Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 463 Homecoming

Chapter 463 Homecoming
During the conversation, the group of people had already arrived at the gate of Lingtian Palace, the jade-colored gate stood tall and surrounded by fairy spirit like clouds and mist.

The sunset reflects the afterglow, and the Tianmen is the same color!Looming is the misty wind of the fairy family!
There were two monks standing guard in front of the door. Seeing the two palace lords returning together and bringing back several young and handsome strange monks with good temperament, even though they were so surprised in their hearts, their faces remained calm and calm.

The two paid their respects to the palace lord together, and then stood aside politely.

Chu Muyuan and Fairy Bingxia responded lightly, leading a group of people through the gate to the palace.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun is the tranquility where the prosperity has ended, and the shadows of the trees are gone.

Across a wide land, there are winding paths leading to secluded places, and houses and buildings in the distant mountains can be seen in the shadows.

After passing through the corridor, we arrived at the main hall of Lingtian Palace. At this time, a young man in white clothes walked out of the hall, looking like a fairy.

With a black hair crown, clear eyebrows, and a calm smile on his jade-colored face, when he saw Chu Muyuan and Fairy Bingxia, he hurriedly bowed respectfully:
"Master, Master!"

Chu Muyuan also showed a gratified smile:

"Shaoyang, you came at a good time. Come, let me introduce you to a few people."

As Chu Muyuan spoke, he introduced Qingyi and the others one by one.

It turned out that this person was Chu Muyuan's only apprentice, Mu Shaoyang, who was already at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal at the age of five thousand years, and had very good aptitude. He was also a monk who ascended from the lower realms.

He was rescued by Chu Muyuan by chance, and has since become a master-student relationship. In fact, Chu Muyuan didn't like to accept apprentices very much. At the beginning, he was also optimistic about Mu Shaoyang's calmness in dealing with things. apprentice.

The relationship between the master and the apprentice is also very good, and the relationship is similar to that of father and son.

In fact, Mu Shaoyang had already guessed that the woman who looked very similar to his teacher's wife and was full of aura was his little junior sister!

Back then, the birth of the junior junior sister caused waves in his calm heart, a senior brother who was thousands of years old.

In his heart, he had been looking forward to the little junior sister growing up, and he wanted to spoil her like a brother, love her, teach her how to cultivate, and accompany her on adventures!
But before he experienced the joy of being a senior brother, he heard that his junior sister was missing!
At that time, he had been lost for a while. With the strength of his master and his mother, how could that little junior sister who was as cute as a fairy child disappear?

Later, he vaguely guessed something from the relationship between the master and his wife, but wisely he didn't ask.

Today, the milk doll in his memory who can't speak has grown into a big girl in a blink of an eye, standing in front of his eyes with a fairy appearance, but she has become someone else's wife, and even the child is so big.

I don't know why, the joy of seeing his junior sister for the first time was overshadowed by a little disappointment, but the sweetness of "senior brother" touched his heart again.

Mu Shaoyang's warm smile like a warm sun made people feel very kind, and Qingyi also liked this senior brother very much at first sight.

After Qingyi's clone returned to Lingtian Palace with Chu Muyuan, she didn't appear in front of people, and she didn't want too many people to know that she had a clone.

After getting acquainted with each other, Chu Muyuan handed Yiming and Congshan to Mu Shaoyang, and asked him to take them to the peak where the monks of Tianxiang Mainland were, and arrange the residence and training room.

Mu Shaoyang took Yiming and Cong Shan to say goodbye to them and left the hall.

The rest of the people followed Chu Muyuan into the hall. As soon as they arrived, Chu Muyuan couldn't wait to say:

"Yi'er, quickly bring daddy out for me to see."

Soon Chu Yunlan appeared in Chu Muyuan's sight.

It was still the familiar look in his memory, but there were no expressions of love, joy, pride, etc. when he saw him in his eyes.

He used to be the most proud and proud child in the eyes and hearts of his parents, but after living up to his expectations and succeeding in cultivation, he was separated by two worlds.

