Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 435 Troubled

Chapter 435 Troubled
"The breath of other monks in the ghost hall is very similar to Bingyu, so it's not too safe."

Lan Fengli explained softly.

"Hey! Running around like this, I don't know when I will see my mother?"

After arriving in the fairy world, Yu'er realized that it is dangerous and cruel, and it is really difficult for a casual cultivator without power to rely on!

How did his grandfather squeeze into the Central Continent step by step from the Ascension Star and become the overlord of one side?

When Qingyi was mentioned, Lan Feng moved his heart and took out the little jade token again. Although he knew that she would never appear on Qingmang Star, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Looking down, he sighed helplessly, hope can only be hope after all!What happened to his junior sister?
"Father, it is impossible for mother to be on this planet. Now we still try to leave Qingmang Star and go to the Central Continent."

Yu'er knew his intentions and whispered something.

Lan Fengli glanced at this strange planet, and nodded.

"Let's go to Fangshi to buy a planet map first, and then find a way to leave. It is estimated that these two days should be safe."

So the four of them flew down the mountain...

After more than three months, Qingyi and Fairy Bingxia sat in nearly a hundred teleportation formations and finally set foot on Qingmang Star.

You only need to take another planet's teleportation array, and you will arrive at Feisheng Star. I don't know if the brothers will still stay there?
If not, where would she look for it?Every time she went to a planet, she would take out the small jade card and look at it, hoping to see the bright spot, but it never appeared on it.

Could it be that this thing doesn't work well in the fairy world?But my own light spot is bright, maybe it's too far away to show it!

Qingyi took out the little jade card again, thinking that it would be as gloomy as before, but...

Her hand trembling excitedly holding the jade tablet, there appeared three light spots next to each other on it.

It turns out that Yu'er also ascended to the fairyland, and Mao'er, the two of them were actually together with Lan Fengli, but where is Grandpa?
"What's wrong? Are they on this planet?"

When Fairy Bingxia saw her expression, she knew the result, but she still asked.

Qingyi nodded her head vigorously, "Mother, Yu'er has also ascended, and is with his father, but without grandpa."

"In which direction, we will fly over."

When Fairy Bingxia heard that her grandson had also ascended, she was also very excited and hurriedly urged.

"It's far away, it should be one south and one north of the planet, can mother take me to fly?"

Qingyi wanted to see them soon, so she raised her head and looked at Fairy Bingxia hopefully.

"Okay, I'll see them in less than half a day with you."

Fairy Bingxia smiled and took her daughter's hand gently. The time spent alone with Qingyi was the happiest of her 1 years.

Her daughter is very close to her, she has not lost the strangeness and dissatisfaction of more than 140 years, and is very sensible, which makes her feel at ease!

Thinking of Chu Mingyang and his wife who raised her, she felt extremely grateful, and when she stabilized, she would repay them well.

It took Lan Fengli and the four of them a long time to find a city, and they went to Fangshi to buy a planet map, and the four of them walked out of the city without stopping.

As soon as he left the city, he felt unusual fluctuations in the surrounding fairy power.

The four of them stopped at the same time, and Yu'er looked at Lan Fengli, showing a wry smile helplessly, the pursuers came just in time.

Following the fluctuation of the fairy power, figures flew out one after another, and soon surrounded them.

Lan Fengli glanced at the group of people surrounding them. From the appearance of their clothes, they should not be monks of the Qingyue Sect, and their cultivation level is above Xuanxian. When did he offend these people?
The middle-aged man in gray clothes at the head looked at Lan Fengli again, nodded and said:
"It seems that the kid from Qingyue Sect is telling the truth. He should be the one we want to arrest."

"Didn't you say the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal? But his cultivation has already reached the ninth level of the Celestial Immortal, and he can't see the body of the sword heart. I think it's the one next to him?"

A young man in white on the left whispered something.

"Hey, it doesn't matter who he is, if you take him away, it's over. Anyway, the family confessed that they would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go."

"Okay, so what are you waiting for? Catch the living ones or kill them directly!"

Listening to their unscrupulous conversation, Lan Fengli frowned. These people should be monks of the Li family. Unexpectedly, the Li family would spread their nets all over the planets in order to catch him.

They seemed to be in a deadlock, and they couldn't escape no matter what. Even if they used the teleportation array to escape temporarily, they would still be caught sooner or later.

"Boy, don't think about running away. Have you seen this thing? This is the letter bee of that kid from the Qingyue Sect. No matter where you escape, it will find it!"

The leader man in gray finished speaking proudly, and stretched out a hand, in the palm of which a small bee-like guy was lazily lying there.

Yu'er glanced at Lan Fengli, seeing that his father's face remained unchanged, and his nervous heart gradually calmed down.

"Who are you? You will be punished for grabbing and killing for no reason."

Lan Fengli asked in a cold voice, the person who directly regarded him as the leader.

"Punishment? Haha, you are really naive. Don't you know that in the world of cultivating immortals, strength determines everything. Who would dare to punish our Li family?"

The leading man in gray laughed as if hearing a joke.

Lan Fengli's heart sank, he was indeed a monk from the Li family, and he should have some relationship with the Qingyue Sect, otherwise he couldn't have found them so quickly.

hit?Even if he can leapfrog again, he is still no match for so many monks above Xuanxian.

The only way out now is to escape, thinking of this, he directly took out a teleportation array, and brought Yu'er, Mao'er and Bingyu into the Immortal Mansion together.

With a light pinch, the array shattered, a ray of light flashed, and he disappeared from these people.

The whole process was just a breath, and the leader, Huiyi, was so angry that he quickly let go of the letter bee, and cursed while chasing:
"Grandma, you bastard! You really dare to run away. See if I catch him next time, I will kill him first."

A group of other people quickly followed, following the letter bee and chasing in one direction.

This teleportation array plate was refined by him in Tianxiang Continent before. Although it was teleported away, the distance seemed not too far, and soon he felt the breath of chasing soldiers behind him.

Lan Fengli looked around, and moved in the direction of the planetary teleportation array without hesitation.

However, he was caught up in just a few breaths. The man in gray at the head had learned his skills this time, so he let go of his momentum without talking nonsense.

Lan Fengli was startled, he couldn't move anymore, this person was at least at the level of Immortal Emperor.

"Haha, I told you not to try to escape. I just wanted to catch you, but this time I will kill you directly! Get your space fairy."

After the man in gray finished speaking, a big hand appeared on top of Lan Fengli's head. If he photographed it, there would be no bones left!
(End of this chapter)

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