Chapter 450
"Why are they hunting you down?"

Cong Shan glanced at the two of them, who were also at the first level of Xuanxian, and couldn't help asking with a sigh of relief.

Heifeng didn't know Congshan and Yiming, and he was listening in a cloud of mist, the Tianxiang mainland monk who had just ascended?Why doesn't he know.

Moreover, he couldn't see through the cultivation bases of these two people, and felt that they were stronger than him, so he couldn't help but leaned closer and asked in a low voice:

"The two of you are also from Tianxiang Mainland? Why don't I know each other?"

Yiming replied with a faint smile: "We are Sanxian from outside the territory."

"Oh, it turned out to be Sanxian, so your current cultivation base should be the first level of Xuanxian, right? Can you beat those two people?"

Black Wind blinked and asked in a low voice.

"They are also at the first level of Xuanxian. Although they have the same cultivation level, they have been in the fairyland for many years, and their fighting skills and weapons are stronger than ours.

But don't be afraid, since I met you, I will definitely protect you. "

Cong Shan patted his chest and said, he ascended to the fairy world, his appearance is much younger, he looks like an elegant middle-aged man.

Hei Feng was overjoyed, and quickly took out a jade plate that resembled a crescent moon, and whispered:
"This is a water attribute sixth-grade fairy weapon that I got by chance in the demon world. It doesn't suit me. I don't know if it suits you."

Cong Shan's eyes flashed instantly, this fairy weapon is very suitable for him, he really wanted to hold it in his hand immediately, but he was a little embarrassed and said:

"Here, how can you take your things for nothing, such a precious fairy artifact?"

"You may be implicated by us, those two guys want me and Shui'er to be their spirit beasts.

Did you see their eyes?I just want to eat you, so I will give this to you, and I will try to kill them in a while! "

Hei Feng boldly transmitted his spiritual sense.

"Okay, then I'll take it!"

Cong Shan was no longer polite, and took the celestial artifact in his hand and tried it.

"Brother, they are actually in the same group, what should we do?"

The two watched and listened for a while, and the long-faced monk spoke first.

"So what? The two loose immortals who have just ascended are not to be feared! Kill them first, and then catch the two demon cultivators."

"Okay, I'll fight the young one."

After the long-faced monk finished speaking, he came straight to Yiming.

Yiming has been paying attention to the two of them, and when he sees a person running towards him, the natal sword appears in his hand. He is a sword repairer, and sword repairers usually have a natal sword.

When the natal sword is refined, its own blood essence is integrated into it, so it is easier to communicate with the master's mind.

But the natal sword also has a disadvantage. Once the sword is destroyed, half of the life will be lost.

Yu'er and Lan Fengli are the body of the sword heart, and the power of their Qi sword is equivalent to the natal sword, so neither of them refined the natal sword.

Yiming's natal sword is also being promoted as he ascends to the fairy world, and is now equivalent to a fourth-rank fairy weapon.

Sword cultivation is stronger than Dharma cultivation. In addition, Sanxian has been tempered by thunder and tribulation for many times. His body is difficult to be injured even by a fifth-grade immortal weapon.

The long-faced monk thought he had chosen a soft one to fight, but unexpectedly he encountered a hard one!

Cong Shan confronted the square-faced cultivator, and the immortal artifact in the square-faced cultivator's hand was only a fifth-grade artifact. With the sixth-grade immortal artifact that Heifeng gave him, Cong Shan could barely fight to a draw.

After all, these two are inner disciples of the Qizheng sect, the strongest sect in the Central Continent. Although the Qizhengzong mainly cultivates weapons and formations, their skills are equally powerful.

Hei Feng and Shui'er watched the battle of the four from a distance, even if they had the chance to leave now, they couldn't escape without leaving Xia Ming and Cong Shan alone.

They can only pray that the night will pass quickly.

Yiming still had a slight advantage against the long-faced monk, but Cong Shan felt more and more difficult.

Hei Feng glanced at Shui'er, and sent a voice transmission with his spiritual sense:

"Shui'er, the two of us are also going to help Yiming. Listening to the conversation just now, that person doesn't know how to use formations. If he is caught by surprise, he will definitely be able to kill him. Then we will deal with the last one together."

Shui'er nodded, and the two moved directly behind the long-faced monk.

Heifeng first released the space blockade on the long-faced monk. Although it could only be locked for a while, it also gave Shui'er a chance to release a large formation to cover him!
The cooperation of the two successfully trapped the long-faced monk in the formation, and the third-rank immortal formation can completely kill the first-level Xuanxian.

Yiming had seen Shui'er's ability before, so he smiled and left, turned around and joined Cong Shan's group.

The square-faced monk was stronger than the long-faced one, but one-to-two soon lost the upper hand, especially seeing that his younger brother of the same clan was dead, and he felt a little flustered.

After the panic, there was a touch of sternness, he still had a useless formation plate, which was a fourth-rank immortal formation formed by him and his brother who had just died.

After dodging the attacks of the two again, the square-faced monk immediately released the array, and the Huaguang instantly illuminated the entire night sky in this area.

Unfortunately, Yiming and Cong Shan were covered by the formation. Not far away, Shui'er had just beheaded the man, when Hua Guang suddenly felt something was wrong, he turned around quickly, and a blue light shot out of his eyes instantly.

The blue light shot towards the fourth-rank fairy formation, and there was a click, and the light dispersed and the formation restraint shattered, revealing Yiming and Congshan's embarrassed figures.

Although it took only a few short breaths to be trapped by the formation, the two of them suffered serious injuries, which shows how powerful the fourth-rank immortal formation is!
The square-faced monk looked at Shui'er at this moment, as if he saw a peerless treasure. This demon cultivator could not only release the fairy formation, but also break through it in an instant.

Seeing his wolf-like eyes, Heifeng thought it was not good, so he shielded Shui'er behind him, and shouted at Yiming and the others:
"Be careful, this guy is cheating."

Shui'er also reacted at this time, and anxiously transmitted his spiritual consciousness:
"He's going to detonate the disk array, bring them all into your space, or we'll all die."

Detonate the disk array?Although Hei Feng didn't quite understand, but since Shui'er said it, it must be very serious, so he didn't have time to tell Yiming and Cong Shan first, and forced them into his space.

The square-faced monk withdrew the array, and glanced at Yiming and Congshan with a grinning grin.

"You all die!"

After speaking, he threw the formation plate in his hand out again, and then flew straight to Shui'er, ready to take her out of this area, but he disappeared.


The array disk had been detonated by him, and a loud noise exploded in this barren land, breaking the tranquility of this night.

After the smoke and dust passed, there was a huge deep pit.

The square-faced monk didn't catch Shui'er, thinking that she and Hei Feng had moved away again, so he also flew away, spreading his consciousness to search carefully, but there was no sign of them in this area at all.

He narrowed his eyes, these two people will never escape from the range of his spiritual consciousness, where are they going?Was it also killed?

Thinking of this, he went back to the place where the array was detonated, wanting to see the stumps of those two people, but there was nothing but a big pit.

His frowning brows suddenly loosened, and he patted his forehead, why is he so stupid!
Hei Jinshu, also known as Space Mouse, must have hid in his space.

Thinking of this, I began to look for what that space became in this place.

(End of this chapter)

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