During the days of lonely struggle and hard work, he would think of that home, the father who taught him and was proud of him, but he also knew that leaving would be a lifetime of separation.

Seeking Taoism and immortality, many emotions have been indifferent over the long years, but the grace of childbirth will always be remembered in my heart!
Chu Muyuan didn't call out "Daddy" in the end, because the unconscious body was no longer his daddy, a sad tear quietly appeared and then disappeared...

He will definitely repay the suffering that the Li family brought to his father. He carefully brought Chu Yunlan into the space fairy.

"Come on, let's drink to celebrate the happy reunion first, and then trouble the master to refine the recovery pill for Dad."

Chu Muyuan restrained his thoughts, and after he finished speaking, he took out the fine wine of Xianjia that he brewed himself. A group of people, regardless of age and strength, sat around the table and began to chat about wine tasting.

It is said that a glass of good wine becomes a confidant, and after a few glasses, Tian Yunzi, Dan Wenye and Chu Muyuan began to call each other brothers, and the relationship suddenly became much closer!

Until the sun rises and sets, the wine is drunk and the conversation may not be finished...

Satisfied, Tian Yunzi took a bottle of fairy wine and left. Although it was a pity that he didn't bring back a single apprentice, it seemed that everything was going well, and he felt at ease!

Chu Muyuan took out the fairy grass he got and handed it to Dan Wenye, and personally took him to the alchemy room of Lingtian Palace, and picked the best alchemy furnace for him.

After arranging for Dan Wenye, Chu Muyuan also started preparing to refine his body. After thinking about it, he finally brought Lan Fengli into his refining room.

Firstly, I want to see how his refining skills are, and secondly, I also want to personally guide him.

Of course, Lan Fengli was overjoyed, it was his luck to be personally guided by his father-in-law!
Qingyi and Yu'er didn't practice yet, so they went to see Li Shuangwan and Shangguan Yutong first, they were arranged by Chu Muyuan to be at the main peak with the strongest celestial aura, and they have made great progress in several months of practice.

Shangguan Yutong has broken through to the middle stage of fusion, and Li Shuangwan has also cultivated to the late stage of Yuanying, and the two have received very good treatment here.

Knowing that several people who ascended from Tianxiang Continent have gathered and arrived at Lingtian Palace, while reassuring, they are also more determined to practice hard.

The next day, accompanied by Mu Shaoyang, Qingyi began to get acquainted with the entire Lingtian Palace.

This place is much larger than the former Tianyu Sect. Besides the main hall, there are five branch halls, each of which is located on a peak where the five guardians live.

The five guardians are all at the sixth or seventh level of the Immortal Emperor. Most of them have received the kindness of Chu Muyuan and Fairy Bingxia, so they are very sincere to Lingtian Palace.

There are countless small peaks under the five big peaks, and only those who have cultivated to the level of an immortal emperor can monopolize a small peak.

There are less than 30 monks at the level of immortal emperors in Lingtian Palace, which is the least among the major forces.

But because of Chu Muyuan's excellent weapon refinement, every immortal emperor has at least one ninth-grade intermediate fairy weapon.

In the fairy world, there are very few craftsmen who can refine ninth-grade immortal artifacts, and refining nine-grade immortal artifacts is not only difficult to find materials, but also takes a long, long time.

Among the eight major families and seven major sects, only elders above the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor can own a ninth-grade immortal weapon.

Therefore, although the overall strength of the monks in Lingtian Palace is not as good as those big forces that have lived in the Central Continent for a long time, no one can match the weapon equipment!
In the past few days, Qingyi has visited Lingtian Palace all over, and every time she goes, she will receive envious looks from countless disciples, and of course there are some who are jealous.

The first guardian has a daughter named Xue Bingyan, who is not only very beautiful, but also has first-class aptitude. She is less than [-] years old this year and has already cultivated to the ninth level of the Celestial Immortal.

Even Chu Muyuan and Fairy Bingxia looked at her differently!

(End of this chapter)

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