Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 452 Contract Pattern

Chapter 452 Contract Pattern
Shui'er bit her lower lip annoyed, how could the transmission become more and more unreliable, this time it was sent directly to someone else's cave, what should I do now?
"Haha, I said why I have been so unlucky recently. It turned out that it was all for today's joy. When the auspicious luck comes, God still treats me favorably."

Bi Tianya is at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal. Although he has not cultivated to the level of the Immortal Emperor, he has practiced a magic pupil skill that can see through everything.

Therefore, Shui'er's true body can be seen very quickly.

A beautiful big bird, not inferior to the beast Phoenix in appearance, even if it doesn't show other abilities, just to serve as a mount for him, it is very majestic when flying out!

Shui'er didn't try to escape, she could feel that this man was very powerful, she should stabilize him now, and she could teleport away tomorrow!

Thinking of this, Shui'er calmed down, looked at Bi Tianya with big beautiful eyes, and said softly:
"Senior, I escaped to you accidentally after being hunted down, I hope I didn't disturb you!"

"Don't disturb, don't disturb at all! Who is chasing and killing you? Don't worry, I will protect you in the future, and no one will dare to hurt you again!"

Bi Tianya smiled and comforted softly.

"But that man is an immortal emperor, I guess you can't beat him."

Shui'er whispered timidly.

"Immortal Emperor? If the Immortal Emperor chased you down, would you still have a chance to escape?"

Bi Tianya's shrewd eyes shone with wisdom, and he obviously didn't believe what she said.

"It's true, I have my own escape ability, so I can escape from his hands."

Shui'er's tone was very positive, and her eyes were full of sincerity.

Bi Tianya took a closer look at her again, narrowed his pupils and then enlarged them, then spread out his consciousness and spread it out carefully, but he didn't find any great monks of the Immortal Emperor level nearby, so he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Since you can escape from the hands of the Immortal Emperor, you must be an extraordinary monster, so I should make a contract with you first!"

As Bi Tianya spoke, a wisp of divine consciousness flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and went straight to Shui'er's eyebrows, trying to force the contract.

Even if what this girl said is true, he is not afraid of any immortal emperor, if he runs in front of him, it will be his.

Shui'er didn't expect that this person would do the opposite, and left the cave with a secret way.

Bi Tianya hastily withdrew that ray of consciousness and chased after him, you monster who doesn't know good or bad, let's see where you can escape to?
Hei Feng in the space could see everything that happened outside, and wanted to rush out, but was stopped by Shui'er.

She might still be able to escape by herself, but if there were a few more, not only would she not be able to help, but it would also attract more attention and attract more monks to chase her down!

Hei Feng wanted to pull her into the space, but Shui'er refused. Once his space was discovered and destroyed by the monk, then Hei Feng's life would end here. How could she put Hei Feng in a dangerous place?

In just a few breaths, Bi Tianya caught up with Shui'er, a powerful aura spread out, covering and restraining Shui'er.

"A girl who doesn't know good and bad, not only lied to me, but also dared to run away. Wouldn't it be good to be my spirit beast? I will break through to the Immortal Emperor soon."

"I already have a master! You can't make a contract with me if the master is not dead."

Shui'er endured the pain and said in a cold voice.

"Master? So what? As long as your cultivation base is lower than mine, I can cancel the contract between you first."

After Bi Tianya finished speaking, a ray of consciousness flew out again, just about to enter Shui'er's sea of ​​consciousness, but was taken away by a person who appeared suddenly.

He failed both times, Bi Tianya became a little irritable from the joy at the beginning, if he continued to chase like this, he would alarm the big monks in the sect, and even attract the suzerain, how would he make a contract then?
How could the black wind put Shui'er in danger, but it rushed out at the critical moment, and moved it away with Shui'er no matter where it was.

Fortunately, the place he moved was still in the mountains, and there were no monks nearby.

"Shui'er, come into my space, as long as you escape for a day."

Black Wind said while running.

"No, that's more dangerous! You know how powerful human monks are, and it's too easy to find the black gold stone in your space."

Shui'er firmly disagrees, if Heifeng is in danger, how should she tell Qingyi in the future.

Thinking of Qingyi, Shui'er couldn't help being overjoyed, and said:
"I feel Qingyi, she is also on this planet, a little far away from us."

"Really, but won't we be putting them in danger by going this way?"

Heifeng was overjoyed at first, then worried.

"Qingyi has many methods. Her space is much safer than yours. Besides, her senior brother may also be with her."

Shui'er said and quickly took out the jade tablet, and said pleasantly:
"Look, not only her senior brother, but also Yu'er and Mao'er."

When Heifeng heard about Mao'er, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he was also very happy to meet so many acquaintances, so he quickly took her hand:
"Okay, then we'll move towards them."

The two had a goal, and they didn't feel tired when they moved continuously.

Bi Tianya spread his consciousness and kept chasing after him, and finally realized that the one who took away the bird was also a demon cultivator, or a rare black golden mouse.

The anger and impatience that arose in his heart disappeared in an instant, and a smile appeared on his lips again. As long as he could get this black golden mouse, why would he not be able to buy high-grade celestial artifacts and elixirs?
A ray of light quickly chased in the direction where Shui'er was escaping, but it also attracted the attention of the suzerain on the main peak.

Not understanding what the hell Bi Tianya was doing, he also chased him out.

Bi Tianya felt the aura of the suzerain behind him, and couldn't help sighing secretly, he was already very careful but was discovered by the suzerain, it is impossible to swallow it all by himself.

But now is not the time to think about these things, let's catch those two monsters first, so I no longer restrain myself carefully, and speed up in an instant.

Shui'er and Heifeng left the Qingyue Sect after moving several times in a row, and continued to fly in the direction of Qingyi.

Even though their moving speed was fast enough, they couldn't compare with the ninth-level Jinxian monks, and Bi Tianya overtook them within a cup of tea.

The powerful aura directly enveloped and restrained the two of them, and a ray of consciousness flew out again, heading straight for Hei Feng's eyebrows.

He felt that he should contract the Black Golden Rat first, after all, he didn't know what kind of Shui'er it was.

The restrained Heifeng already felt a ray of divine consciousness invade his sea of ​​consciousness, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Although he and Chu Muyuan had an equal contract, there was still a pattern of the contract in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the pattern of the contract was changing with the growth of the monk's strength.

A monster's sea of ​​consciousness can only be contracted once, whether it is a master-servant contract or an equal contract, if you want to be contracted again, you can only cancel the original contract pattern first.

Forcibly rescinding must be the person who is stronger than the first contract, and Chu Muyuan's strength far exceeds him, how can he make a contract?
As soon as Bi Tianya's spiritual consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he saw the pattern, and just wanted to try to remove it, but his spiritual consciousness was directly blown away.

The pattern of the equal contract is also dominated by the strong. How can Chu Muyuan, a monk who has not yet reached the level of an immortal emperor, be able to undo the pattern formed by Chu Muyuan's eighth-level immortal emperor's consciousness?
(End of this chapter)

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