Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 292 The Domain of Wind

Chapter 292 The Domain of Wind

"Why don't you talk?" Seeing the unanimous silence of the three of them, Hei Feng became anxious.

"I was thinking about what you said." Chu Mulou broke the silence first.

"What do you want to understand?" Heifeng asked expectantly.

"Although your words can further confirm that the vision that day is likely to be the day when the great demon cultivator descended on the Central Territory, what's the use?" Chu Mulou sipped his tea and said seriously.

"How can it be useless? Then we will have a clear goal in the future."

"The two of them have already left according to this goal. We don't know where the big man Moxiu is hiding, so we can only wait passively."

"Second Uncle, do you think the Mozun knows where that big shot is hiding?" Qing Yi asked after thinking about it.

"Maybe know, maybe don't know."

"What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?" Heifeng gave Chu Mulou a blank look.

Qingyi's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said: "As long as I am caught by the Demon Lord, everything will be known."

"You girl is really courageous. How can you still survive when the Demon Venerable sends you in front of that big man? You must not do this."

Heifeng immediately objected, and Chu Mulou also said in a deep voice: "Although his primordial spirit may be weak, he is still much stronger than yours, but he came from the fairy world or even the god world, so don't be impulsive. "

"That's what I said. In fact, I cherish my life. If I'm not sure, I won't fall into the trap."

Fearing that the two of them would be worried, Qing Yi hurriedly added.

"Even if you have reached the Mahayana stage, you are still not sure. We still have a long-term plan." Chu Mulou urged again.

"I know, everything will be discussed after Grandpa comes back and goes to the Immortal Mansion, how about it?"

"Don't always think that if you are lucky, you can mess around, you know?"

Chu Mulou said another word, Qingyi nodded her head hurriedly, thinking to herself, it's all because of her sloppiness just now, why did you say it?
But listening to the nagging of relatives' concern, I still feel warm.

The mischievous starlight pierced through the mystery of the night, and Qingyi and Lan Fengli stepped on the moonlight, returned to their cave, and entered the space.

Carrying Shui'er into the time formation will allow her to advance faster. When she wakes up this time, Shui'er should also be able to reach the fusion stage. Maybe there will be some new inheritance. She is really looking forward to it!
"Junior Sister, are you still thinking about throwing yourself into a trap one day?"

Qingyi was taken aback by Lan Fengli's sudden question, but she still nodded honestly.

"Brother, don't you think this is safer? We can still contend with the strength of the Demon Lord, but once the demon is disturbed, not only me, but even the family will be very dangerous."

Qingyi originally thought that Lan Fengli would object, but unexpectedly he nodded cooperatively, Qingyi's eyes instantly brightened like stars.

"Senior brother knows me."

"Since you want to do that, I can't stop you. It's better to be with you, but we have to wait." Lan Fengli rubbed her hair and said with a light smile.

"I know, I want to come back from Xianfu."

"Well, then I will stay in your space, we have to face it together, you must not sneak away alone."

Lan Fengli nodded her forehead and warned.

"How come? With you by my side, I will be more confident." Qing Yi blinked and said.

The two didn't practice, and soon they left the space. Lan Fengli wanted to refine a few more teleportation array disks, so that they could save their lives in times of danger. The two of them made alchemy and a weapon, and they were extremely harmonious.

Five days later, Qingyi had just finished refining a batch of ninth-grade pills, when she felt the restraining fluctuations of the clan protection formation, quickly put away the pill stove, and left the cave in a flash. She guessed that Chu Yunlan must have returned.

Sure enough, Chu Yunlan shook the white beards on his forehead, looking very embarrassed.

"Grandpa, you came back quite quickly, why are you like this? Are you in danger?"

Qingyi hurriedly went up to meet her, and asked with concern.

"There's no danger, don't worry." Seeing Qingyi, Chu Yunlan seemed to feel better, with a smile on his tired face.

"Where is the location of that Immortal Mansion? It won't be far away, right?"

"You are really in a hurry, go back to the cave and talk about it in detail."

Chu Yunlan patted her head, when Heifeng and Chu Mulou also came out to meet her.

The four of them entered the cave of Chu Mu Tower again, and then the three of them looked at Chu Yunlan with almost the same eyes.

Chu Yunlan smiled helplessly, "Although there was no danger this time, I don't know what will happen next time?"

This word, which was endless and without clear content, but which was dangerous, made the hearts of the three of them, who were still looking forward to it, tense up in an instant.

"Grandpa, speak concisely and clearly, and don't be so full of suspense and reverie." Qingyi said dissatisfied.

"Okay, in fact, this sentence is also very clear, that is, the location of the Immortal Mansion is very dangerous." Chu Yunlan hurriedly explained again.

"What's the danger? Have you seen the Immortal Mansion this time?" Hei Feng also asked anxiously.

"Xiao Hei, do you know the Wind Domain?"

Hei Feng nodded quickly, "Could it be that the Immortal Mansion is in the Domain of Wind?"

But Chu Yunlan shook his head and said: "It seems to be far away from there, it should be in a place connected to the outside world."

"What? Why is it so far away? You didn't see the shadow of Xianfu this time?" Heifeng expressed surprise.

"You haven't even passed through the Wind Domain, and you know how powerful the Wind Domain is. Even us Mahayana monks, it is very difficult to pass through.

Yaohuang and Ye Fengyan are better, and I can barely do it, but those three who have not broken through to the middle stage of Mahayana are very dangerous.

Especially the monk who practiced the method, he is only in the late stage of integration, how can he pass through?We had no choice but to return. "

Heifeng was also silent for a while, Qingyi was baffled, and asked again:
"Wind Realm? What is that place? Is it difficult to pass?"

Chu Yunlan nodded slightly with a dignified expression.

"The Wind Realm is the weirdest and most dangerous place in the middle region. Except for the swamp, there is a weird wind. The edge is better. The wind gets stronger as you go in. Even our Mahayana period is hard to resist.

The headache is not only to resist the endless wind, but also to beware of the swamp below, which also has weird creatures, if you are not careful, you may be swallowed by weird creatures.

And the location of the Immortal Mansion has to pass through the Wind Domain, it is really difficult to enter the Immortal Mansion! "

Qingyi was also stunned, thinking that the owner of this Immortal Mansion is really dark enough, not only made four keys and threw them everywhere, making monks scramble to find them, but also put the Immortal Mansion in such a dangerous place. Just to whet the appetite.

It's so dangerous before entering the Immortal Mansion, so what if you enter it?It's not necessarily the whole thing that's more dangerous.

Why!Why is it like this in the world of cultivating immortals? They obviously want to keep things, but they are not reconciled, so they set up risks in many places, and it sounds good to choose people who are destined and capable.

In fact, it is the wealth they have earned hard for themselves. After playing a game, whoever is the winner of the game will have everything that is enviable, and then recruit a group of people, and the game may continue...

(End of this chapter)

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