Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 281 The Origin of Water

Chapter 281 The Origin of Water
After busy setting up the formations in the two caves, Qingyi finally let out a sigh of relief. This time she can go back to the cave to practice. Thinking of the bead Yu'er gave her, she really wanted to go back and find out.

As soon as Qingyi entered the cave, she fell into a firm embrace.

"Brother, you startled me."

"You've been busy, I don't have time to talk to you." Lan Fengli's voice contained helplessness.

"Then you won't help me?"

"You didn't let me go. I happened to refine this thing these few days. Look, is it better than his one?"

After Lan Fengli finished speaking, he took out one and put it in front of her. Qingyi took it, looked at it carefully and praised:
"It's more beautiful than that one. Not only is it more exquisite in appearance, but it also has patterns on it. Brother, you are really amazing!"

Receiving Qingyi's praise, Lan Fengli's heart suddenly burst into countless happy little bubbles, and he wanted to rush out of his body.

"But senior brother, it's useless to look good, the main thing is to be useful, is this useful for you?" Qingyi looked at him suspiciously with big eyes.

"How can you not believe me?" Lan Fengli's heart seemed to be hurt by those bubbles again.

"I believe in the facts more, hehe."

"You, you have to learn to trust me, just like this time, the demon world is so dangerous, you dare to go alone." Lan Fengli nodded her little nose helplessly.

"I'm not worried that you were arrested and sent to the demon world because of your injuries. Who knew that you were sent to the door by yourself." Qingyi gave him a white look.

"Okay, I'll let you see the facts." Lan Fengli hurriedly diverted Qingyi's attention, and after speaking, a drop of blood popped out from his fingertip and fell on the small thing, and a spot of light appeared in it immediately.

"Huh, why is there only one? But last time I clearly had two." Qingyi felt very strange.

"I'm just ordinary blood, of course it's just one, take a drop and have a look."

"Okay," Qingyi replied, and quickly imitated him, popping a drop of blood from her fingertip.

Immediately another light spot appeared inside, and the two light spots were very close together.

"It's really easy to use. In the future, if you drip blood on Yu'er's, Shui'er's, Mao'er's, and Grandpa and Uncle's, it will be much easier to find."

"There can only be me and you on top of this."

After Lan Fengli finished speaking, he took out another one and dripped another drop of blood on it. Qingyi didn't know why, but she followed suit.

"You and I are alone, and we won't go missing if we get separated in the future."

Qingyi put it away happily, remembering Yu'er's bead, she quickly took it out.

"Brother, I will go into space to study this bead."

After speaking, he disappeared immediately.

Leaving Lan Fengli standing there, he could only sigh. In the eyes of his junior sister, he seems to be not as good-looking as a bead. Forget it, he should also practice hard and hit the fusion stage.

With the experience of the original wood bead, Qingyi directly penetrated the water spirit power into it, and slowly it turned out to be the same as last time, the beads were constantly absorbing her water spirit power.

Qingyi's big eyes narrowed into slits in an instant, Yu'er was really right, after absorbing this bead, would she break through to the late stage of transformation?Moreover, it can also comprehend the deep meaning of the water element.

Soon the bead shattered, and a mass of colorless but light blue gas enveloped him in an instant.

Seemingly invisible, it seemed to have tangible power, which made her body very painful. It was not like the warmth of a new life like the absorption of wood origin.

Qingyi endured the pain, while absorbing the origin of these waters, the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness was also grasping the power of those origins little by little, savoring the true profound meaning they bestowed.

Water is the source of all life. The meaning of water is profound and profound. How many people can truly understand its true meaning?

Once she knows its true meaning, she will achieve immortality, that is, a water god-like existence. For Qingyi, as long as she can comprehend the deep meaning, it is extremely difficult.

Time was passing by little by little, and the gas surrounding Qingyi gradually became nothingness.

The little primordial spirit is still caressing the source of water, water is even soft, invisible but can be transformed into tangible power, attack can be changed, and defense can keep life alive...

It took an unknown amount of time before Qingyi opened her eyes, and everything around her was illuminated like a star.

She got up and walked out of the wooden house, raised her finger lightly, and a vast ocean appeared in front of her eyes, and when she retracted her finger, it disappeared in an instant.

Is this the source of water?It was as if the water had merged with her. As long as she wanted to, she could instantly transform into various tangible things, and even form a layer of water protection on her body surface, comparable to a fairy weapon.

The comprehension of water mysteries seems to be more difficult than wood mysteries, but the result is also more effective.In fact, the deep comprehension of any element is inseparable from the understanding of Tao.

Qingyi's eyes turned into crescent moons again, this time the harvest is really great, not only comprehending the profound meaning of water, her cultivation base also directly entered the late stage of transforming gods.

She wanted to go out immediately and share her joy with her senior brother, but her spiritual sense saw that Lan Fengli was practicing in the time formation in the cave, so she retreated.

After calming down, she entered the wooden house, saw the male puppet standing beside her, nodded to him and sighed:
"I can't understand it if I tell you, hey! I'd better learn alchemy."

It's just that the moment she turned around, the puppet's dull eyes seemed to turn for a moment, and then it returned to calm.

Qingyi wanted to break through to a ninth-rank senior alchemist earlier, so that she could refine Feisheng Pill.

Thinking of this, he turned around and left the wooden house again, went to the medicine field to pick a bunch of medicinal materials and carried them into the wooden house, then got into the time formation and started alchemy alchemy.

Two months have passed outside, nearly two years in the Time Formation, Qingyi has been refining alchemy day and night, only stopping twice in the middle, still to clean up her body.

Today, I finally succeeded in refining Feisheng Pill. Looking at the ten round and plump pills in the bottle, Qingyi forgot to tidy up her messy long hair and her flowery face, and went out of the space excitedly .

Lan Fengli, who was practicing, seemed to hear the movement, opened his eyes, and was startled when he saw Qingyi's appearance, got up and walked to her side, hehe laughed.

"Junior Sister, why did you make it like this?"

Only then did Qingyi come to her senses, and quickly got into the space again.

The hand that Lan Fengli had just raised stopped in mid-air. He withdrew his hand and shook his head helplessly, but he didn't continue to practice, and stood there waiting for Qingyi.

Not long after, Qingyi reappeared in a clean and fresh dress in aqua blue.

"Actually, Junior Sister's appearance just now is more real, did she refine the Feisheng Pill?" Lan Fengli pulled her to sit on the wooden chair.

"Just pay attention to the pills, haven't you seen any changes in me?"

"See, it's Yu'er's bead, right? Is it really the source of water? So you have also comprehended the profound meaning of water?" Lan Fengli's voice was also full of joy.

"Well, brother, do you think that the three elements also have this kind of origin beads?" Qing Yi asked curiously with her eyes wide open.

"Since there are already two types, the three types are of course also possible, but they can be encountered but not sought after."

"I know, if I can get the origin beads of the three elements again, and the five elements can comprehend the deep meaning, then using "Five Elements Returning to the Origin" will be much stronger." Qingyi's eyes showed yearning.

(End of this chapter)

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