Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 290 The Expected Zilei

Chapter 290 The Expected Zilei
Amidst Qingyi's countless prayers and expectations, the last thunder from heaven did not come for a long time.

"What's going on? Could it be the end? But I remember that there's still one thing left." Qingyi looked at the sky and said to herself.

At this moment, Lan Fengli's thunder tribulation was over, and Heifeng rushed to Qingyi's side, hehe said with a smile:

"Aren't you looking forward to Zilei? After brewing for so long, it must be changing color. You have to wait patiently."

Qingyi looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't look at me like that, what I said is true, if you don't believe me, look at it..."

Following Heifeng's words, Qingyi looked up at the sky again, and sure enough, a purple light began to appear around Jieyun.

The purple light gathered more and more, and gradually covered half of the sky. A large piece of purple light slowly gathered through the robbery clouds, and soon formed a beam of light, which rumbled down from the sky with an unparalleled momentum.

Seeing the falling purple beam of light, Qingyi laughed, Tianlei really gave her a face, Shui'er also had surprise in his eyes, and rushed towards the beam of light without hesitation.

Qingyi was startled, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop it, but Shui'er's speed was too fast, and she flew directly towards Lei Zhu, which made Qingyi's mouth wide open and she looked worriedly.

This girl is too anxious. Didn't she see that the Zilei Pillar this time is the sum of the previous dozen or so? You can feel the power of this Zilei from such a distance. No danger?

At this time, Lan Fengli also came to her side and reminded: "You don't have to worry about her, but you should worry about yourself."

"Me? I have Water Control."

"Shui'er can only bear part of it. Zilei this time is very special and very strong. You have to concentrate on dealing with it."

Hei Feng curled his lips aside, and said: "You can't do it by yourself, you have to pay, don't just talk."

Lan Fengli stood aside silently.

Heifeng snorted boredly, and the kid was silently resisting.

Qingyi glanced at the two of them, but didn't speak, she quickly calmed down and got ready to meet Zi Lei.

Shui'er was soon submerged in the purple beam of light, but the beam of light was not much smaller, and it still struck Qingyi with a strong force.

Hei Feng was already prepared by the side, and when he raised his hand, a black prison cage directly met Zi Lei. When the black and purple intersected, the black engulfed part of the purple, and the thunder column suddenly became much smaller.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Fengli also swung a sword, the off-white light was intertwined with purple, the thunder pillar was much smaller, and the black wind clicked his tongue. After the fusion of this kid, his strength was much stronger.

If he played against him now, he really didn't have much confidence that he would win. Hei Feng was both envious and a little bit jealous of the abnormality of this family.

Although Qingyi only accepted a small part of Zilei in the end, she suffered serious injuries. She did not expect that Zilei, which carried a powerful force of heavenly power, would penetrate her water barrier.

Qingyi looked up at the cleared sky, took out a healing pill and took it, dragging her injured body to stand up, she will never look forward to Zilei's appearance again!

Shui'er staggered up to Qingyi, Qingyi just wanted to say a few words to her, but she fell down on the ground with a common sound.

"I made you so impatient, did you eat too much?" Qingyi complained distressedly while bringing Shui'er into the space.

"This spirit beast of yours is really special. It can absorb purple thunder, and it can also break formations. Is there such a monster?"

Heifeng was really curious.

"Even you don't know, how do I know? But it was because of her immortal energy that she broke her shell. I guess she may have fallen from the fairy world."

Qingyi thought so in her heart, so she said it out.

"It seems that you two are really destined!" Hei Feng sighed.

"Hehe, what you said is true, let's go back soon, the clan will no longer be peaceful, and we should think about countermeasures."

After Qingyi finished speaking, she flew up first.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to come in with the protection of the big formation. What are you afraid of? Even if we can come in, we won't necessarily lose." Hei Feng felt that Qing Yi was too careful.

Lan Fengli glanced at him, and said lightly: "If the scattered demons from outside the territory come, this formation will not be able to stop them at all. What do you use to fight them?"

Hei Feng's slender eyes suddenly widened, looking at Lan Fengli.

"You still know about scatter demons from outside the territory? But those scatter demons from outside the territory won't come here, aren't you worried too much?" Hei Feng felt that Lan Fengli was choking him on purpose.

"Uncle Hei, brother's worry is really possible." Qing Yi looked at Hei Feng and said seriously.

"You girl, you are facing him, Sanmo Sanxian, what is your identity? It is similar to a real immortal, even in our Mahayana stage, it is too far away from them, who can invite you?"

"Anyway, I just think there is such a possibility, we'd better make preparations earlier." Qing Yi whispered again.

Hei Feng narrowed his eyes for a moment, looked at the two for a while, and tried to ask:

"Did you offend some important person? Otherwise, how could you think of Sanxian and Sanma? Tell me quickly."

"Uncle Hei, I'll talk to you when I get back to the clan."

"It seems that I really hit the spot. How long have you been in Zhongyu? It's really not worry-free."

Although Heifeng said so, his eyes were shining with curiosity. He has lived for so long, and he has never seen a loose fairy outside the territory. Could he still be lucky enough to see him in his lifetime?
The three of them quickly returned to the clan's place. Chu Mulou was pacing back and forth in front of the main hall, and saw the three of them rushing over.

"Second Uncle, are you worried about Grandpa?" Qingyi asked when she saw Chu Mulou.

"No, it's just that I can't calm down and practice. I came out late, so I don't know exactly what happened?"

Hei Feng put one hand on Chu Mulou's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Come on, let's go to your cave and chat while drinking tea."

Chu Mulou looked at Qingyi and Lan Fengli.

"We are also going to ask for a cup of tea from Second Uncle." Qing Yi said with a smile.

So the four of them quickly entered Chu Mulou's cave. After the tea was brewed, Chu Mulou's seemingly calm eyes looked at Heifeng expectantly.

"Don't look at me, I don't know much, it's the two of them, and they mentioned Sanmo Sanxian just now, I'm also very curious now."

Heifeng's words successfully turned Chu Mulou's attention to Qingyi and the other two.

"Hehe, this is also my brother and I's guess, Second Uncle, do you still remember that Moxiu wanted the soul stone?"

Chu Mulou nodded and continued to look at them.

"When I came to the Central Territory, I also knew that the primordial spirit of the Demon Venerable was not injured, so we guessed that there is a big man behind the Demon Venerable."

"What Soul Cultivation Stone? Why don't I know, you should start from the beginning slowly so that I don't get confused more and more." Heifeng interrupted hastily.

Qingyi took a sip of tea helplessly, and could only start from the beginning.

"Wait, wait, why am I getting more and more mysterious the more I listen, Demon God? You really dare to think about it."

Heifeng took a sip of tea and interrupted Qingyi's words. The amount of information was too much, and he couldn't fully accept it for a while.

"Why don't you dare to think about it, Uncle Hei, then guess who is the one who needs the soul stone?"

(End of this chapter)

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