Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 288 Talk about conditions

Chapter 288 Talk about conditions

Meng Tianyi and Qin Shuihan glanced at each other, finally nodded and said: "Alright, I will do as you say."

Ye Fengyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they deal with the Chu family together, he doesn't care about giving up some benefits.

Meng Tianyi and Qin Shuihan agreed on the surface, but they were communicating with each other, and they would decide when they actually saw Chu Yunlan. Ye Fengyan had always been someone they didn't want to cooperate with, but they didn't want to offend.

In the end, the few people agreed that one of the two earth fairy fruits would go to the Demon Emperor and Demon Lord, and the other would belong to their four families. Although the Demon Lord was not very willing, the Demon Emperor agreed to use other compensations, so there was no objection.

So the six began to work together, and it didn't take long to get out of the maze. Bai Fengxian quickly took back her sword, and so did the Demon Emperor and Demon Lord.

Several people finally saw the entrance formation restriction.

"This is a ninth-level mid-level formation. We can break through it as long as we attack together." Meng Tianyi glanced at the formation restriction at the entrance and said.

"I'm really curious what it will look like inside. Isn't it just a mid-level ninth-level formation? I'll try it first."

After the Demon Emperor finished speaking, he slapped it with his palm first. The restraint trembled and trembled, and it was almost broken.

"As long as I hit it again, it can be broken, and you don't need to work hard."

After the Demon Emperor finished speaking, he slapped him again, and the restriction was really broken.

"I knew that the ninth-level formation doesn't need so many people." The Demon Emperor seemed very proud.

"Hey, why are you all watching, shouldn't you rush in?" The Demon Emperor looked at the five people standing by and watched, and couldn't help asking.

"It's just a Chu family that hasn't had the glory it once had. I don't know why you are so careful? I'll go in first." Seeing no one answered, the Demon King glanced at them and said with contempt.

Then he stepped in with one step, followed closely by Di Heng, he was a bit careful, if he was attacked by that girl's puppet just after entering, it would not be very beautiful.

This was especially true for Ye Fengyan, he had already suffered a loss once, and there was a demon emperor with a higher level of cultivation than him, so he had better be careful.

With the leader, the others soon followed. There was no surprise attack as they imagined, nor did they see the scene of the clan land that they should have.

"Why is it a formation again? It's still a phantom formation. I hate these broken things the most."

The Demon Emperor cursed annoyedly, flicked his robe sleeves, and rolled up the yellow sand all over the sky. He thought he could directly smash this phantom formation, but after the yellow sand passed, another formation restriction appeared in front of him.

Looking at the formation restriction that suddenly appeared in front of him, Meng Tianyi said: "This formation does not show how many levels, it should be very strong."

"Where can it be stronger? The highest formation in Tianxiang Continent is only level ten. As long as we attack together, it will break through in a short time." After the Demon Emperor finished speaking, he swung out another powerful palm.

Several other people also attacked together, but for more than a dozen times in a row, there was only a slight fluctuation in the formation restriction.

"Grandma, what kind of formation method is this? Is it you, Chu Yunlan? If you are capable of fighting head-on, is it interesting to use these heresy ways?"

The Demon Emperor shouted into the formation holding his breath.

"As long as you can control the enemy, what's wrong with heretics? Why don't you just keep you out? I don't know why so many of you broke in together?
Ye Fengyan, is this the helper you asked for to destroy my Chu family? "Chu Yunlan's voice rang in the ears of the six people.

"We came here looking for the sword, but we didn't know that you hid it here. The sword is with you, right? Let us in so we can discuss the matter of entering the Immortal Mansion."

Ye Fengyan said lightly, without changing what he said.

"Can you still believe what you said?" There was irony in Chu Yunlan's words, and his figure appeared directly in the sight of several people.

"Uncle Chu, it's really you." Meng Tianyi and Qin Shuihan shouted together, with surprise and a little excitement in their voices.

The two of them belonged to Chu Muyuan's generation. In the past, the four major families had some contact with each other. They always called Chu Yunlan uncle, so of course they still called him that when they met now.

"Well, both of you have become patriarchs now, did you really come here with them today just to find the sword?" Chu Yunlan's attitude was not bad.

"It is indeed to find the sword. I didn't expect the last sword to be with you." Meng Tianyi replied hastily.

"Hehe, it's here with me, what do you think?"

"Old man Chu, we are just looking for the sword, now that we know that the sword is with you, everything will be easy, we can study the matter of entering the Immortal Mansion together.

Let us in quickly, it's not very friendly for you to close the door as soon as we meet. "Di Heng began to shout.

"Hehe, let you in? Then kill me together?" Chu Yunlan smiled.

"Old man Chu, you can't say that, and I have no enmity with you, why should I kill you?" Di Heng quickly retorted.

"With Ye Fengyan with you, the result is not just to find the sword." Chu Yunlan's tone was very affirmative.

"What do you think? Stop whining, I'm only concerned about going to the Immortal Mansion. I'm not interested in listening to the grievances between you." The Demon Emperor said impatiently.

"This will not affect the discussion of the Immortal Mansion." Chu Yunlan said lightly.

"Tell me first, what are the conditions for going to the Immortal Mansion?" The Demon Emperor asked impatiently.

"Don't worry, I will never raise conditions indiscriminately. Since the sword is the key to the Immortal Mansion, the people who enter the Immortal Mansion are determined by the sword. A sword can bring five people in. What do you think?"

The Demon Emperor, Mozun, and even Ye Fengyan thought this condition was fair.

"Okay, happy, then you can leave with us now and go to Xunxian Mansion together." The Demon Emperor expressed his opinion first.

"I have one more condition, that is, I decide the day to go to the Immortal Mansion." Chu Yunlan said slowly.

"How can this be done? If you don't go, will we still wait for you forever?" Mozun was the first to object.

"I don't have many years of life, so you won't have to wait long."

"I don't even know the location of the Immortal Mansion right now. I think you should come out first and let the four swords determine the location of the Immortal Mansion first. It just so happens that the cultivator under me should still be there." Ye Fengyan said with a good temper .

"Yes, yes, first determine the location of the Immortal Mansion, old man Chu, you won't be so timid, will you?" Di Heng quickly said in cooperation.

"I'm not timid, but someone always wants to kill me. I can't beat so many of you. How can I trust your words?" Chu Yunlan's voice was flat.

"We have no enmity with you, why did we kill you? You think too much." The Demon Emperor felt that Chu Yunlan was a cunning and cunning.

"You know whether to kill me or not." Chu Yunlan remained unmoved.

Meng Tianyi and Qin Shuihan looked at each other, they really wanted to tell the truth, but facing the mighty Demon Emperor, Demon Lord and Ye Fengyan who were stronger than them, they could only stand aside and keep silent for now.

Ye Fengyan was also silent, unable to enter the clan land, so he could only trick the old guy out, but it didn't work at all from the current situation, forget it, there will be opportunities to kill him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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