Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 297 Qi Zhan Ye Fengyan

Chapter 297 Qi Zhan Ye Fengyan

After Qingyi finished speaking, she stopped stimulating him, the lotus platform instantly enlarged, and countless two-color lotus flowers flew out one by one, filling the entire sword world in a few breaths, and quickly enveloping Ye Fengyan.

Although the lotus this time only has two colors of wood spirit power and water spirit power, it is endowed with the original power of the deep profound meaning of the elements, so the power and power have become stronger.

Ye Fengyan had always been in Lan Fengli's sword world. When Lan Fengli was still in the stage of transforming spirits, the sword world was a certain threat to him. Now that he is in the fusion stage, it is even more difficult to deal with.

There is also Yu'er's sword domain, although his sword domain is not strong, but the father and son share the same mind, and the superimposed domain in the world becomes different and stronger.

Although Ye Fengyan was powerful and had the top-grade spiritual tool Potian, he didn't break out for a while.

But just now, Qingyi's words were like strings of musical notes gently falling in the lake of his heart, disturbing the lake water in his pool, and quietly entangled his primordial spirit like a magic sound.

In a trance, he was in a flower sea prison again. Normally, no matter how strong this flower sea cage is, it would not be able to trap him, but at this time, he couldn't rush out immediately.

Qingyi took the opportunity to run the third layer of the Five Elements Guiyuan, and soon the lotus flowers in the sea of ​​flowers were moving and squeezing each other, the number became less and less, but the momentum became stronger and stronger.

Ye Fengyan's wandering mind finally returned to his place. Damn Chu Muyuan, since he left, why did his shadow appear?
Thinking about his more than ten children, none of them had a good talent in cultivation, but this woman not only cultivates fast, but also has such strong combat power, which seems to be even worse than Chu Muyuan!
Ye Fengyan was jealous and envious at the same time, it turned out that he and Chu Muyuan were so different!
The activity in his heart was only for a moment, he didn't understand why the sea of ​​flowers transformed by this girl's spiritual power is so strong?

Of course, no matter how strong he is, if his cultivation is a big step lower, it won't be able to trap him for a long time, but it will only make him spend more effort.

Soon the lotus was scattered by his breaking the sky, but just after breaking through the sea of ​​flowers, he was hit by the little puppet head-on, which is the power of the late Mahayana.

Ye Fengyan was careless, and was sent flying several steps away by this palm, almost fell down. Before he could wipe off the trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, countless Qi swords flew towards him.

There are more than ten thousand qi swords combined by the father and son, and they are densely packed, and the night wind and smoke that has not yet recovered from the little puppet's hit form two formations of qi swords, one within the formation.

In Yu'er's retreat in recent years, the Qi Sword Array has reached the ninth-level primary level, while Lan Fengli's has reached the ninth-level high-level.

The father and son almost detonated the formation at the same time, with two loud bangs, the white-clothed loose fairy who had been watching by the side opened his eyes wide in shock, and did not blink for a long time.

He couldn't believe it. Is this fucking normal?

Think back to when he met a Mahayana monk when he was in the fusion stage, how could he dare to resist like a mouse seeing a cat?That is courting death!
But today, these three people not only dared to resist, but also had the upper hand. He felt dazzled. This is not a normal person at all, is it?

Dan Wenye, standing aside, also nodded approvingly, and habitually raised his hand to stroke his white beard, but there was no baldness at all, he smiled helplessly, so it turned out that this was no longer his body.

At this time, Lan Fengli had already taken back the sword world, and Yu'erfei was in mid-air looking at Ye Fengyan who was in the energy explosion group.

Qingyi also stopped in the distance, but she didn't idle. She quietly recited the formula and practiced the exercises. With a light touch of her little white hand, a fiery red phoenix appeared above Ye Fengyan.

The sound of Fengming, which seemed to come from ancient times, passed through the barrier of space and directly reached Ye Fengyan's ears.

He was already severely injured by the detonation of two air arrays, but when he heard this voice, his calm heart became turbulent again, awakening the fear deeply buried in his heart.

The trembling and trance of the primordial spirit put him in a sea of ​​flames very quickly. No matter how strong his physical body in the Mahayana period was, it could not withstand the two bombings and the burning of the beast.

Ye Fengyan roared unwillingly, but he didn't expect that he, who thought he was invincible in the Central Territory, would fall into the hands of these three young people from the Chu family.

Even if he can rush out of the sea of ​​flames, he probably won't be able to escape the palm of the powerful immortal next to him.

He could only use the last resort to save his life, abandoning his physical body, so as to keep his Yuanshen alive.

He closed his eyes helplessly, and began to recite the formula silently. This is a very secret technique of preserving the soul and immortality that he accidentally obtained. He thought it would not be useful for a day, but it turned out...

Seeing that there was no sound in the sea of ​​fire, Qingyi couldn't help wondering, did she burn to death so quickly?Is it too weak?This is not like the Ye Fengyan who was extremely powerful in her eyes.

Is there something tricky?Not only Qingyi had such an idea, but also Lan Fengli and Yu'er not far away had the same idea.

While he was wondering, Dan Wenye came over and said lightly, "He has already escaped."

"Escape?" Although Qing Yi was puzzled, she withdrew her spiritual power.

The flames dissipated, and what I saw was Ye Fengyan's charred body.

"Isn't this dead?"

Just after Qingyi finished speaking, she suddenly said:
"Master, do you mean that his soul escaped? But you didn't see his soul escape from the flames."

"What kind of secret method should he use, so you can't see it with your naked eyes."

"It's a pity, I didn't kill him, I always feel that there will be future troubles." Qingyi regretted.

"Don't be too careful. Even if he doesn't die, there is nothing to worry about. If he has reached the Mahayana stage and destroyed his body without going through the thunder calamity, it is impossible to cultivate a loose immortal, and he can only seize the body.

However, the primordial spirit of the Mahayana stage is very powerful, and it is difficult for a low-cultivation body to bear it. Even if he endures it, it will be difficult to improve his cultivation in the future, so he can only take the body of a monk in the Mahayana stage.

Think about it, which Mahayana monk would be easily taken away by him? "

After hearing Dan Wenye's words, Qingyi felt relieved, and only then did she notice the Sanxian next to her, and she looked at Dan Wenye suspiciously.

"Master, why didn't you crush him to death?"

The Sanxian next to her shrank her neck when she heard it, this girl is really cruel, hey!I blame myself for being too confident at the beginning, which offended her.

Dan Wenye smiled like a spring breeze, "Girl, don't you think it's more useful to keep him?"

Qingyi still doesn't quite understand, wouldn't it be more dangerous to keep a powerful Sanxian by her side?

Dan Wenye pointed to her forehead and said: "Sometimes your head is really stupid!"

"Master-Father" Qing Yi was upset, how could she be said to be stupid.

"Haha, maybe you don't know about soul control?"

Qingyi nodded repeatedly, "I know, but his soul is so much stronger than ours, how do we control it?"

"Isn't there me? Although my primordial spirit has not fully recovered, controlling him is a trivial matter."

Dan Wenye said confidently.

Qingyi still didn't quite understand, "Then he only listens to you, you are already so strong, you don't need bodyguards anymore."

"Silly boy, I can use the talisman control technique, and then give you his soul talisman, and you can control him."

Qingyi finally understood, and said with a smile: "If that's the case, then keep him."

Baiyi Sanxian listened with his head down, but said nothing, wondering if he really accepted his fate or was thinking about something else.

(End of this chapter)

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