Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 296 The Living Puppet

Chapter 296 The Living Puppet

Seeing how obediently and still they were in front of him, the Sanxian man seemed to have a sense of superiority, with a slight smile on his refined face.

"Tell me why you all practice so fast? The answer is satisfactory to me. I can let you go. After all, I have no grudges against you."

Qingyi, Yu'er and Lan Fengli didn't hear what he said at all, they all looked at Mao'er with concern, Mao'er was very bad at the moment, he still had the last thunder disaster, but his body couldn't move.

Unable to mobilize spiritual power to resist the sky thunder, it is conceivable that Mao'er was knocked unconscious on the ground, covered in blood, without a sound, which made the three feel distressed.

Qingyi was anxious, and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and finally broke through the restraint, she came to Mao'er in one step, stuffed a elixir, and threw him into the space.

Just about to bring Lan Fengli and Yu'er into the space together, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness:
"Don't worry,
let me out! "

Qingyi was startled, and quickly asked with her consciousness: "Who are you? Why are you in my space?"

The voice of "Puppet" answered succinctly.

Although Qingyi has a lot of questions at this time, she doesn't think too much in a hurry.

Baiyi Sanxian didn't expect Qingyi to break free from her shackles, he disappeared for a moment, and he raised his finger and said coldly: "Whoever dares to resist dies!"

Lan Fengli and Yu'er watched from the sidelines with fear and panic, spurting out a big mouthful of blood, and a gap was opened in the spiritual power of their whole body in an instant.

They even broke through the restraints, but they couldn't stop the force that hit Qingyi, and there was heart-piercing despair in the eyes of the two of them.

At this time, Ye Fengyan had also arrived, and the excited arc around the corner of his mouth expanded uncontrollably. This girl was the female cultivator of the Chu family who possessed the Phoenix Fire.

Ye Fengyan felt a little bit regretful that he wasn't beheaded by himself, but it was enough to behead these two boys.

Thinking of this, the Potian appeared in his hand and directly stopped Lan Fengli and Yu'er. Facing Lan Fengli, who was already in the middle of their fusion, Ye Fengyan was not careless.

However, the white-clothed figure that flew over suddenly made him stop in mid-air, so why was Master Sanxian suddenly thrown away?
Ye Fengyan caught the Sanxian who flew over, and only then did he notice that there was a young man standing against the wind beside the woman at some point, with gray clothes and hair tied up, calm and majestic, the fairy Outstanding.

Ye Fengyan's heart sank, when did this girl have such a powerful immortal by her side?
Lan Fengli and Yu'er were equally astonished, they knew this young man in gray.

It's the male puppet that Qingyi kept in the space, isn't there no fairy crystal?So what's going on now?

Although the father and son had a lot of doubts in their hearts, with this puppet, they finally let go of their hearts and turned their heads to face Ye Fengyan in unison.

At this time, Qingyi was also so surprised that she opened her small mouth and widened her almond eyes. She thought she was doomed to die, but who knew that this puppet sent a voice transmission to him at a critical moment, and rushed out of the space to block the blow.

Qingyi pointed at the puppet and stammered: "You, you"

Just said two words of you, the puppet turned to look at her, with a smile in his kindness, Qingyi was startled, this look was very familiar, she blurted out:

"Grandpa Dan."

The puppet chuckled, "I didn't expect you to recognize me so quickly. Very good, you did a good job, but you attracted a powerful enemy so early, which made me not have a good rest."

The corners of Qingyi's mouth turned up a little bit, forming a beautiful arc with the curved eyebrows.The previous moment was still boundless darkness, but this moment it is full of darkness.

"Grandpa Dan, you look so young now, but you don't look like grandpa. I will call you master in the future."

"Okay, you can call it whatever you like." The man in gray smiled lightly.

"Master, can you kill that scoundrel for me?" Qing Yi asked, pointing at the white-clothed loose fairy.

"He is just a fourth-level loose fairy, killing him is like crushing an ant."

"Then run him over to death quickly, weeds need to be uprooted, he almost killed me just now."

Qingyi hated that Sanxian in her heart, for hurting Mao'er so badly.

"He can't run away, leave it to me, I won't help the one in purple, I don't think you will lose against him, just use him to practice fighting skills to gain some experience, after dealing with that loose fairy, I still I need to enter the space to recuperate." The man in gray said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you Master, Ye Fengyan, I still hope to defeat him with my own strength."

After Qingyi finished speaking, she directly joined the battle circle between Lan Fengli and Yu'er.

The puppet, that is, the old man who lost his body in Qingyi Space, whose name is Dan Wenye, looked at the man in white who was locked by him not far away.

Raising his hand again, the white-clothed Sanxian couldn't resist at all. He could only look in horror at the young man in gray who suddenly appeared, shaking his legs, and knelt down directly:
"I was invited by him. I don't have any enmity with you. If you let me go, I will listen to you from now on. You can do whatever you ask me to do."

Dan Wenye looked at him amusedly, "You are so afraid of death, what's the use of keeping you?"

"You also know how difficult it is to cultivate to our level. I'm just not reconciled. Really, keeping me is more useful than killing me."

The Sanxian in white continued to beg for mercy. This man is too strong, stronger than the Sanxians of the eighth and ninth ranks. Who the hell is he?How would it appear here?

He was hurt badly by Ye Fengyan this time, and he thought it was a good thing, but he might end up here with his life.

Dan Wenye hesitated, he has woken up recently, and he also knows some things about Qingyi and the others, he is needed to find the Immortal Mansion, it seems that he should be kept first, and then we can talk about it.

"Well, for the sake of your life, I'll forgive you first, and I'll see what the girl and the others think later."

When Baiyi Sanxian heard that there was still hope of being alive, he thanked him repeatedly.

"You don't need to thank me, just stay on the side obediently, if you want to escape, I will kill you directly." Dan Wenye warned.

"No escape, I will never try to escape."

So the two big men stood aside and watched the battle over there together.

Ye Fengyan has only one idea now - to run away, he has heard the words of Baiyi Sanxian clearly, and he secretly hates in his heart...

I didn't expect to invite a Sanxian, who thought he was sure of winning the clan, but now he has dug his own grave.

Against these three people, it was difficult for him to win, not to mention there were two big men beside him who could kill him with just a flick of a finger.

Qingyi could see Ye Fengyan's flustered heart clearly, and couldn't help but smirked, and said in a triumphant voice:

"Ye Fengyan, do you want to destroy the Chu family? Want to arrest me? Unfortunately, there is no chance. You only guessed that I am from the Chu family, so can you guess whose daughter I am?"

"Hmph! Whose daughter has nothing to do with me? As long as it's from the Chu family." Ye Fengyan replied very cooperatively.

"Whose daughter I am is of course very important, because I am Chu Muyuan's daughter." Qing Yi smiled again.

Ye Fengyan was obviously stunned, and Lan Fengli took the opportunity to stab him with a sword.

"You, damn it, you use such words to lie to me."

"I didn't lie to you. I'm really Chu Muyuan's daughter. Have you seen my puppet? This is what my father made for me." Qingyi said and recruited the puppet.

"How is it? Does it look similar to me? You can't beat my father, but you use his family to show off. You are a hero. You might as well die, so as not to be ridiculed by the world of cultivating immortals." Qingyi continued to provoke him.

"You sharp-mouthed girl, since you are his daughter, you should die!"

Ye Fengyan's voice was almost a roar.

"I think you will die today!"

(End of this chapter)

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