Chapter 282
"Senior Brother, I have been in the Central Territory for so long, but I haven't heard of any force mentioning that Immortal Mansion, isn't it?"

Qingyi suddenly remembered this question and asked.

Lan Fengli rubbed her hair, smiled and said: "Immortal mansion must exist, there is no news, it is very likely that various forces are still looking for it secretly, junior sister, don't worry, when the time comes, it will definitely appear, isn't it Do you want to go now?"

"It's not impossible to go now, we also have Mahayana monks here."

"But once you become a public enemy, there is no chance of winning in two Mahayana periods, so it will be safer to wait for our cultivation to be higher." Lan Fengli said while brewing two cups of tea.

"I know, I just want to get the fairy crystal as soon as possible. With the fairy crystal, there is another layer of protection around me, so I don't have to worry too much even if I attract more enemies."

Qingyi thought of the puppet in Space, with the Immortal Crystal, it was the strength of a celestial being, no matter how powerful Ye Fengyan was, he couldn't be wiped out with one move.

"With fairy crystals, you may not be invincible in this continent." Lan Fengli sipped his tea and smiled lightly.

Qingyi drank the tea in her mouth and almost spit it out, she looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"When I went to the Demon Realm this time, I overheard a conversation between two monks in the integration stage, talking about loose immortals and demons outside the territory." Lan Fengli continued.

"Extraterritorial loose immortals and loose demons? What is that? Since it is outside the domain, it should not belong to the central domain."

"It does not belong to the Central Territory, but it is on the same continent. The monks there are all people, demons and demons who failed to survive the robbery and had their bodies destroyed.

Loose Immortals are divided into levels from one to ten. If you can cultivate to level ten Loose Immortals, you can still ascend to the Immortal Realm.

The strength of the second-level Sanxian is similar to that of the first-level Celestial Immortal. "Lan Fengli said, with worry in his eyes.

"Senior brother, why did you mention the Sanxian outside the Territory?" Qing Yi had a bad feeling.

"I'm not too sure about this." Lan Fengli said this, looking at Qingyi.

"I'm afraid it has something to do with your absorption of soul stones."

"No way? Even the Demon Lord didn't personally come out to arrest me, so why did he ask to scatter the demons? Besides, since it's outside the territory, they won't interfere with the affairs of the Central Domain, right?" Qing Yi still didn't quite believe it.

"Everything will have accidents. If someone big can invite loose immortals or scattered demons from outside the domain, then we will be very dangerous."

Qingyi's eyes widened when she looked at Lan Fengli, and she said with a clear understanding:
"Senior Brother, what do you mean, that Demon Cultivator who needs Soul Cultivation Stone is a big shot?"

Lan Fengli nodded slightly, "Although this is my guess, it is very likely to be true."

"People who are bigger than Sanma can only be demon cultivators from the fairy world, but how could demon cultivators from the fairy world appear in Tianxiang Continent?" Qing Yi was confused for a moment.

Lan Fengli chuckled, "Junior Sister is very smart, she already guessed that the big shot is a demon cultivator from the fairy world."

"Are you laughing at me for being stupid?" Qingyi looked at her suspiciously.

"Junior Sister is really smart, just think about it and you will understand everything."

"You mean I'm still stupid than you?" Qingyi turned her head uncomfortably, then suddenly turned around again, humming:
"I just don't like to think about it. I'm tired of thinking. It's actually so simple. A big man needs a soul stone. It must be that the soul is injured and trapped somewhere."

When Qingyi said this, she didn't understand again, she wanted to ask and then closed her mouth, she didn't admit that she was stupid than him!

Lan Fengli looked at her, rubbed her hair again in a funny way, and said:
"Do you want to ask, since he is trapped, why do those demon cultivators still listen to him?"

Qingyi didn't want to admit it, but she nodded her head anyway.

"I'm not very clear about this either." Lan Fengli shook his head helplessly.

"I don't know? Then you still pretend to understand everything." Qingyi gave him a white look.

"However, I know that there is a power of belief, which is also called belief in gods. Demon cultivators generally believe in demon gods."

"Devil God? Do you mean that big man is a Demon God? But shouldn't the Demon God belong to the God Realm?"

Qingyi also knows the power of belief. Generally, no matter a practitioner or an ordinary person, there is a kind of belief, that is, the existence of gods. Once you believe in a certain god, you are a loyal believer.

Lan Fengli shook his head and said, "I really don't know about that. Back then, I was able to find the location of the Soul Cultivation Stone in the Western Continent. That was only possible with divine sense."

Qingyi's mouth opened and then closed. If all this is true, then her most powerful enemy is not Dark Night City, but Moxiu.

"You don't have to worry too much, the demon cultivators who disperse demons won't appear so early, and we just need to practice with peace of mind at this stage." Lan Fengli comforted.

"Brother, do you think Tianxiang Continent's inability to ascend may be related to this great figure of the demon cultivator?"

Qingyi's inspiration instantly thought of this question.

"I said that junior sister is very smart, and she thought of it so quickly." Lan Fengli boasted without hesitation.

"Brother, you have already thought of it? Then why didn't you tell me?" Qingyi scolded.

"I only guessed it from hearing Moxiu talk about extraterrestrial loose immortals. Since junior sister also thinks so, it's almost the same reason."

"That's not going to be easy. In the future, we have to hide from the demon cultivators and find the location of the big man in the end to solve the problem of ascension. Isn't this a contradiction?" Qing Yi bowed her head as if talking to herself.

"Junior Sister, don't worry too much. Now is not the time to think about it. There will always be a solution in the end." Lan Fengli comforted with a light smile.

"Well, this time we will stay in the family and practice with peace of mind. When the fusion period is reached, I want to go out to find the Immortal Mansion. With the Immortal Crystal, I will feel more at ease."

"Okay, even if there is no news from the Immortal Mansion, we can release the news that you got this sword." Lan Fengli also thought so.

"The Mahayana stage puppet that Daddy gave me is a late Mahayana stage puppet, so do you think that puppet of the celestial being is also a tenth-level celestial being?"

Qingyi's eyes lit up when she thought of this question, if she is a tenth-level celestial being, then what if the Sanxian from outside the territory came?
"There is this possibility. There are no tenth-level loose immortals outside the domain. Even if there are tenth-level loose immortals, they are no match for heavenly immortals at the same level." Lan Fengli seemed to understand everything.

"Senior brother, I finally understand now that Daddy left me that puppet on purpose, and he must have considered the extraterrestrial loose immortals." Qing Yi instantly understood everything.

"Well, in fact, your father is very kind to you. Although he is not by your side, he has helped you a lot."

Lan Fengli's tone was a little envious.

"Brother, your family should not have known about your departure, otherwise it would be the same." Qingyi comforted.

"Perhaps, any external force can only be used for a while, and in the end it depends on one's own strength."

"Well, what brother said is quite right, then let's go to the space to practice now and see who can reach the fusion stage first."

"If my junior sister catches up with me, your grandpa and the others will look down on me."

"so what?"

"So you will never be able to catch up with me, haha... Junior sister, why don't we do something else first."

"Go, no matter how serious you are, I won't take you into the space."


(End of this chapter)

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