Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 289 is no longer calm

Chapter 289 is no longer calm
Thinking of this, Ye Fengyan laughed.

"Chu Yunlan, everyone knows the rules of the world of cultivating immortals. The weak are prey to the strong, so you don't have to point it out all the time. Since you don't believe me, I can make an oath to the heavens when I go out this time to confirm the location of the immortal mansion. How about it?"

The Demon Emperor and Mozun were obviously stunned, but they quickly realized and said quickly:
"We also made an oath of heaven to guarantee that the sword is still in your hand and your life is still on you. Should you be relieved this time?"

"Okay, then you all swear to heaven here, and I can witness it with my own eyes."

Chu Yunlan finally let go of his heart. Regardless of whether it is a demon or a demon, the monk has made a vow of heaven. If he violates it, he will be directly included in the reincarnation of heaven.

They came so suddenly this time, Chu Yunlan guessed that Ye Fengyan must have told about the Earth Fairy Fruit, even if he and Heifeng were together, they were no match for these people.

After escaping this time, he can try to unite with the Meng family and the Qin family, and with Qingyi and Lan Fengli, he will no longer be afraid of them.

Soon the three of them finished their oath of heaven, Chu Yunlan was in a good mood, waved his hand and said: "You can go out, I will be there soon."

The Demon Emperor snorted, flung his robe sleeves to bring up a cloud of dust, turned and walked outside.

Thinking that his powerful divine beast Golden Dragon couldn't break through a formation restriction today, and was forced to swear the oath of heaven. His good mood recently was wiped out in an instant.

Di Heng was also a little unwilling, he was not sure if the female cultivator was here?I regret not bringing Fang Ru.

Several people left one after another with different moods.

"Grandpa, you are amazing!" Qingyi boasted with a smile.

"Haha, that's because Shui'er's formation is powerful, grandpa just talked about it." Chu Yunlan was in a good mood.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Heifeng asked from the side.

"No, you accompany the two of them to go through the thunder tribulation. Anyway, you have sworn the oath of heaven. I am safe this time. Don't worry."

After Chu Yunlan finished speaking, she stretched out her hand.

Suddenly, Qingyi took out the sword and put it in Chu Yunlan's hand.

"The clan land will not be peaceful in the future, you should be careful, come back after the thunder disaster, don't go out again, wait for me to come back."

Chu Yunlan gave another warning, then opened the formation and disappeared in a flash.

Hei Feng turned his head to look at Qingyi and Shui'er, and then at Lan Fengli who was not far away, thinking, this kid has never called him uncle, he should still remember the original grudge, what a shame Likeable.

At this time, there are still many people watching from afar, such a big commotion, even those who are practicing in closed doors will be awakened.

This is the first time they have seen Mahayana monks, and that kind of height is the existence they look up to.

Qingyi was just about to take Shui'er out to survive the thunder disaster, when she saw Mu Wanrou and the others walking towards her, so she went up to meet her.

"Qingyi, are those people just now Mahayana monks? How did they get here?" Mu Wanrou asked curiously.

"Well, almost all the monks of the Mahayana period in the central region have come. This place may not be peaceful again in the future, why don't you go back to Tianyuzong first."

Qingyi felt that it was necessary to let them go away for a while.

"Will they come again? They didn't break the formation this time, and they won't in the future, right?" Mu Wanrou tried to ask.

"Should come, I forgot to tell you all the time, our Chu family got into trouble with Moxiu and the City of Dark Night, it will be very dangerous in the future, so..."

"We're not afraid of danger. It's just that your cultivation base is getting further and further away. It seems that it can't help you, and you always worry about us." Mu Wanrou's voice was a little disappointed.

"We are friends, we should help each other, but it will be really dangerous in the future, I'm afraid..."

Before Qingyi finished speaking, Lin Peifeng on the side joked and said, "Since your clansmen can stay here, but let us leave alone, you still treat us as outsiders."

"How come? My people have nowhere to go for the time being, but you have a sect to rely on."

"Hey, Sister Qingyi, anyway, my brother and I are already your relatives, that is, a family. Where is there no danger in the world of cultivating immortals? I really feel that it is safer to be by your side." Shi Lin said with a smile and took a step forward.

"That's right, I think so too. To be able to be by the side of a genius at Yunyang Peak is something that many people in the sect would not envy. Don't drive us away anymore. Friends should share the blessings and share the hardships!"

Mu Wanrou's mood instantly improved again.

"Since you say so, I won't be hypocritical anymore. If there is really a big danger, then we will run away."

After chatting with them for a while, Qingyi took Shui'er and left the clan with Lan Fengli and Hei Feng.

The two were separated by a certain distance, so that the thunder tribulations would not be too dense. With a Mahayana mid-stage guardian next to them, they didn't worry about any danger. After all, those Mahayana stage monks are very busy now.

Qingyi swallowed a lightning protection pill, and quickly formed a water shield on her body surface. With the water shield as protection, she felt more at ease.

What she is worried about now is whether there will be Zi Lei?At that time, all the big talk was blown out, if it didn't happen, if you lose face and don't say it, it will make Shui'er very disappointed.

Qingyi prayed with both hands, hoping that her feeling at that moment was right, Zi Lei, Zi Lei, you must patronize!
Just after praying, Lei Jie had already fallen, and Shui'er was also very nervous, hoping that Zi Lei would come this time.

The lightning calamity of monks can attract purple thunder very rarely, but Shui'er is very confident. After all, Qingyi is not an ordinary monk. Even Lan Fengli's thunder calamity has brought down purple thunder, not to mention the aptitude and strength. For his Qingyi?
Heifeng stood between Lan Fengli and Qingyi, originally he only wanted to stay by Qingyi's side, but this girl let him take care of this kid.

Why!He is a pitiful person. In the future, if this kid surpasses him in cultivation, will he be beaten up?
The thunder tribulation fell ten times very quickly, and with the protection of the water defense, there were no minor injuries until now. Surviving the thunder tribulation in the future is really something worth looking forward to.

Every time the body is tempered by lightning, the body will become much stronger. In the future, the strength of the physical body will be comparable to that of a spirit treasure.

It's just that there have been ten thunder tribulations, why is there no purple thunder yet?Qingyi's heart began to be uncertain, she raised her head to look at Shui'er with normal eyes, and comforted her with a smile:
"There are still five thunderbolts, don't worry, there will definitely be Zilei."

"I think you are in a hurry, right? Anyway, I didn't have much hope." Shui'er said indifferently.

"You have to trust my feelings."

"I believe in facts."

"Look, Zilei..." Qingyi exclaimed.

Shui'er looked up to the sky expectantly, and then...

"You lied to me, I hate it!"

"No, I didn't lie to you. The one just now was purple lightning, and the next one must be Zilei."

Qingyi quickly explained that she did see purple.

However, the next one is still not the same, and the next one is not the same, soon there will be only the last sky thunder, Qingyi's forehead is sweating, is there really no purple thunder?
Shui'er has given up hope at this time, and instead comforted her: "Don't worry too much, maybe what you feel is the thunder calamity of the Mahayana period."

Qingyi rolled her eyes, how could she be so comforting?

(End of this chapter)

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