Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 454 Final Meeting

Chapter 454 Final Meeting

Fairy Bingxia soon landed in front of Hei Feng and Shui'er.

Seeing the faces of the two monsters change from surprise to surprise, he smiled lightly and released Qingyi and the others.

When Mao'er saw Shui'er, she wanted to rush over excitedly, but when she saw Hei Feng next to her, she stopped in her tracks.

Qingyi stepped up to Shui'er, looked her up and down nervously, and said worriedly: "You haven't been contracted!"

Shui'er shook his head, "No, but our contract has been terminated!"

Qingyi breathed a sigh of relief, hugged her, patted her on the back and said:

"As long as you are not contracted, we no longer need a contract. You will always be my sister and our family!"

"Grandpa Hei, why have you changed?"

Seeing Hei Feng standing there, Yu'er seemed stunned, surprised and joyful, with constantly changing expressions, and hurriedly ran to him, waved her hand and asked.

"Changed? What changed?"

Hei Feng came back to his senses and quickly touched his face. When his primordial spirit entered, he didn't have time to take a look at it. He was afraid of becoming ugly at the moment.

"Eyes, why did your eyes turn red?"

Yu'er stared into his eyes and felt very weird.

"Red? How could it be red?"

Heifeng's voice suddenly increased, he glanced at Shui'er, and covered his eyes directly, how scary the red eyes would be!
Fairy Bingxia also came to his side at this time, and asked with a smile:
"Are you Xiao Hei?"

Hei Feng quickly let go of his hands again, grinned and said with a smile:
"I'm Xiao Hei, you should be sister-in-law!"

A cry of "Sister-in-law" stunned Fairy Bingxia for a moment, and then she smiled softly, like the melting of ice and snow is a warm March.

"Look at the changes in your body? Red eyes may be a good thing for you."

"Good thing?"

Only then did Heifeng think of checking his body, and couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised:

"How come I have been promoted to five levels in a row, and the tenth level of Tianxian, haha..."

Fairy Bingxia shook her head, "It's not about your cultivation, but about the space in your body. Has it changed?"

Heifeng's consciousness quickly probed into the space to check, and jumped up in shock.

How did the black he was familiar with turn into red?Looking nervously at Fairy Bingxia with her long and narrow eyes, she carefully asked:
"Sister-in-law, have I become a monster? Why are my eyes red and the space inside my body also red?"

"This is a great joy for you!"

Fairy Bingxia looked at him amusedly, thinking, as a black golden mouse, how could she not know about another change in him?

"happy event?"

Heifeng's mood today can be described as ups and downs, because all the changes were too fast and sudden, and his not-so-high IQ suddenly stopped functioning.

At this time, everyone gathered around Hei Feng, out of curiosity and concern!
Seeing this, Hei Feng covered his eyes again, even if it was a good thing, but a pair of red eyes was still scary, he didn't want others to see him as a monster in the future.

"Grandpa Hei, don't cover it, it's not scary at all, I think it's very beautiful!"


Hei Feng hurriedly let go of his hand again, and asked expectantly.

Qingyi directly condensed water elements into a mirror in front of him, and said with a smile:
"Uncle Hei, look, it's really pretty!"

Heifeng looked over carefully, is that person inside him?Not only the pupils of the eyes turned red, but even the skin of the face was slightly red.

He has always paid attention to his appearance and closed his eyes. This appearance is like a monster!

"Uncle Hei, if you don't like it, I can refine the Yan Changing Pill for you, and it will change back to its previous appearance after eating."

Qingyi said something kindly.

Heifeng opened his eyes instantly, and said happily:
"Quick, give me one, I still like the way I used to be."

"Not now, you have to endure it for a few days."

Knowing that he could still change back to his original appearance, Hei Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and then remembered to ask Fairy Bingxia why he had this change.

Everyone also looked at Fairy Bingxia, waiting for her explanation.

"This change of yours is the evolution of a demon cultivator. In the world of cultivating immortals, there are very few demon cultivators who can evolve. Flood dragons and dragons are one of them, and the black golden mouse is the hardest and rarest one that can evolve.

After the evolution, the black gold mouse has become a blood gold mouse, not only the cultivation will be several times that of before, but even the space ability will be doubled, and the blood gold stone is a material that can be used to refine artifacts.

This kind of evolution does not depend on cultivation to a certain level, but requires an opportunity.

Black is ruthless and red is sentient, so if you want to evolve into a blood gold mouse, you must first fall in love, and then you can mutate under a certain opportunity due to various factors. "

Fairy Bingxia finished speaking slowly, and everyone turned their attention to Hei Feng and Shui'er.

Fall in love first?Is the black wind against the water?
The cat heard it clearly, and it turned out that what he was afraid of finally happened!This mouse really fell in love with Shui'er, what should he do?
Mao'er lowered his head in disappointment, he is not stupid, he knows that it has always been his wishful thinking!From seeing Shui'er until now, she hasn't looked at him.

Yu'er patted him lightly, and comforted him through sound transmission of spiritual consciousness:
"Don't be discouraged, this is just Grandpa Hei's wishful thinking, I don't think Shui'er has any intentions."

"She doesn't care about me either!"

"Because Shui'er doesn't understand love yet, you can tell by looking at her eyes, so you still have a chance!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Hei Feng coughed and turned around to walk in front of the two ice sculptures.

"Sister-in-law, are they all dead?"


"Grandma, I was almost killed by them. I mentioned Chu Muyuan and they didn't let me go. It's really abominable to trap me and erase my consciousness!"

Heifeng wanted to skin the two of them right now.

Fairy Bingxia raised her finger lightly, and the ice sculpture shattered, revealing the terrified eyes of Bi Tianya and the suzerain.

"Bastard, I said you can't mess with us, but if you don't believe me, you must make a contract.

Look, this is Chu Muyuan's daughter. I said that if you terminate the contract, Chu Muyuan will definitely know. How about it?
Still laughing at my gibberish, reply this time, right?What do you think I should do with you? "

Heifeng looked at the two with red pupils, thinking about how to vent his depression.

Bi Tianya looked at the Suzerain tremblingly, thinking, it's all your fault, if you didn't come out, maybe he would let them go because of his timidity, now it seems that being able to die without pain is already a good thing.

"What are you looking at? Where did the prestige just now go? You know you're scared!"

Hei Feng looked at this and then at that.

"You can't kill us, how could you become a blood gold mouse without us!"

The suzerain opened his mouth first, because he was used to being the suzerain, his tone was still very strong.

"I have to thank you for what you mean? If they don't come, I think I will become a tool for you to ask for the blood stone, right?"

Heifeng approached the suzerain, and a sharp light shot out from the red pupils.

"Grandpa Hei, if you want a person to die in pain, that is to burn their primordial spirit."

Yu'er leaned over and suggested softly.

The suzerain, who was still calm, immediately changed his face, and said loudly:

"You can't do this. I am the suzerain of Qingyue Sect and a disciple of Immortal Sword Sect. If you kill me, Immortal Sword Sect will not let you go."

"It turns out that you are a disciple of Xianjianmen, the suzerain of Qingyue Sect, so you deserve to die even more. A few days ago, your disciples robbed and killed us. It seems that your sect likes to do this kind of thing from top to bottom."

Yu'er secretly despises these people, who like to talk about their backers whenever they are in danger, but it feels good to have a backer!

(End of this chapter)

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