Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 455 The Strong Enemy Attacks

Chapter 455 The Strong Enemy Attacks
Bi Tianya raised his drooping head suddenly, and roared angrily: "It turns out that my daughter and disciple were all killed by you!"

"Oh? You are the father who hates women. Why are father and daughter both of the same virtue! They like to snatch other people's spirit beasts."

Yu'er moved closer and took another look at Bi Tianya, she really resembled that woman.

Just as Heifeng wanted to say a few more words, he saw Bi Tianya and the suzerain fell to the ground without a sound. He looked up at Fairy Bingxia in surprise.

Fairy Bingxia hurriedly said:

"You all entered my space, a strong enemy is coming!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for their reaction, they all brought into the space fairy, and she teleported away from here.

The two figures who came after that were Li Hanye, the great elder of the Li family, and Li Hanxing, the head of the clan.

"Run really fast, chase! Those children have entered her space, as long as you kill her, everything will be solved."

Li Hanxing glanced at the two corpses lying on the ground, said something, and continued to chase away with Li Hanye.

Fairy Bingxia teleported directly to the next planet, and she didn't run away again. As long as Qingyi and the others were brought into the space, she would be relieved.

Isn't it just two eighth-level immortal emperors!Even if she can't fight, she will run away.

The two of the Li family quickly chased after them, seeing Fairy Bingxia seemed to be waiting for them, and stopped not far away.

"Fairy Bingxia, our Li family originally wanted to make friends with your Lingtian Palace, but we didn't expect you to search the soul of our elder.

You said that if we don't do something, how can we become the head of the eight major families in the Central Continent? "

Li Hanxing restrained the coldness in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"The person who hurt me dares to threaten me, death is not a pity!"

Fairy Bingxia looked indifferently, looking directly at the two of them.

"Very good! The momentum is great, but can you beat us? If you hand over those two children to me, we can let you go because of the fact that Ling Tiangong has no enmity with us!"

"How can my people be handed over to you? Unless I die! But there is no one who wants me to die yet."

Fairy Bingxia sneered in her heart. After she finished speaking, the surrounding air instantly became cold, and the sky was filled with ice flowers. In this quiet area, a psychedelic song was played.

Li Hanxing and Li Hanye are not the elders of the Qi family. The reason why their Li family can become the head of the eight major families.

One reason is that they are strong enough, and the other reason is that the family's sources of information are particularly detailed.

All the famous monks in the fairy world will get their information, analyze the characteristics of each monk's skills and the most powerful moves, and then study the method of cracking them.

Therefore, the two of them were already familiar with Fairy Bingxia's several killer moves, and they had already prepared countermeasures.

Fairy Bingxia also knew that she couldn't beat these two people, so she didn't want to fight recklessly.

Li Hanxing and Li Hanye had just deciphered the voice of the ice sea, but they disappeared again, so they could only continue to chase in anger.

In the space, Qingyi and the others gathered together nervously, not knowing what happened outside...

"Don't worry, without our burdens, I believe that my grandmother can escape back to the Central Continent even if she can't win."

Yu'er seems to be comforting Qingyi, but she also has a judgment in his heart.

"Hey! I still have to hide from XZ. It seems that only when I am strong can I walk in the fairy world with my head held high!"

The cat seems to be sighing!Heifeng didn't care and said:
"It's useless for us to worry, we can only choose to believe, so let's talk about things I don't know. When did you all ascend?"

After Hei Feng finished speaking, he remembered that there were still two people in his space, so he quickly brought them out.

Seeing the two of them, Qingyi was stunned for a moment, then happily said:
"Senior, you ascended so early? How did you meet them?"

"This is also thanks to your immortal liquid. We have accumulated a lot of money, and we have risen two levels in a row! Just as we flew up, we met the two of them and were hunted down.

So we got together, and this time I came here because I wanted to go to your father.

In the future, don't call us seniors anymore, it is already an honor to be able to discuss with your peers! "

Yiming smiled lightly and replied, looking at these people, of course they can be called seniors in terms of age, but in terms of cultivation level, they will soon be behind them.

All of them are so young, they are above the fourth level of the Celestial Immortal, which is really enviable to them!
Qingyi introduced Yiming and Cong Shan to Lan Fengli and the others. After getting acquainted with each other, her big eyes turned to Shui'er and Heifeng.

"How did you meet together? It seems that this journey is also very thrilling!"

"Since I met him, I have been unlucky! I have been hunted down for three planets."

Shui'er never forgets to smear the black wind.

"Shui'er, am I that unbearable?"

Heifeng looked at Shui'er helplessly, why is this girl's heart not open at all!

Ever since hearing Fairy Bingxia's words and the change of mood brought about by the body change, Hei Feng knew that he had fallen in love with this stupid bird who didn't understand emotions.

Just seeing Mao'er's hostile gaze towards him, Heifeng also knew that his feelings hurt both himself and others.

However, once love arises, how can you give up so easily!
"Shui'er, Mao'er always talks about you and worries about you! He even went to the demon world to look for you. Do you miss us?"

Yu'er blinked and asked with a smile.

Shui'er looked up at Yu'er and then at Mao'er, nodded and said, "Of course I do!"

Mao'er's mood is like a rainbow bursting out after the storm in an instant, dyeing the gloomy heart lake with color!
"Where do you think you went? What kind of excitement did you encounter? Tell me quickly."

So these people began to talk about some things with each other after the separation in the space. They didn't know the danger outside, and saved that unnecessary worry!
After chasing more than ten planets in a row, Li Hanxing and Li Hanye didn't do anything to Fairy Bingxia, and they were so angry that they couldn't breathe.

"Patriarch, what should we do now? If we don't kill her, we will return to Lingtian Palace. It will be even more difficult to kill her then!"

Li Hanxing's hazy eyes were like the sky that had just darkened.

"Keep chasing and try to kill her on the next planet!"

After speaking, the two teleported to the next planet again.

Fairy Bingxia is also very tired after teleporting and fleeing for several days, but when she thinks of those children in the space, her tiredness disappears in an instant.

Looking in the direction of Lingtian Palace, there are still five planets left to reach the Central Continent, if you want to kill her, you have to wait!
Sensing the two people who were chasing after her, she didn't run away. She turned around and looked at the two people who were also panting and smiled lightly. In an instant, the dark clouds in the sky were dispelled to cover the sun!

"Are you trying to kill me on this planet? Unfortunately, it seems that you can't do it!"

There was a trace of coldness in Li Hanxing's hazy eyes, and he said in a deep voice:

"You are right, today is your death day!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking nonsense, raised his right hand and a large net appeared instantly, covering Fairy Bingxia in it as quickly as lightning.

"Haha, this time, let's see how you can escape from my ultimate fairy weapon - the cloud silk net!"

It's just that after the laughter, how can there be a shadow of Fairy Bingxia in it?
The smile lines around Li Hanxing's lips hadn't recovered yet, coupled with a slightly surprised expression, his appearance was a little funny and a little ugly!
(End of this chapter)

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