had recovered a little at this time, and when he saw his father, his mouth was split open, and the dry blood on his lips was still dazzling.

Seeing Lan Fengli, the three brothers seemed to regain their spirits. With a flick of the dragon's tail, they once again greeted the surrounding monks.

Lan Fengli's current cultivation level is at the peak of the late stage of transformation of gods. Looking at the more and more shadows in the distance, he doesn't panic too much. He can break out of the demon world, and he can also leave the night city.

Seeing the long spear that was stabbing again, Lan Fengli put away the sword, raised his finger slightly, and countless air swords shot out from his chest, meeting Chen Ping and the later stage of fusion.

A pair of qi swords moved rapidly in mid-air, and soon formed two sword formations of the ninth-level primary, covering Chen Ping and the late-stage monk in it.

The ninth-level primary formation can kill monks at the beginning of the fusion, but these two are at the late stage of the fusion. It is impossible to kill them with the air sword formation, but if the sword formation is detonated, the power will be much greater. They can be completely killed.

Chen Ping, who was covered by the sword formation, panicked. This sword formation was much stronger than Yu'er's. He just wanted to rush out with all his strength, but he heard a faint "explosion".

Two shocking bangs exploded near the northern city wall of Dark Night City, opening a gap in the barriers of the nine-level protective formation.

The monks who were galloping towards this side in the distance were all startled by the two loud noises, not knowing whether to advance or retreat for a while.

Chen Ping and that late-stage monk had already been blown to pieces. Chen Ping never dreamed that his good luck had finally come to an end at this moment today.

Detonating the Qi Sword Formation will consume more spirit energy and sword energy than detonating the Qi Sword Formation, but it is much easier for Lan Fengli to detonate the Qi Sword Formation since Jian Xin practiced out of bounds, and it will not hurt the body. There seems to be endless spiritual energy and sword energy in the sword world, but he can let him squander them.

Yu'er looked at everything in front of her in amazement. She didn't expect her father to be much stronger after a few months of absence. His eyes were full of little stars he admired. He also wanted to quickly cultivate out of the sword world. He was really strong!

As soon as Qingyi's magic weapon flew into the Dark Night City, she heard these two loud noises.

Heifeng glanced at Qingyi and said, "The sound is similar to your explosion. Is it that kid? It's even faster than us."

Qingyi took out the small disc, and said happily: "It's senior brother, Uncle Hei, you go quickly, Ye Fengyan will definitely appear, I'm afraid senior brother won't be his match."

"You, when you need me, you call it uncle. I think your senior brother is strong, maybe you can't use me like this."

Just as Qingyi was about to say something, Chu Yunlan rushed out of the magic weapon and said:
"Xiao Hei, let's go quickly. Ye Fengyan already knew about the opening of the protective array, and would never let them go easily. Don't worry about that kid, I'm still worried about my great-grandson!"

"Okay, this time, we must hurt Night Maniac a little bit."

After the two of them finished talking, a flash of light disappeared.

"Is this the Mahayana period? It's really strong, when can I achieve it?" Mao'er said enviously.

"You're so lazy, I think it's early." Shui'er hit aside.

"Don't forget, you and I are at the same level of cultivation. If we demon cultivators only absorb spiritual energy to advance, we really can't cultivate as fast as humans."

Qingyi didn't join their conversation, and controlled the magic weapon to fly at a high speed. She was still worried that once Ye Fengyan gathered all the strength of the city to arrest people, it would be really difficult to escape.

Yu'er took the healing pill and has recovered a lot now. He patted Xin Quan and said, "You guys should change back to human form, it's too eye-catching."

"I didn't expect that we turned into real dragons, and we were still much worse than your father."

After Xin Quan finished speaking, the three brothers turned back into human form.

Lan Fengli glanced at the three of them, smiled lightly and said:
"You are very good. I had an adventure this time and turned into a real dragon. Thank you for protecting Yu'er."

"Hehe, we didn't do anything, what should we do now?" Xin Wu glanced at the monk who started to rush over here again and asked.

Lan Fengli looked into the distance deeply, took out the magic weapon of stealth flying, threw it to Yu'er, and said:

"You take them to escape through the gap, I can't go now."

"Haha, you still have self-knowledge, and none of you can escape today."

After the sound fell, Ye Fengyan in purple appeared in front of Lan Fengli, looked up and down, nodded and said:
"Well, it's really strong. In a few decades, I will not be your opponent. Unfortunately, you have no chance to grow again."

"Really? It won't take decades, but I will defeat you in five years." Lan Fengli replied lightly.

"Haha, you are really crazy." Ye Fengyan laughed angrily at his words.

"Or you can try."

"I don't want to play these games with you. If you are in danger, you must kill them first, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Ye Fengyan looked directly at Lan Fengli.

"A villain always uses his own heart to judge other people's belly, just like you, when Chu Muyuan left you, it was a disaster."

Lan Fengli's tone was still calm.

Ye Fengyan's playful gaze became darker and darker, like dark clouds suddenly changing in the sky. He looked at it for a while, then laughed and said:
"So that woman is really from the Chu family, and you are also with them?"

"Yes, so what? You have taken away their family land, and you can still flaunt yourself as a good person so openly, and you are no longer worthy of being a human being!"

Lan Fengli's current mouth really dared to say anything, Yu'er gave a thumbs up to the side, this is his father, he likes to face strong enemies.

Ye Fengyan raised her hand and said lightly, "You can go to hell!" After speaking, he flicked his sleeves, and went straight to Lan Fengli with a strong force.

Lan Fengli did not show any weakness, the sword in his hand reappeared, and when the sword lifted, it brought up a large gray-white sword glow, covering Ye Fengyan.

(End of this chapter)

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