Chapter 428
"Since that's the case, then I'll be disrespectful. You can rest assured that your business will be my business in the future. It's a blessing for He to have such a friend as you!"

Because of this elixir, the two of them instantly became good friends from a normal acquaintance!
A month later, Bingyu arrived at Feishengxing's planetary teleportation array smoothly.

After handing in 1000 yuan of immortal crystals, she sat in the house and waited patiently. The teleportation array needs to gather ten people each time to open it.

Counting her now, there are only seven people and there are still three people short. Sometimes it takes a few days to wait, and sometimes it may be assembled in the next instant.

Lan Fengli has been carefully watching the outside, feeling very nervous, hoping to leave Feishengxing smoothly.

He had already shown Bingyu the light spot on the jade tablet, and knew that Qingyi did not appear on Feishengxing.

Lan Fengli guessed that she should have gone to another planet or something really happened in Tianxiang Continent.

He couldn't stay on Feishengxing, and according to the plan of the two of them, he was going to the Central Continent.

Soon another young man came in. The cultivator guarding the teleportation array first inquired, took out a small mirror after looking at it for a while, and then accepted the fairy crystal and let him go.

Although the male cultivator was a little puzzled by their inspection, he didn't dare to ask more questions.

The monk guarding the teleportation array looked at Bingyu again, and said:

"Stand up, I forgot to check just now."

Bingyu didn't say much, and stood up obediently. The man shook the mirror, waved his hand and said, "Okay."

Lan Fengli saw it clearly in the Immortal Mansion, and thought that the man had discovered the difference in Bingyu, so he raised his heart, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

Sure enough, an interrogation was set up at the exit of the teleportation array, but this inspection method seemed to be checking the monk's physique.

Did the Li family see his sword heart body?When he first entered Feisheng City, he caused a lot of trouble because of his physique, so he purposely spent [-] celestial crystals to buy an immortal weapon that could conceal his physique.

It stands to reason that the cultivator of the Li family chasing him should not have discovered his sword heart body, could it be the Immortal Sword Gate?Aiming at Yu'er?

Lan Fengli immediately thought of Immortal Sword Gate, and a helpless smile appeared on his lips. Not long after he ascended, he and Yu'er got into trouble with two big forces.

If you want to go to the Central Continent, it seems difficult to find the Lan family!I don't know where the junior sister is now?Will it also have the same trouble?
Although they had been separated for less than 20 years, it seemed like a long, long time apart. He really missed her!

After waiting for two full hours, ten people were gathered together. Bingyu quickly entered the teleportation formation, and Lan Fengli finally let out a breath.

"Daddy, have you already left?"

Yu'er was very good at observing words and expressions, and she knew the result when she saw his father's expression.

"When I arrive on the next planet, I have to choose a place and go out to survive the thunder disaster!"

Mao'er hurried over, afraid that the father and son would forget him, he really wanted to go out and see what the fairyland was like?
Yu'er patted him and comforted him, "Don't worry, I won't forget you."

Huan'er also came out, and yelled in a soft voice:
"I want to go out too. You said you took me to see the scenery, but you kept me trapped and didn't give me anything to eat."

Lan Fengli looked at Yu'er and his two spirit beasts with a smile, especially the No. [-] Heavenly Flame, who looked so small and cute, it reminded him of Yu'er when he was a child.

Huan'er has grown up with Yu'er's ascension, and now looks like three or four years old.

Lan Fengli took out a few demon pills from the space and threw them over, thinking that he should be able to eat them, sure enough, Huan'er took one and looked at it first, then swallowed it in one gulp.

Squinting his eyes for a while, two small pits appeared on his red cheeks, he grabbed those few as well, put them in the storage bag Yu'er gave him, and looked at them with big round eyes. Lan Fengli.

"You are his father?"

Lan Fengli nodded with a light smile.

"He said that his mother has a lot of good things to eat, and you have them too. Why don't you give him all the good things?"

Huan'er's soft voice contained accusations.

Lan Fengli laughed, and took out a bunch of useless demon pills in the space.

Huan'er stretched out two chubby hands to grab it, Yu'er patted him, touched his head and said with a smile:
"I'll keep these for you first, you can't eat too much at one time, you know?"

The cat glared at him angrily and said, "Look at us who eat, you are a different kind!"

Huan'er also glared at Mao'er, with a small mouth, a large cluster of flames sprayed towards Mao'er, Lan Fengli stopped her and said with a smile:

"Aren't you going out? I'll take you out of here in a while."

The eyes of one fire and one cat lit up immediately, and they stopped attacking each other.

Bingyu flew out of the teleportation array and flew to a secluded place. Two days later, she arrived at the foot of a big mountain. Seeing no one around, Lan Fengli left the Jiuyan Immortal Mansion, followed by Yu'er, Mao'er and Huan'er. come out.

As soon as the cat came out, it was ready to meet the sudden change of the weather and the baptism of thunder, but there was not even a single black cloud in the clear sky!
The cat squinted and looked at the sky. Why is the sun so hot?

He stretched out his arms and turned around, hoping to bring a gust of wind, then black clouds to cover the sun, and thunder to roll.

However, no matter how many times he turned, the sky was still the same sky, without any change at all.

"Okay, don't turn around, I guess your Thunder Tribulation is gone."

Yu'er held the cat down and came to a conclusion.

"Why? Without Thunder Tribulation, my body has lost one temper."

Mao'er was very unwilling, and looked at Lan Fengli again, hoping to hear his opinion.

Lan Fengli looked at the sky, patted the cat's head, and said slowly:
"At this stage in the mortal world, you have to endure the lightning calamity of ascension, but you have already reached the fairy world. The thunder tribulation from the Mahayana stage to the immortal stage in the fairy world is called the fairy calamity. After passing through, you will become a real fairy!
You came to the Immortal Realm without ascending to Thunder Tribulation, it is very likely that this is the punishment of Heaven! "

"If it's a punishment, isn't such a punishment too light?"

Yu'er whispered with some puzzlement.

"Why is it so light? If I haven't gone through the thunder tribulation, I'm not a real immortal!"

Mao'er glared at Yu'er, it's really a smart person to talk stupidly, this kind of punishment is worse than being struck to death by lightning, okay?

However, as soon as Mao'er finished speaking, boom, there was a loud noise on a sunny day, and a thick beam of light hung down above his head.

Mao'er looked up at the beam of light with an unbelievable expression on his face. Did he say something wrong or did many bad things?He was struck by lightning on a sunny day!
"Hurry up and take the Lightning Avoidance Pill, be careful, the power of such a thunder disaster is unimaginable, this should be the punishment of heaven!"

After Lan Fengli finished speaking, he greeted the beam of light with a sword first, and Yu'er directly took out the remaining first-tier defensive fairy weapon and handed it to Mao'er.

The cat quickly swallowed the lightning protection pill, of course he didn't dare to be careless, he just said in his heart that it would be better to be struck to death by lightning, so he struck down such a big road of thunder, will the next few strikes really kill him ?
The thunder strike on a sunny day was several times more powerful than before. After the first thunderstorm, the cat was injured.

Lan Fengli and Yu'er were very nervous, this was the first time they had encountered such a situation, judging by the power of the thunder, if the cat's body could be saved when the last strike struck?
The father and son tried their best to save Mao'er. After the eighth thunderstorm ended, the two also suffered serious injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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