Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 427 2 Party Reactions

Chapter 427
Bingyu quietly left the Jiuyan Immortal Mansion, glanced at the surrounding environment, and flew down the mountain.

The two elders of the Li family have been monitoring them with their spiritual consciousness for five years, and they feel extremely tired.

"Brother, why don't we go back? I haven't come out for so long, could it be that I left?"

The Eighth Elder shook his head and said affirmatively:

"Impossible to leave, haven't you seen Wan Xinghai from Immortal Sword Sect? I don't know why he also came to Feisheng Star. He seems to be looking for someone. Could it be that kid?"

The Ninth Elder immediately nodded in agreement and said:

"Li Han said that the boy is a sword cultivator. It seems really possible. If he is an apprentice, he can send his disciples here. Why did he come to Feishengxing in person?"

The eighth elder curled his lips and said in disdain:

"What else can I do? He has a lot of sword fairy puppets in his hand. I heard that they are all made from living bodies."

"If he can come here in person, then this kid must have very good qualifications. By the way, the head of the Lan family and his wife also came to Feishengxing some time ago, and it seems that they are also looking for someone.

Do you think it could be the child of the Sword Heart Body that they lost? "

The Ninth Elder's eyes widened wider and wider. He didn't think about it when he saw the head of the Lan family and his wife, but now it seems that the truth will be revealed immediately after such a contact.

The eighth elder's mind was also clear for a moment, and he slapped his thigh and said:
"It must be, Lan Chenghuan's wife hasn't come out since the child disappeared.

At first I thought it was because Lan Chenghuan was afraid that she would become ill from depression, so he took him out to relax and find a few well-qualified disciples for the family.

But now it seems that there should be news of that child. It is estimated that he has been missing for so many years, and he ascended not long after he went to the lower realm. "

"Brother, what should we do now? It was originally planned to drive the Lan family out of the Central Continent in this Millennium Competition, but if that child comes back, will there be any changes?"

The Eighth Elder shook his head again, "He hasn't grown up yet, at most he can participate in the Celestial level competition, there are four levels of competition in total, and one person can't turn things around."

"We still inform the patriarch. If he is really the child of the Lan family, once he returns to the family and tells about the medicine man, the Lan family may know our purpose."

The Ninth Elder quickly suggested, and the Eighth Elder stroked the few scattered beards on his forehead, looked around, added another layer of soundproof cover, nodded and said:
"No matter what, let's inform the patriarch first and see how the family reacts. We must not let the Lan family grow again."

"Okay! I'll notify you right away."

After the Ninth Elder finished speaking, a communication crystal ball similar to that of the Qi family appeared in his hand. This thing is also very scarce in the fairy world.

In general big families and big forces, only star masters and elders can have them.

After listening to the analysis of the two elders, the head of the Li family was silent for a moment, but he quickly made a decision:
That is, no matter what, this kid should not be allowed to return to the Lan family, and the two elders should continue to stay in Feishengxing to search, and the third elder will be sent soon.

Just in case, all the core disciples above the Xuanxian stage of the family were sent out.

Go to each planet separately, guard the entrance and exit of the planetary teleportation array, as long as it is a young sword repair man, don't let go.

The head of the Li family seemed to attach great importance to the lost child of the sword heart of the Lan family, and before he could confirm it, he laid a net of heaven and earth.


Wan Xinghai once again came to the Star Lord's Mansion. It has been five years, and he has searched the entire planet, but he still hasn't met the boy with the body of the sword heart. Did he leave?
He Yeqi still greeted him politely, and said with a smile:
"Brother Wan, I have been sending people to guard the exit of the planetary teleportation array. It is impossible for him to leave here without seeing the body of the sword heart you mentioned."

Wan Xinghai's chubby round face showed a trace of exhaustion, and he sighed regretfully and said:

"It seems that I have no chance to receive such a good apprentice!"

"Why, Brother Wan wants to leave?"

"Yeah, there is still something to do with the Zongmen. Seeing that the Millennium Grand Competition is coming up again, it's time to see if any of my disciples can participate in the election. Brother He, do you want to participate in the Sanxian League this time?"

Just now, the suzerain of Immortal Sword Sect has sent news that the sect will soon decide the candidates for the Millennium Competition, so he has no choice but to go back, wait until the competition is over, and then come out to look for it.

"Even if we join the Sanxian League, we won't be able to enter the top eighteen. Those big sects and big families have occupied the Central Continent for hundreds of millions of years, and they can only become stronger and stronger. How dare a small force like us dare to covet it!"

He Yeqi felt that it would be good for him to be a star master and provide a place for casual practitioners to settle down and practice, but forget about it in the Central Continent.

"Hey, that's not necessarily the case. In the last millennium competition, Lingtian Palace was born and squeezed into the top eighteen, driving Yunxiao Palace out of the Central Continent."

Wan Xinghai immediately made an exception.

"As powerful as Chu Muyuan and Fairy Bingxia, how many people are there in the fairy world? Hey!"

He Yeqi's tone was full of envy.

"That couple is simply not a normal person, not only their own strength is strong, but also the monks under their hands are not vulgar.

I heard that they are also monks who have ascended from the lower realms, but they have squeezed into the Central Continent after ten thousand years. I am over 20 years old, and I have just broken through the fifth level of Immortal Emperor. This is simply incomparable! "

The monk Wan Xinghai admired the most was Chu Muyuan.

"However, in this competition, Lingtian Palace may not be able to stand firmly in the top eighteen. I heard that Yunxiao Palace, who was squeezed out last time, wants to come back again.

Fairy Bingxia hasn't appeared for a long time because of her daughter's disappearance, it's hard for Chu Muyuan alone! "

As the seventh-level immortal emperor and the leader of the Sanxian League, He Yeqi is still very concerned about the information of those big forces.

"It seems that Brother He knows a lot, and your Sanxian League is also very strong. If you can break through to the eighth-level Immortal Emperor, you might not be able to enter the Central Continent."

"With your kind words, I have been at the peak of the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor for many years, and it is time to break through to the eighth level.

No matter whether we break through or not, we, the Sanxianmeng, will participate in this big competition. Participation is valuable, but it can also gain insight. "

Wan Xinghai immediately showed a sincere smile on his chubby round face, cupped his hands and said:

"Then I'll see you at the Grand Competition. I'm sorry to bother you this time."

He Yeqi also stood up quickly, "Should I guard the exit of the teleportation array for you? I haven't returned the fairy artifact to you yet."

"If it's not too troublesome, just watch one or two for me, otherwise forget it.

Put that thing in your place first, if you see that kid, please let me know, Wan will never trouble you for nothing. "

Wan Xinghai said as he took out a small bottle and handed it over.

"Is this the ninth grade elixir?"

He Yeqi opened the bottle cap and asked with a trembling voice.

"Well, last time I got two ninth-grade primary elixir, and I ate one when I broke through, and this one will be given to you."

"It's too expensive. I haven't done anything to help, so I can't ask for it."

Although He Yeqi was very envious of the elixir, he accepted the favor for no reason, and he was afraid that he would not be able to repay it, so he finally gave it to others.

"This time I have troubled you a lot. After you take this pill, you will be able to break through to the eighth-level Immortal Emperor. In case I can't get along in Immortal Sword Gate, I can also come to your Sanxianmeng for a position. ,dont you agree?"

Wan Xinghai pushed the elixir back, although it was very painful to send this elixir, but with the favor, people will do things for him with heart, right?He still wanted to get that kid with the body of the sword heart very much.

(End of this chapter)

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