Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 404 Break out

Chapter 404 Break out

Yu'er quickly put away the fairy sword, and walked inside with Lan Fengli.

There are several medicine pools in the hall, but there are no people in them. There is a corridor around the hall, and there is a door at the corner.

Yu'er pushed the door lightly and opened it. The goal was a large space filled with wooden barrels. Inside the wooden barrels were numb-looking people. There were at least three to four hundred people, including men and women.

They also saw the monk who had just been captured, because he had not been put into the medicine barrel for a long time, so his mind was clear.

The whole face was distorted, and the appearance felt very painful. Seeing Yu'er opened her mouth wide, she couldn't speak.

Yu'er knew what the man was trying to say, so she kindly lifted him out of the medicine barrel, and released the sealed cultivation base on his body.

Yu'er continued to nervously check each barrel, wishing to see that amiable great-grandfather, but also a little afraid to see him.

Because the people here can no longer be regarded as normal monks, after more than ten years of soaking in the medicinal liquid, can the grandfather recover when he is already a little older?

Lan Fengli was also looking for it, but they didn't find Chu Yunlan after searching all the way. They were lucky but also worried.

Standing in front of the last wooden barrel, Yu'er seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly took out the small jade tablet, but Chu Yunlan's spot of light suddenly appeared on it, so close to him.

Yu'er was obviously stunned, and quickly raised her head to look at the person in the medicine barrel in front of her. This is a middle-aged man about 40 years old.

Because of soaking in the medicinal bath, his face was a little swollen, and his black hair hung messily by the side of the bucket.

Yu'er looked at the jade token in her hand again, and she was sure that the spot of light was the bucket. Is this person grandpa?

It was too different from the white-haired, white-bearded great-grandfather in his memory with kind wrinkles.


Yu'er gently lifted Chu Yunlan out of the bucket, and choked with sobs.

The person in the barrel didn't react, and his eyes were still closed.

Lan Fengli hurried over when he heard the voice, although he felt that this person was not like Chu Yunlan, but he knew it when he saw the jade card in Yu'er's hand.

He quickly took out a Huiyuan Pill and stuffed it into Chu Yunlan's mouth, using spiritual energy to help him digest it. Although I don't know if this pill will work well in the fairy world, it is definitely not harmful to eat it.

"Daddy, what are we going to do?"

Yu'er panicked for a moment, wondering if such a Chu Yunlan could recover?

"Put him in the Immortal Mansion first, and when I see your mother, her master, Senior Pill, may have medicine to cure him."

After Lan Fengli finished speaking, he brought Chu Yunlan into the Jiuyan Immortal Mansion. He didn't know much about curing diseases and saving lives, and now was not the time.

"What about these people?"

Yu'er pointed to the medicine barrels in the space and asked.

Lan Fengli glanced at these drug men with numb expressions, and wanted to execute them all, but he couldn't bear it. After all, these were still living people, not puppets.

Although it's unclear what kind of treatment the mind has been soaked in drugs, but what if it can be cured after seeing Qingyi?

After thinking about it, he simply took them all into his fairy mansion, and sent Bingyu and another female ghost cultivator to take care of them.

The cultivator who was just caught was a hell at the last moment and turned into heaven at this moment. Weeping with joy, he knelt down to Lan Fengli and Yu'er and entered Jiuyan Immortal Mansion with him.

After everything is done, the two are faced with the question of how to get out?

This is a confined space. I don't know how to open the space exit, so I can only break through it with brute force. With the current strength of the two of them, they can't break through at all.

"Just wait, someone will come in two days later, and then break out!"

Lan Fengli patrolled around, and there was only one way to get out.

Yu'er responded, and called Huan'er out, and a fire burned all the wooden barrels and the medicinal liquid in that room.

Lan Fengli also sent Yu'er into the Immortal Mansion, leaving him alone to perform invisibility and wait quietly beside the exit of the space.

Sure enough, two days later, the space rift at the exit opened again, and the middle-aged man in the red robe was walking in with his body bowed.

Suddenly, I felt the air around me fluctuate, as if something was coming out of it.

He couldn't help but stop and look back, and a man in black who followed impatiently urged:
"Why did you stop, go in quickly."

The red-robed man hurriedly responded, turned around and jumped in one step, with a few drops of sweat oozing from his forehead, he didn't see anything, and endured the lord's dissatisfaction.

As soon as he entered the space, he could smell the flames, and he hadn't seen his father yet, the man in red was startled.

After a few steps, he came to the room full of medicine barrels. Looking at the mess in the room, he sat down on the ground with a bang.

Kicked by the man in black again, veins popped out of the man in black's white face, how should he explain to the family if he can't take him back this time.

"What the hell is going on here? Didn't you say that people can be taken away in two days? But what about people?"

The red-robed man hurriedly pointed to the outside and said anxiously:

"Someone must have come in. I just felt someone walking past me."

"A bunch of idiots, you can't do such a small job with your family, wasting so much medicinal materials, fairy crystals and elixir, you don't need to exist if you can't catch anyone today!"

After the man in black finished speaking viciously, he carried the man in red to the exit of the space.

"Open it!"

The red-robed man was so frightened that his hands kept trembling, he couldn't even stand upright with the formula, and he was so angry that the black-clothed man really wanted to chop him to death with his palm.

How did such a person become the patriarch of the family?How did the Great Elder find such a family?
The man in red finally opened the exit trembling, and the man in black rushed out.

He had to catch the person who ruined everything, otherwise how would he explain to the family?He should have come over two days ago and stayed here to guard.

The strength of the man in black is at the first level of Jinxian, and his flying speed is much faster than that of Lan Fengli, who is at the fifth level of Tianxian.

Lan Feng left that space and flew directly to the outside of Feisheng City. As soon as he flew out of the city wall, he felt a powerful monk chasing after him.

Lan Fengli knew that his invisibility had been discovered again. Ever since he arrived in the Immortal Realm, invisibility was no longer a secret in the dark. Many children of big families and powerful forces have immortal weapons that can see through invisibility.

In desperation, he could only use the teleportation technique, which is much faster than his flying, and should be able to get rid of the man in black!
Three consecutive teleportations did not shake off the man in black, what should we do?
Lan Fengli didn't think arrogantly that he could beat this man.

He could only continue to move, trying to find a place with sea water. After moving twice, he finally saw a vast ocean.

Lan Fengli almost wept with joy, and jumped into the sea with a flying body, directly entering the Jiuyan Immortal Mansion, and the Immortal Mansion turned into a drop of sea water drifting with the tide.

The man in black behind him kept staring at Lan Fengli with his consciousness, and saw him enter the sea with a bloody smile on his lips.

It turned out that he was just a fifth-level celestial boy, not to mention jumping into the sea, even if he ran to the edge of the sky, he would catch him.

So a leap also jumped into the sea, but the soul passed through the entire sea area, and did not see that figure.

The man in black frowned, thought for a while before he understood everything, and couldn't help but sneer, do you think I won't be able to catch you after entering the space fairy?

(End of this chapter)

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