Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 293 Get Ready

Chapter 293 Get Ready
The only sound of drinking tea was heard in the cave for a while, and the atmosphere was dull and depressing.

After a while, Qingyi turned back from her thoughts, looked at Chu Yunlan and asked:

"Grandpa, how did you decide? Did you just give up like this?"

"Who would be willing to give up like this?"

Hei Feng and Chu Mulou also looked at Chu Yunlan, waiting for his next words.

"Hey! You must rely on the guidance of the four swords to determine the location of the Immortal Mansion, but your skill level is too low, and you can't get out of that area at all. What do you think can be done?"

"Grandpa, we were all waiting for you to tell me, why did you ask us the other way around?" Qingyi scolded.

"I also want to hear your opinions, what if there is a better one?"

"Better? So you already have a direction for the next step? What is it? Let me know." Heifeng asked curiously.

"It's really not possible, I can only invite loose immortals from outside the territory."

As soon as Chu Yunlan finished speaking, the three of them were taken aback. They didn't expect to attract Sanxian so soon?

"But who knows the Sanxian who knows how to do magic? Once the Sanxian is disturbed, the Immortal Mansion will become their world. What are we going to fight with them? Who proposed it? Is it Ye Fengyan?"

Hei Feng reacted very quickly this time, as if he had guessed right away that it was Ye Fengyan's idea.

Chu Yunlan nodded, "Then what should I do? I don't even want to give up the Immortal Mansion, that's all I can do."

"Grandpa, does Ye Fengyan really know Sanxian? Will the Chu family face extermination again?"

Qingyi's expression became serious and tense.

"It won't be so serious, right?" Chu Yunlan was taken aback by Qing Yi's words.

"I didn't expect Ye Fengyan to have contact with Sanxian outside the territory. Thanks to your trip this time, we also prepared early."

Qingyi's words also reminded Chu Yunlan all of a sudden, he frowned and said:

"At that time, he only said that he had been to the outside world, knew a Sanxian, and had no friendship. If he wanted to invite that person, he could only enter the Immortal Mansion on the condition that he was allowed to enter the Immortal Mansion. I don't know if the Immortal Mansion is enough for him. .”

"Can he still believe what he said? Don't he know that once Sanxian enters the Immortal Mansion, we Mahayanas can only stand aside, and even if we offend others, we may lose our lives? How could the Demon Emperor and the others agree? ?”

Heifeng didn't understand very much, why did those Mahayana period agree to let Sanxian participate?
"Of course they won't agree. Later, Ye Fengyan spread his hands, that is, if he doesn't do this, he can only give up, and he will be in danger if he goes to invite Sanxian outside the territory. degree.

Who can give up willingly, that is the Immortal Mansion left by the Immortal Emperor, there will definitely be Immortal Artifacts in it, if you can find the Immortal Pill Immortal Liquid or something, you will be able to break through directly, and may even ascend. "

"But what's the difference between agreeing in this way and giving up?" Hei Feng still didn't understand.

"Finally, Ye Fengyan suggested that Sanxian could swear an oath not to kill anyone after entering the Immortal Mansion, nor to take chances or treasures to himself.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to agree temporarily, and made a decision after Sanxian came. "

Thinking about it now, Chu Yunlan also felt that the agreement was too hasty.

"I think Ye Fengyan and that Sanxian should have been related more or less in the past, otherwise how could he find it if the Outer Territory is so big?
This trip to the Immortal Mansion just gave him an excuse to hook up with Sanxian again, but for our Chu family, it is in danger of extinction! "

After listening to Chu Yunlan's words, Qingyi calmly analyzed.

Chu Mulou also came to his senses, with a solemn expression on his face, "At first he was not capable of inviting that Sanxian, but with the temptation of the Immortal Mansion, it became very easy.

And that Sanxian will accept his affection, and it is very likely that he will attack our clan land at Ye Fengyan's request. "

"Then what should I do? I should have strongly opposed it at the beginning."

Chu Yunlan couldn't sit still anymore, and stood up all of a sudden, did he make another big mistake?
"Grandpa, it's useless even if you object, the result is still the same. I didn't expect the location of this fairy mansion to become an excuse for Ye Fengyan to contact Sanxian." Qingyi said helplessly.

"It seems that this place is no longer safe. It's a pity that it's such a good place." Chu Mulou shook his head and said regretfully.

"Can Ye Fengyan really invite Sanxian to attack the clan's territory? Are you being too careful?" Hei Feng still thinks it's impossible.

Chu Mulou shook his head and said, "As long as possible, we must take precautions early. If we wait until the day when Sanxian really comes, it will be too late."

"Do you want to move? I finally built the cave, and I haven't lived in it for a few years. I really can't bear it." Hei Feng said with a mournful face.

"Uncle Hei, you don't have to move house to prepare." Qingyi blinked.

"Don't move? Then what preparations can be made, the big formation can't protect us, we can't fight, and there is no helper to ask, how do you say to prepare?"

Heifeng was puzzled again, can't this girl explain clearly once she speaks?
"This is going to trouble Uncle Hei, take me and senior brother to your place tomorrow."

"Go to my place? What are you doing? Are you taking black gold stones? You took so much last time, how greedy!"

Qingyi smiled and shook her head, "No, it's a fixed point to build a teleportation array."

"You want to build a teleportation formation here and here? If Sanxian comes, just take the teleportation formation and leave?" Heifeng suddenly realized.

"How is it? Does Uncle Hei have any objections? I think your place is very safe and the place is big enough. It is the best place to go, but the environment is not very good and it is very depressing." Qingyi said with a smile.

Chu Mulou patted Heifeng's shoulder and said: "It's better that Qingyi is thoughtful, that's the best way, Xiaohei's place is indeed very safe, and people who are not familiar with it can't find it at all."

"Can we just hide from Ye Fengyan? How can we take back the clan land like this?" Chu Yunlan was very unwilling.

"Grandpa, Sanxian only helped him once, and paid back the favor of going to the Immortal Mansion, and will never listen to Ye Fengyan again, so as long as we escape this time, we will take back the clan land and kill him."

Qingyi hurriedly offered a word of comfort, and then asked:

"Grandpa, have you contacted the Meng family and the Qin family this time? What do they mean?"

"I tried to contact them. Their original intention was to form an alliance with me, but they all wanted to gain some benefits. They also mentioned the Earth Fairy Fruit to me. I, I agreed to each of them with an Ascension Pill."

Chu Mulou was very afraid that Qingyi would blame him, so he secretly looked at her face.

Qingyi chuckled, "Grandpa, that's exactly what I thought, but with Sanxian joining, everything will be different."

"Let's hurry up and build the teleportation array. I don't think it will be tomorrow. I'll take you there today, how about it?" Hei Feng was so impatient.

"Of course, I'll call senior brother right away, you wait for us in front of the temple gate."

After Qingyi finished speaking, she disappeared in a blink of an eye. Lan Fengli just stopped refining the weapon, and when he saw her, he couldn't help laughing and said:
"Why in such a hurry?"

"Brother, come with me to Uncle Hei."

"What happened?" When Chu Yunlan came back, Lan Fengli was concentrating on refining the weapon, so he didn't know.

Qingyi briefly picked the key points and recounted the content of the conversation just now.

"I haven't waited for the dispersal of demons, but the threat of dispersal immortals came first. That's good, we can make preparations early."

The two said, and soon came to the front of the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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