Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 291 The Truth in the Idle Chapter

Chapter 291 The Truth in Gossip
Heifeng suddenly lost his voice, and looked at Chu Mulou, "Stop drinking, what do you think? Do you agree with their conjecture?"

Chu Mulou glanced at the empty teacup and nodded slightly.

"Then, isn't Qingyi very dangerous?" Hei Feng stood up from his seat all of a sudden.

"Uncle Hei, danger often comes with opportunity."

"You're not worried at all. When you talk about a person who wants to swallow your soul, where did you see the opportunity?" Hei Feng felt that this girl had a really big heart.

Chu Mu Lou was filled with water again, looked up at Hei Feng, and said with a faint smile:
"You care about Qingyi very much, even more than my own uncle."

"Where is it? I just care about whether I can ascend in the future."

Hei Feng glared at Chu Mulou, since when did this guy like to talk like that?It is easy to be misunderstood by others.

"Oh? What does Qingyi have to do with whether you can ascend?" Chu Mulou asked puzzled.

"It was she who said that she wanted to find out the reason why she couldn't ascend. If she was caught by Moxiu first, wouldn't there be no hope for ascending again?"

"Uncle Hei, you really trust me!" Qing Yi said with a smile.

"I don't believe in you, but I believe in the lucky son your father said." Hei Feng gave her a blank look, this girl is really narcissistic.

Qingyi didn't mind, and continued to laugh and say:

"Since you believe in Tian Yunzi, why worry about me being caught by the devil?"

"What do you mean?" Heifeng was confused again.

"Xiao Hei, why are you getting more and more stupid?" Chu Mulou patted him and motioned him to sit down.

"Hmph! I just don't like to use my brain. Come on, you really are a family, it's annoying."

"You! You don't need to use your brain at all. Tian Yunzi said that Qingyi can ascend to the fairy world within 200 years. Why are you so worried?" Chu Mulou laughed.

Heifeng nodded first, as if his words sounded reasonable, but then shook his head.

"No, no, according to what you said, Qingyi will be safe and sound even if the dispersing demon comes, but how is this possible? None of us is an opponent of dispersing the demon."

"It's really stupid to say you are stupid!"

Hei Feng glared, "Chu Mulou, what's going on, tell me clearly."

"If the scattered demons don't come, isn't there no danger?"

"You're playing with me, we're talking about the issue of dispersing demons now."

Qingyi smiled and watched the two quarreling, while Lan Fengli sat quietly beside her and sipped tea silently.

Chu Mulou finally corrected his expression and said: "As long as you enter the Immortal Mansion and get the Immortal Crystal, everything can be saved."

Seeing Heifeng's confused look again, Qingyi kindly recruited the puppet.

"This is the puppet my father left me. It is at the level of a fairy, but it needs a fairy crystal."

"So you have this, and if you didn't tell me earlier, your second uncle always called me stupid." Hei Feng was very dissatisfied.

"It's not too late to know now." Qing Yi laughed.

"Then this trip to the Immortal Mansion, Uncle will definitely help you get the Immortal Crystal." Hei Feng patted his chest and promised.

"We can find the fairy crystal by ourselves." Lan Fengli said lightly.

"You also want to go to the Immortal Mansion?" Heifeng asked, pointing at them.

"It's not that I want to, but I must go." Qingyi added.

Hei Feng wanted to say something, but finally shook his head.

"I know that you are all very strong, but it is really dangerous to go to the Immortal Mansion. I guess Ye Fengyan will unite with all the Mahayanas to deal with us. In addition, the Demon Lord intends to catch you. It will be really dangerous at that time."

"That may not be the case, we can win over the Meng family and the Qin family." Qingyi continued.

"Do you think it's easy to win over? There's no such thing as friendship in the world of cultivating immortals, and it's not for profit."

"Then we will exchange benefits."

"You want to send Feisheng Pill? That pill is hard to find." Hei Feng felt a little pained when he heard it.

"Sometimes being willing is also a kind of harvest. Being able to become allies with the two major families, after we ascend in the future, the Chu family can also let them take care of one or two."

After Qingyi finished speaking, Chu Mulou continued: "I also agree with Qingyi's statement, the Chu family needs allies very much now."

"Then what about the number of places in the Immortal Mansion this time? Why did your grandfather say five? If you bring Qin Shuihan and Meng Tianyi, you two can only go to one."

Hei Feng glanced at Lan Fengli triumphantly as he spoke, thinking, just to keep you.

Lan Fengli glanced at him, and said lightly: "The family needs you to sit in charge."

"Hey, it's more suitable for you to stay in the family. Although your strength is not as good as mine, you have a lot of means and you can use formations."

Chu Mulou patted Heifeng again, "You look like an elder, but it's not bad for you to stay and protect me."

"You still need protection in the clan? I must go to the Immortal Mansion, girl, what do you say?"

Heifeng looked at Qingyi with a begging look.

Qingyi actually gave him face, nodded and said: "Of course Uncle Hei will go."

Heifeng laughed triumphantly.

"But senior brother is going too." Qingyi then added.

"Then who won't go? Could it be that your grandfather stayed behind?" Hei Feng was once again confused.

"Xiao Hei, since you can't react in your head, don't ask, it's fine if you know you're there."

Heifeng pulled Chu Mulou's hand off his shoulder, and gave him a dissatisfied look.

"What is it that you can't react? It's because you guys can't speak clearly. Forget it, let's not mention the matter of the Immortal Mansion. What if the magic comes during this time?"

"I won't come." Lan Fengli said with a very certain tone.


"Xiao Hei, you really have a lot of questions. Don't you know that the soul of the magic cultivator who needs the soul stone is damaged?" Chu Mulou looked at him amusedly.

"I know, what does that have to do with dispersing demons?"

"The communication of divine thoughts hurts the primordial spirit, and it takes a long time to recuperate once to communicate, and the demon will not easily disturb that big man.

Unless he is really difficult to obtain, he will contact that person, and it depends on whether that person continues to ask for the soul stone. What if he gives up?Spiritual thoughts to communicate and disperse demons consume more primordial spirit. "

"Yes, you are right, then I can rest assured."

"Actually, I hope they can continue to arrest me."

After hearing Qingyi's words, Heifeng stood up again, "Girl, are you okay? No one likes to be arrested."

"How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's lair? Both my brother and I suspect that the inability to ascend is related to that big man."

Qingyi directly stated her and Lan Fengli's conjectures.

Heifeng was obviously stunned for a moment, as if he had thought of something, he sat down again, took a sip of tea, and said:
"Your words remind me of ten thousand years ago, when your father ascended, a big event happened.

The space in the entire central region suddenly became very unstable, as if the sky had collapsed, and even I didn't dare to go out to find out.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before it stabilized. Most monks didn't pay much attention to it. The space was unstable, and it had appeared in ancient times.

Even if someone went out to check afterwards, they didn't find anything abnormal.

Now that I think about it, is it the day when the great demon cultivator came to the Central Territory, anyway, he hasn't ascended since then. "

Qingyi and Lan Fengli glanced at each other, and they confirmed their guess even more, but where is that big man hiding?
(End of this chapter)

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