Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 437 The Li Family's Ambition

Chapter 437 The Li Family's Ambition

After the joy of reunion, several people did not narrate the parting feelings here!

Looking at the ice sculptures that were still standing there, Yu'er snorted, looked at each one with regret and said:
"They're all dead, I still want to ask them something!"

"I still have one alive, and that's the man in gray."

Fairy Bingxia laughed and said, all the ice sculptures shattered with a click.

Yu'er was busy collecting storage rings first, and finally came to the man in gray and waved to him.

Before Yu'er could speak, the gray-clothed man knelt down with a plop, his body was numb from the ice sculpture, and he was frightened, he said tremblingly:
"Fairy Bingxia, please forgive me, all this is a misunderstanding, we caught the wrong person, please let me go for the Li family's sake!"

"Wrong catch? Since you are from the Li family, then you caught the right one. Just now, your nostrils were upturned, and now you look at the way you are begging for help. Your face has changed so quickly!"

Yu'er looked at him with disdain and said sarcastically, it feels really good to have a backing to fight back, Yu'er is very happy in her heart.

"It's really wrong to catch you, I'm sorry young master, if I knew you were the young master of Lingtian Palace, I wouldn't come to arrest you even if you were killed!
It's all that kid from Qingyue Sect, who tricked me into coming here. "

The elder brother of Qingyue Sect was hiding behind a big rock in the distance.

On the way back that day, he happened to meet such a group of people. Among them was a person he knew who was once a disciple of the Qingyue Sect. He was recruited by the Li family because of his good aptitude.

After greeting and asking, the group of Li's family asked for one of his letter bees, and happily chased after that kid.

He was also happy, so he didn't have to ask the master to come out to avenge his uncle, younger brother, and younger sisters.

So he took out another letter bee and quietly followed behind, who knew that what he saw was not the tragic death of the sword cultivator, but the fate of all the monks of the Li family turned into ice sculptures.

Even frightened and frightened, he didn't dare to run away, fearing that he would follow in the footsteps of those monks, so he quietly hid behind the boulder next to him, hoping to escape unharmed!
It turned out that they were really the children of the Central Continent. At this time, they vaguely heard the man in gray mention him, and the elder brother wanted to scold his mother.

This is a terrible situation, if that fairy finds Qingyue Sect in a fit of anger, then the sect is in jeopardy!
Just thinking about it, he felt a strong force directly take him away from the boulder.

Plop, senior brother was thrown in front of Yu'er by Fairy Bingxia.

He quickly got up, knelt down again, and begged Yu'er for mercy.

Yu'er looked at him with a half-smile, "Forgive me? You're so embarrassed to say it, if we lose to you, will you let us go?"

Eldest brother lowered his head, he really wanted to say some more words of begging for mercy, but he also knew that it was impossible to survive.

Why!The fleeting time is unfavorable, and the geese are pecked by the geese all the year round!
Yu'er looked at the man in gray again, and the man in gray had calmed down at this moment, and said slowly:

"If you let me go, the Li family and Lingtian Palace will still be safe. If you kill me, Lingtian Palace will have a powerful enemy. Fairy, do you think that's what I said?"

Fairy Bingxia looked at him coldly, and said lightly:
"What if you have more enemies like your Li family? Threats are what I hate the most!"

Yu'er couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the side, his grandmother is so domineering!he likes!
"How can this be a threat? I'm telling the truth. Although I'm only the first level of Immortal Emperor, I'm also the elder of the Li family. The family won't let it go if I die!
Although your Lingtian Palace is very strong, you also have many strong enemies. With the addition of the Li family, how long can you stay in the Central Continent?
Therefore, it is the wisest choice for you to let me go. "

"Grandmother, mother, it was their Li family who turned grandpa into a medicine man, so we are destined to become enemies with the Li family."

Yu'er looked at Qingyi and Fairy Bingxia, and still told about Chu Yunlan.

"What? A medicine man? Grandpa became a medicine man. Was it their family who killed him?"

Before Qingyi had time to ask about Chu Yunlan's specific situation, she was also surprised when she heard the words.

Yu'er nodded slightly, and Lan Fengli also brought Chu Yunlan out of the Immortal Mansion at this time.

Looking at her grandfather who has changed into a younger man with blank eyes, Qingyi's heart hurts.

At the beginning, she soared to the fairyland with the joy of seeing her father, but it turned out like this.

Fairy Bingxia also looked at Chu Yunlan. This is Mu Yuan's father, the father-in-law she has never met?
Seeing that she looked somewhat similar to Chu Muyuan, seeing her daughter's heartbroken expression made her very sad.

Looking at the man in gray again with cold eyes, the man in gray trembled in fright, and hurriedly explained:
"What kind of medicine man? It has nothing to do with our Li family. Don't wrong the good people!"

"I only believe what my grandson says."

After Fairy Bingxia finished speaking, a small jade-white hand directly grabbed the man in gray. It was too troublesome to ask, so it was better to search for the soul.

When it was time for a cup of tea, Fairy Bingxia withdrew her hand, and the man in gray fell to the ground and died. Qingyi asked anxiously:

"Mother, what information can I get? Is there a way to save Grandpa?"

Fairy Bingxia sighed and said slowly:

"Among the medicine men cultivated by the Li family, there is a medicine that devours the primordial spirit of monks.

A medicine man who has lost his primordial spirit is a body that can be promoted quickly. Their Li family has so many medicine men for nothing more than two purposes.

One is to make living fighting puppets at the level of immortal emperors, and the other is to become the bodies of some immortal monks and primordial spirits. "

Lan Fengli, Qingyi and Yu'er were a little puzzled by the last sentence.

Fairy Bingxia laughed again and explained:
"In the fairy world, even if you cultivate to the ninth level, the lifespan of an immortal emperor is only 5000 million years. As long as you don't become a god, the years will eventually come to an end. Some monks still don't want to die even if they live 5000 million years.

So they use a secret method to keep the primordial spirit immortal, but if such a primordial spirit is not contained by the body, it cannot see the light and can only live in the dark.

But ordinary bodies can't bear their primordial spirits at all, who would be willing to give up the body of the Immortal Emperor?
According to the information in the spiritual consciousness of the man in gray, the Li family has such an immortal primordial spirit.

After cultivating the bodies of so many medicine men, the most suitable ones were selected after processing as the bodies of their family's old immortal souls, and the rest were used to make puppets. "

"It's horrible! If the Li family succeeds, how terrifying their family's strength will be, and which family power will be their opponent. Is this trying to dominate the fairy world?"

Yu'er was very angry when she heard that, the Li family's ambitions are really big!
"Their family's ambitions have always been great. In the past, the Lan family was the head of the eight major families, and it was firmly ahead of the Li family.

The Lan family has become the sworn enemy of the Li family. Now that the Lan family has been stabilized, it has become the head of the eight major families, and they want to dominate the Central Continent. "

Fairy Bingxia said as she looked at Lan Fengli.

"Grandma, is Dad from the Lan family?"

Yu'er looked at her hopefully, Fairy Bingxia gently touched his head, and nodded slightly:

"Your father is the lost son of the current Patriarch Lan Chenghuan."

(End of this chapter)

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