Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 436 Meeting

Chapter 436 Meeting

Lan Fengli felt a chill in his heart, did he just die like this?He hasn't found the Lan family yet, and hasn't seen his junior sister for the last time, so how could he just leave like this?
The strong unwillingness and resistance in his heart made him break through the shackles of the man in gray, and he moved away from the big palm that was about to fall.

The gray-clothed man's eyes were full of disbelief, a little cultivator at the ninth level of the Celestial Immortal could break through the shackles of his Immortal Emperor?

It seems that this kid is really the lost child of the Lan family, and he must be beheaded today!

Thinking of this, he teleported directly in front of Lan Fengli, and that big hand grabbed him again. To deal with such a little cultivator, he only needed to transform his palm with immortal power, and this move was enough to crush him!
Facing the danger coming again, Lan Fengli knew that he would die today!
But absolutely can't sit still, countless Qi swords shot out from the body in an instant.

bang bang bang...

Although the explosion of the air sword hindered the speed of the big hand, it couldn't hurt it at all.

This is the huge disparity in strength, no matter how much you can leapfrog, you will still be no match for the Immortal Emperor's palm.

Reluctantly, he took out another teleportation disk, hoping to transmit it farther this time.

Just when he was about to crush the array, he found that the temperature around him suddenly turned cold, and the owner of that big hand instantly turned into an ice sculpture, and he could only see the posture of attacking him and the panic left in his eyes.

The dozen or so people chasing after him also became ice sculptures.

Who was so kind to save him?He didn't know such a powerful person when he came to the fairy world. Could it be that the Lan family came looking for him?
But the Lan family should be a sword cultivator, Lan Fengli quickly looked around, looking for someone to save him.

Soon a beautiful woman in white appeared in his sight.

"Junior Sister!"

Lan Fengli shouted in surprise, then lowered his head like a child who has made a mistake.

He knew that this person was not a junior sister. Although the junior sister also wore white clothes, how could she become so strong?They just look alike!

His clever brain quickly thought of one person, and that was the biological mother of Junior Sister.

Oops!I didn't expect that when I saw my junior sister's mother, I would look so embarrassed. Could it be that she didn't like him from the beginning?

Lan Fengli's heart was trembling with fear, but it was very spineless to keep his head down like this, and he should have thanked him for saving his life first, would the junior sister be there?
Thinking of this, busy raised his head again, bowed down and bowed down:
"Thank you for your life-saving grace, senior!"

Fairy Bingxia originally took Qingyi to fly this way, but in the middle of the flight, Qingyi suddenly felt flustered.

Busily took out the jade tablet again, and found that there was only one spot of light on Lan Fengli, and the spot was moving rapidly.

Qingyi knew that they must have encountered danger, Yu'er and Mao'er must have entered the Immortal Mansion, and in desperation, she could only let her mother go forward alone to rescue them.

Fairy Bingxia's powerful consciousness spread out, and she saw a monk at the level of Immortal Emperor chasing a young man.

There are more than a dozen Xuanxian and Jinxian monks following behind, and the big palm is about to fall.

Fairy Bingxia rushed over in a teleport in desperation, she didn't expect that kid to break through the shackles of the Immortal Emperor, and she couldn't help but admire him in her heart, her son-in-law, um, she is very satisfied!
Seeing the series of expressions on his face after calling out his junior sister in surprise, she felt that this child was very smart, and she must have guessed who she was, and she felt a little more satisfied.

"You don't need to thank me, your name is Lan Fengli?"

Upon hearing this, Lan Fengli was even more sure that this powerful fairy was Qingyi's biological mother, and quickly replied respectfully:

"Yes, I don't know who the senior is?"

Fairy Bingxia smiled softly, and said softly:

"Haven't you already guessed who I am?"

With a plop, Lan Fengli bowed on his knees.

He is a very proud person. Back then, Chu Mingyang and his wife, even Chu Yunlan, had never bowed down before.

But facing Qingyi's biological mother, he did so unconsciously.

It cannot be said that he did this only to win Fairy Bingxia's favor. In the world of cultivating immortals, it is only natural for the weak to bow down to the strong.

What's more, this strong man is also the biological mother of the junior sister!How is it different from his mother?
He just had a kind of respect from his heart and felt that he should do this.

Fairy Bingxia quickly helped him up, and said with a soft smile:

"Okay, don't be too formal, call me like Qingyi from now on, where is my grandson?"

Lan Fengli secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he got up, and quickly called Yu'er from the Immortal Mansion.

Yu'er has always been worried in the Immortal Mansion, Lan Fengli was afraid that he would be worried, so he closed the Immortal Mansion long ago, so he didn't know what happened outside.

As soon as he was brought out by his father, he saw Fairy Bingxia dressed in white in front of him, thought he saw Qingyi, and exclaimed in surprise:


While shouting, she stepped over, just about to hold her hand, suddenly felt something was wrong, looked carefully again, and said pleasantly:
"You are a grandmother!"

Fairy Bingxia looked at the face in front of her that was three to four points similar to her, and then heard the grandmother who was surprised and joyful, and it was sweet to the bottom of her heart.

Even more excited than when he first saw Qingyi, he gently hugged Yu'er into his arms.

"Good boy, you have grown up so much, grandma is sorry for you, it was almost a step too late."

Yu'er quietly appreciates this warm embrace, is this mother's own mother?Not only do they look alike, but even their arms are equally warm, but my grandmother looks gentler than my mother.

"Grandmother, where is my mother?"

Fairy Bingxia let go of Yu'er, looked at him tenderly and smiled, "She'll be here in a while."

"Grandmother, how did you find mother? Mother doesn't seem to be on Ascension Star, where is grandfather?"

After finding his relatives and mother, and having a backer, Yu'er immediately regained his energy, and he had a lot of questions to ask.

Fairy Bingxia patiently told him.

Lan Fengli listened quietly to the conversation between the two, but kept looking into the distance, hoping to see that familiar figure sooner.

Soon a ray of light appeared in the line of sight, galloping from the mid-air in the distance.

Lan Fengli hastily greeted him, and shouted tenderly:
"Junior Sister!"

Qingyi hastily stopped her figure, took a few glances at the foot of the mountain, and said with a smile:
"Brother, it's really not easy to find you. How did you provoke such a strong enemy? Have you met Grandpa?"

"Let's go over there and talk about it in detail. Grandpa is in the Immortal Mansion, but..."

"Just what?"

Qingyi felt something was wrong with Chu Yunlan, and asked nervously.

"You'll understand when you see him in a while."

The two of them spoke, and soon came to Fairy Bingxia and Yu'er.

"Mother!" Yu'er stepped forward, took Qingyi's hand, and called out excitedly.

"Yu'er, where did you and the cat go? How did you ascend so quickly? And you're also at the fourth level of the Celestial Immortal?"

While Qingyi was pleasantly surprised, she was even more surprised.

"This time my cultivation has finally caught up with my mother."

Yu'er raised her eyebrows and laughed triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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