Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 295 Danger Comes

Chapter 295 Danger Comes
Qingyi glared at Lan Fengli, when did she brag?She was just telling the truth.

"Mother, I don't want to give you that bead. I finally caught up with you, but I was left behind again."

Yu'er is very unhappy, he has only just broken through to the late stage of transformation.

"If you can never catch up, you have the goal and motivation to practice! So next time you get something good, you must give it to me, and try to make the gap between you and me bigger." Qing Yi comforted with a smile.

Yu'er stared at Qing Yi with her phoenix eyes, how could she comfort others like this.

Qingyi quickly changed the topic, and said with a chuckle: "Yu'er, there was so much commotion in the clan some time ago, you didn't come out, are you locked up?"

Yu'er was taken aback, "I set up an isolation formation outside the formation, did something happen to the clan during this time?"

"Well, it's still a big deal."

"What is it? Tell me quickly." Yu'er said anxiously.

Lan Fengli placed his hand lightly on Yu'er's shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm fine now, I'll talk to you guys when I come back from the thunder tribulation, have you learned anything about swordplay during this time?"

"I still haven't been able to cultivate out of the realm, but I have already realized the realm." Yu'er replied truthfully.

"It's already very good. If you have the opportunity, you still need to go out to practice, otherwise it will be difficult to practice out of bounds."

As soon as Lan Fengli finished speaking, the cat rushed to say:
"That's right, that's right, we can't always practice in closed doors, or if we finish the thunder tribulation, Yu'er and I will go out to make a living, how about it?"

Qingyi's beautiful eyes immediately glanced at him, Mao'er shrank her neck again, and quickly shut up.

While the four of them were talking, they had already left the clan land, and the sky changed color accordingly, and a large piece of robbery cloud quickly formed, chasing the cat and drifting south.


There are two escaping lights in mid-air, galloping towards this side, one is purple and the other is white.

When they arrived at Wanliu City, the two lights slowed down significantly, and the middle-aged man dressed in white clothes turned his head to look at Ye Fengyan, who was dressed in purple and luxurious.Asked lightly:
"Do you really want to exterminate them? Be careful that the killing is too heavy, and it will be difficult to ascend."

Ye Fengyan secretly despised it in her heart, don't you kill less?If you can't bear it, why should you answer his request?Immortals, especially those in white clothes, like to pretend to be holy.

However, he still respectfully replied: "Immortal Chief, you only need to help me break through the formation and kill those two Mahayana cultivators.

If there is danger around him, how can he cultivate with peace of mind?So sometimes killing is also for safer practice. "

"Hehe, you are right. The world of cultivating immortals is full of dangers. It is really impossible for monks not to kill people." The man in white wore a smile on his lips, showing a refined demeanor.

"This time, I would like to thank you for your help. After getting rid of that family, the key to the Immortal Mansion will be yours." Ye Fengyan took the opportunity to say something else.

"Well, it's hard for you to still think of me. The first meeting, by the way, I'm in Wanxia Valley. I didn't expect you to come to me one day. Don't worry, there will be no good things in Xianfu without you. "The man in white said with a smile on his face.

"At the beginning, I would like to thank you for your appreciation. Today and in the future, I will rely on you for my trip to the Immortal Mansion."

Ye Fengyan's attitude was very respectful, but she was also thinking in her heart, how much of the monk's words could be trusted?But being able to help him solve the Chu family has already made his trip worthwhile.

The two flew while talking, the relationship seemed harmonious, and soon saw the Jieyun gathered in the distant sky.

Ye Fengyan frowned, that place is not very far from the land of the Chu family, this Lei Jie belongs to the monks of the body-fit stage, how could there be monks of the body-fit stage in this small place?Could it be the sword cultivator of the Chu family?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel happy. In the past few days, he has been worried that the Chu family will move out of that place. After all, after Chu Yunlan returns, he will probably figure out everything.

They are still there, are they reluctant to leave or are they too confident?Haha, today is the day you all die.

Baiyi Sanxian seemed to sense the change in Ye Fengyan's mood, and asked, "You seem very happy?"

Ye Fengyan's heart trembled. As expected of a Sanxian, his perception was beyond ordinary, so he had to be more careful in front of him.

"Xianchang, because I saw the thunder disaster in front of me, my mood has changed."

"Oh? Who's Thunder Tribulation can make you like this?" Baiyi Sanxian asked with interest.

"It should be that family, a very powerful swordsman."

"Really? Let me see."

The white-clothed Sanxian seemed to be interested too, he spread his consciousness to look over there, and quickly retracted it.

"It was a nine-tailed civet that saved the thunder tribulation, and the one standing next to him is the sword cultivator."

"I didn't expect that cat to reach the fusion stage, and their cultivation speed is astonishingly fast." Ye Fengyan said with emotion.

"Indeed, I think those people are all within [-] years old. When I was their age, I was only in the Nascent Soul stage.

Now Tianxiang Continent's aura is getting thinner and thinner, why are they cultivating so fast?Will there be something..."

When Baiyi Sanxian said this, he deliberately stopped, as if waiting for Ye Fengyan's explanation.

"Their family land is very secret. There may be something different inside. As long as the fairy leader breaks through the formation, he will find out the truth."

Ye Fengyan answered in a timely manner.

Baiyi Sanxian nodded and didn't say another word. This time, he agreed to help Ye Fengyan's request just to enter the Immortal Mansion.

Now it seemed that he might get some more benefits from the Chu family, it was really a worthwhile trip, it seemed that Ye Fengyan was the noble person he was destined for.

The two had different thoughts, but they both flew towards Lei Jie's place in a good mood.

Mao'er's Thunder Tribulation had struck ten times, although there were several scars on his body, but it was hard to hide the excitement in his heart.

He, Yu'er and Shui'er, didn't expect him to break through to the fusion stage first. The more he thought about it, the more beautiful he felt in his heart, which greatly satisfied his vanity and pride, so his eyes were still shining at this time.

Qingyi, Lan Fengli and Yu'er stood aside, looking at the contented cat bathed in the thunder and lightning, amused, but didn't know that the danger was approaching them quietly...

There are two thunderstorms left, they can return to the clan land, Qing Yi and Lan Fengli looked at the distant sky, their hearts suddenly burst, the white clothes fluttered and the purple clothes were gorgeous.

The two looked at each other, what should we do?Mao'er's thunder calamity is not over yet, could it be brought directly into the space, but what will happen to the unfinished thunder calamity in the future?Will it usher in God's punishment?
If they suddenly disappeared, what about the clan land?They should be able to escape in a teleportation array, right?
Thinking of this, Qingyi wanted to take them directly into the space, but in just one breath, the white-clothed man approached, and the aura he exuded directly locked a few people.

Is this the strength of Sanxian?It's really strong. Compared with him, monks in the Mahayana period have become ants. After all, Sanxian has been called a real immortal.

Qingyi felt that this person would kill her as long as she moved her fingers, she panicked for no reason, glanced at Yu'er and Lan Fengli, and they both looked at her.

What should I do?Are you going to die here today?

(End of this chapter)

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