Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 405 Escape

Chapter 405 Escape
The man in black took something out of the space ring, touched it again and again, and finally crushed it. This is a special way of connection for their family.

As long as this thing is crushed, the elders in the clan will know where he is and know that this is his distress signal.

This time it was the elder who sent him here. Once he received the information, he believed that given the importance the family attached to this matter, he would send the elder over soon. How long can this kid hide?

After finishing everything, the man in black stayed in the sea, waiting for the arrival of the elders of the clan while monitoring with his spiritual sense.

Although Lan Fengli entered the Immortal Mansion, he also knew that he could only escape for a while. The Nine Flames Immortal Mansion was only a sixth-grade fairy weapon, and the two seventh-level immortal emperors attacked uninterruptedly, and it should break open soon.

He believed that the person chasing him would not give up, and would probably notify the clan or find other helpers, so the monk who came again would definitely be at the level of an immortal emperor.

"Daddy, isn't it dangerous?"

Yu'er hurriedly greeted her and asked with concern, Lan Fengli nodded slightly.

"It's very difficult to escape this time! Now I can only hurry up and practice to see if I can unlock the second layer of the ghost hall."

"I think it's better to escape now. Wait until the great monks of the Immortal Emperor level come and surround this sea area. It will be even more difficult for us to escape!"

Yu'er suggested softly, Lan Fengli frowned, and after a while, a relaxed smile bloomed on his lips, and nodded again:
"Well, you are quite right. Let's escape from this sea area first, and then find a place to enter the Immortal Mansion to practice."

"But how to escape? Invisibility has no effect."

Yu'er was a little frustrated, thinking that he could only propose, but had no ability or method.

"I'm going to refine a non-directional teleportation array. No matter where it goes, as long as we leave this sea area to escape that person's sight, we will be safe for a while."

Countless little stars appeared in Yu'er's eyes in an instant, his father is very powerful, no matter what time, any dangers and things will not be difficult for him!
In Lan Fengli's space, there are a lot of refining materials brought from Tianxiang Continent, and there are many corpses of beasts in the Ghost Sea Region. When they first ascended, they also bought some in Feisheng City.

It took five days to refine a fairy-level teleportation array disk. In fact, there are still ones that were refined in Tianxiang Continent in his space.

In order to make sure, he added fairy crystal and fairy liquid to refine a higher-level teleportation array.

"Daddy, will you teleport directly outside the planet and fall into the endless void?"

Thinking of this possibility, Yu'er inevitably asked worriedly.

"No, the Ascension Star is so big, my teleportation array is not so powerful, and it can teleport such a long distance!"

With Lan Fengli's guarantee, Yu'er was also relieved.

Lan Fengli patted him, came to the exit of the Immortal Mansion, cautiously poked out his consciousness, there was no man in black nearby, and he didn't feel any sweep of his consciousness.

Although invisibility was useless, he still used the invisibility technique first, and immediately activated the teleportation array as soon as he left the Immortal Mansion, and disappeared after a flash of light.

The man in black used his spiritual sense to monitor such a large sea area. He was very tired after five days, so he just withdrew his spiritual sense and was about to rest for a while. It happened that Lan Feng fled out at this time.

After only a cup of tea, the man in black let go of his consciousness again. As long as he persisted for a few more days, people from his family would probably arrive, but he didn't know that there was no one in the sea to catch.

It should be said that Lan Fengli was lucky, he was not found when he fled, and the teleportation place happened to be a big mountain, and there were no monks around.

He scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense. Although there were no monks, there were big beasts inside, so he hurried into the Immortal Mansion, and the Immortal Mansion turned into a grain of fine sand and stayed in the weeds.


As soon as she entered the Immortal Mansion, Yu'er yelled nervously.

"It's okay, we can practice in the time formation of Xianfu with peace of mind."

"I don't know if that person will find out that we have left? If not, haha... When they evaporate the sea water in the entire sea area and can't find Daddy, what do you think it will be like?"

Yu'er thought it was funny when he thought about it, Lan Fengli nodded his head and said with a light smile:

"You, you are very similar to a cat!"


Yu'er smiled embarrassingly, the sleeping cat really wanted to get up, this was wronged at all!
The father and son went to the first floor of the Immortal Mansion to look at the medicine people. Bingyu and the others took good care of them. Although they were not conscious yet, without the soaking in the medicine liquid, their spirit and body were obviously much better than before. .

The sealed cultivation base did not help them undo it, Lan Fengli always felt that once the seal was unblocked, the strength of these medicine men should grow very fast, and it was very likely that they would be out of control by then.

Chu Yunlan was placed alone on the floor with Yu'er and the others, because after taking the Huiyuan Pill, the swelling on his face disappeared, and he could already see his former appearance.

Seeing Yu'er and Lan Fengli walking over, she opened her eyes, but her eyes were full of confusion.

"Daddy, can you use spiritual power to expel the medicinal liquid absorbed in Grandpa's body?"

Yu'er looked up at Lan Fengli hopefully, and Lan Fengli shook his head.

"This estimate is unfeasible. Let's not move around. If the balance of absorbing the medicinal liquid in his body is broken, it may cause bad consequences."

Yu'er also felt that this idea was just a hope in his heart, so he stopped struggling, hoping to see his mother soon.

After the father and son arranged everything, they entered the time formation and began to retreat.

Five days later, beside the sea area, the man in black withdrew his consciousness and rushed out of the sea to meet the two old men flying over in midair.

The two elders who rushed over from the Li family were the Eighth Elder and the Ninth Elder, both of whom were at the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor. Originally, the First Elder wanted to come in person, but when something happened, he sent the two of them over.

This is a major event for their family. Everything was going smoothly. This time, Li Han, the core disciple of the second generation of the family, was sent to Feisheng Star with a space fairy.

As long as those completed medicine people are brought back, they can implement the next plan.

But suddenly they received a rescue signal from Li Han. At that time, the elders of the entire family were shocked, and two elders were quickly sent over.

When the two elders understood the cause and effect clearly from Li Hanna, they almost fainted, but after recovering, they still looked in disbelief.

The medicine man that the family spent a lot of medicinal materials to cultivate just disappeared?And the one who caused all this was just a little cultivator of a fifth-level celestial being?

After the two confirmed it again, there was no time to accuse Li Han, and now they just wanted to catch that kid. Since he had the space artifact, those medicine men might be taken away by him.

It is not an easy task even for two sixth-level immortal emperors to find that drop of seawater transformed by Immortal Mansion in this sea area.

The most exasperating thing is that the two of them spent nearly a month filtering all the seawater without finding any suspicious drop.

In the end, he simply evaporated all the seawater, but there was still nothing, and even carefully checked every grain of sand and stone on the bottom of the sea.

The anger of the two elders was directed at Li Han. Poor Li Han couldn't explain it clearly no matter how he tried to explain it. In the end, he could only say that his consciousness had left for a short period of time.

Li Han's heart is so bitter!Why did that kid run away during his rest period?
(End of this chapter)

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