Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 451 Arrived at Qingmang Star

Chapter 451 Arrived at Qingmang Star

In the space, Hei Feng bared his teeth and cursed:

"What kind of broken thing is this, the blasting power is so strong, my space is shattered! How will I repair it in the future?
Grandma, when I go out later, I must chop him into pieces! "

A slight smile flashed across Yiming Wenrun's face, this black golden mouse is really an interesting demon cultivator, he couldn't help but pat him and thanked him:
"Thanks to your space this time, otherwise Cong Shan and I would have no bones left! Go out in a while, and we will kill that person to vent your anger for you!"

Heifeng got up in a jiffy, and said with a smile:
"You are also implicated by the two of us, don't worry, heal your injuries before going out, let that guy live a little longer!"

Shui'er gave him a blank look and he didn't speak. It was the first time he entered Heifeng's space, and he thought it would be similar to Qingyi's, with mountains, water and sunshine.

Unexpectedly, apart from the black gold stone, it is an empty space, and the gray color makes people feel very depressing.

"Am I okay here?"

Heifengjianshui'er didn't seem to like his space, so he approached carefully and asked.

Shui'er nodded honestly, "There's nothing and it's very depressing."

"As long as it's easy to use, what's the use of so many embellishments? It's better to save your life at critical moments than you don't have!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another violent vibration in the space.

"Damn, what moves does this guy use? He is not afraid that we will rush out and kill him? I don't know if there will be another array.

If I blow it up again, my space will really shatter, and I guess I will be completely useless by then! "

After Cong Shan adjusted his breath for a while, he was much better, and he took a look:
"Why don't we go out now and kill that person directly while he doesn't expect it!"


Yiming responded and looked at Heifeng.

Hei Feng quickly waved his hand: "Wait, he is coming this way, let's go out together when we get closer."

The square-faced monk finally found the small shining black gold stone through his special means, and almost laughed out of excitement.

Just put this black gold stone into his spirit beast ring, and wait for him to bring it back to the sect, hehe, the demon cultivator who knows the formation will be his.

Thinking of these few steps, he came to the black gold stone, and just wanted to put it in the spirit beast ring, but ended up in a black space.

As soon as he broke out of the space blockade, countless water swords carrying the power of heaven and earth surrounded him densely.

After finally rushing out of the siege of the water sword, a sharp sword light pierced his eyebrows, and when he was dizzy, he was accidentally pierced by the sword light.

Boom, a purple thunder exploded above his head, the poor square-faced monk was just thinking about fleeing from the soul, but was struck to death by the purple thunder again!

Heifeng kicked his dead corpse, bent down and took off his storage ring, excitedly said:
"It's finally dead. We should have made a small fortune this time. The disciples of the major sects in the Central Continent will probably have a lot of treasures!"

There was no danger, and the few people sat on the ground in this barren land with peace of mind.

Heifeng emptied out the contents of the two storage rings at once.

Almost all of them are fairy crystals, and the two together have more than 50 yuan, which is quite rich.

In addition, there are several bottles of elixir, some materials for refining equipment, and several third-, fourth-, and fifth-rank immortal artifacts.

Seeing so many things, Yiming and Congshan's eyes are as bright as the stars in the night sky!
"How about our split?"

Heifeng looked at the proposal and said.

"We just need to share some fairy crystals. When we first arrived in the fairy world, we didn't even have a single fairy crystal. I didn't expect to borrow your light."

Yiming smiled lightly.

"Okay, let's give you some more fairy crystals!"

Hei Feng was not polite, and after finishing speaking, he began to divide the spoils lightly.

In the end, 15 fairy crystals were distributed to Yiming and Cong Shan, and the pill was also given to them. He and Shui'er each got [-] fairy crystals plus those fairy artifacts and materials.

No one objected, Heifeng turned to Yiming and asked softly:
"Where are you going?"

"We are very unfamiliar with the fairy world. Since we came up, we met the two of you. Why don't we go together?"

Yiming said with a slight smile.

"We are going to the Central Continent to find Chu Muyuan. Have you heard of Chu Muyuan?"

Yiming and Cong Shan shook their heads together.

"That's right, how could you hear Chu Muyuan's name when you are outside the territory, I am his spirit beast.

He ascended to the fairy world when he was less than three hundred years old, and now he is already at the level of an immortal emperor at the age of more than 1, isn't he amazing?
And the Chu Qingyi you know is his daughter. "

When Hei Feng mentioned Chu Muyuan, his eyes were filled with undisguised pride and complacency, as if he was praising himself!
"It turns out that Chu Qingyi is from the fairy world, with such a powerful father, it's no wonder she cultivated so fast, but how did she return to Tianxiang Continent?
Last time, thanks to the fairy liquid she gave me, we were able to ascend. "

Cong Shan couldn't hide his surprise and said, while Yiming laughed:

"So when it comes to the fairy world, there are strong people you can rely on? Originally, the two of us were still thinking about it. With our aptitude, we can only be casual cultivators in the future."

"I just don't know if the Chu Muyuan you mentioned will dislike us?"

Cong Shan looked at Hei Feng worriedly, Hei Feng slapped his chest and assured him:
"Don't worry, Chu Muyuan is fine. As long as I bring him here, he will not dislike you and will treat you generously, not to mention he is a monk from the same continent."

"If that's the case, when are we leaving?"

Cong Shan listened to his longing, and asked anxiously.

Heifeng looked at Shui'er, wondering what she meant.

Shui'er lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said slowly:
"If I take you to teleport together, I'm afraid that the light will be too bright, and when I arrive on that planet, I will be discovered by many monks and cause unnecessary trouble!"

"Then let's take the planetary teleportation array, anyway, there are fairy crystals now."

Black Wind hastily proposed.

Shui'er shook her head, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just enter your space."

"Should I go in too?"

Heifeng pointed to himself, he still wanted her to take the teleportation with him!That feeling is really beautiful!
"Of course, every time I take you to teleport, I will encounter danger, and I should have let you enter the space long ago."

Shui'er glanced at him with a very positive attitude.

"No way?"

Heifeng had a look of grievance and helplessness.

Yiming and Cong Shan really want to know what kind of monster or divine beast Shui'er is?
I have never heard of a demon cultivator with this special ability. No wonder he would be coveted by human monks, but neither of them tacitly asked.

After studying the countermeasures, it was already dawn, and Heifeng looked at Shui'er eagerly, seeing that Shui'er was unwavering, he could only slowly stuff himself into the space.

Shui'er took the black gold stone and confirmed the location of the next planet on the fairyland map, and a ray of light disappeared her.

She thought that teleportation alone would not be discovered, but this time she was unlucky and teleported into the cave of a great monk.

Coincidentally, this cave is the father of the girl in the pink dress who was killed by the cat in the Qingyue Sect, and their master, Bi Tianya.

Bi Tianya was pacing back and forth in the cave. His only daughter was killed a few days ago, along with his younger brother and more than ten disciples.

He wanted revenge but couldn't find the murderer. When he was anxious, he saw a ray of light suddenly appear in the cave.

Along with Huaguang appeared a beautiful woman.

While on guard, Bi Tianya carefully looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in his cave, his half-closed eyes slowly widened, and there was a long-lost smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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