Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 464: Joy and Worry

Chapter 464: Joy and Worry

Xue Bingyan's status in Lingtian Palace is second only to Mu Shaoyang, and she is a fairy pursued by many disciples.

After a long time, Xue Bingyan's heart is also slowly expanding, becoming a little conceited and arrogant!
Since the first time I saw Mu Shaoyang, I fell in love with him, and I wanted to catch up with him earlier because I practiced so fast.

But Mu Shaoyang treats her the same as other juniors and juniors, there is no difference.

This shocked her who was proud, but thinking that Mu Shaoyang had the same attitude towards other female cultivators, she felt a lot more balanced. She believed that sooner or later Mu Shaoyang would be her Taoist partner.

But today, when she saw Chu Qingyi, the lost daughter of the palace lord, who was stronger than her in terms of appearance and cultivation aptitude, the vanity that had been sought after for a long time was hit hard!
Especially seeing Mu Shaoyang's friendly attitude towards her, which is obviously different from other people, Xue Bingyan's inner jealousy can't be restrained!

He sent Chu Qingyi away with a strong Yan Huanxiao, but he could no longer practice meditation.

After sitting for an unknown amount of time, Xue Fan, the Great Protector, appeared beside her and sighed:
"Chu Muyuan once saved my life, I don't ask you to treat his daughter like a younger sister, but never have any bad thoughts.

I know that you have been sought after by your disciples all the time, and your heart is a little swollen, but you must know that you must position yourself right at all times.

Her children are already that old, why should you be jealous of Shaoyang's attitude towards her.

Although it is not advocated to cut off love and love during the journey of cultivation, don't be too persistent, just follow the fate! "


Xue Bingyan's thoughts were uttered by his father, and he lowered his head in embarrassment. Xue Fan stretched out a big hand to touch her head and said softly:

"You are my daughter, how could Daddy not know what's on your mind, he has been busy with cultivation and things in the palace, and neglected to teach you.

Sometimes open your mind to accept people or things you think you don't like, and you will often have different surprises.

What we monks cultivate is not only physical strength, but also mental state. If the heart is blocked, how can the body improve?

I see that the daughter of the palace lord grows up very well without being by her parents' side. She looks good and her heart is open-minded. If you can make friends with her, you will benefit a lot!Maybe Shaoyang can also look at him differently! "

Xue Bingyan's heart that was still depressed was dissipated a lot because of his father's words. Although she is arrogant, she is also a person who knows how to behave well.

"Daddy, I know what to do, thank you for your teaching!"

Xue Fan nodded in satisfaction, said something to his daughter, and left. As the number one protector of Lingtian Palace, he has many things to do.

Qingyi finally went to Danfeng in Lingtian Palace. The owner of Danfeng is an eighth-rank high-ranking immortal alchemist, and the strength of the second-level immortal emperor.

When the disciples on Danfeng saw Mu Shaoyang, they were all very respectful. The only disciple of the palace lord had an extraordinary status.

Mu Shaoyang greeted them with a smile, introduced Qingyi to all the disciples, then waved and walked directly to the cave of the peak master.

Leaving a group of disciples stunned there and haven't recovered yet!
"Hey, have you heard that the Palace Mistress has a daughter?"

"No, could it be the new adopted daughter?"

"Don't talk nonsense, does the adopted daughter look so similar?"

"I have never met the two palace masters. They all said that they are peerless talents. Seeing their daughters today is also impressive. They are really extraordinary!"

"It's the first time I've seen Senior Brother Shaoyang's smile so genuine! Standing together, the two of them are really a good match."

"Keep down! Don't talk nonsense about this, let's go back to alchemy!"


Today, the master of Danfeng did not practice alchemy in seclusion. When he saw Qingyi and Mu Shaoyang, he thought it was Fairy Bingxia who came, so he hurriedly greeted him out of the cave, but when he was about to visit, he found something wrong, so he smiled and said:
"Shaoyang, why are you free to come to Danfeng today? Who is this?"

As for Mu Shaoyang, there was no one in Lingtian Palace who didn't know him, and he was very friendly to him from top to bottom. Now he was taking care of many things in the palace for Chu Muyuan.

"I've seen Peak Master Ye. This is Chu Qingyi, the daughter my master just found. She is also an alchemist. She wants to study here with you."

"The palace lord has found his daughter! Such a big happy event, why hasn't it been announced, come in quickly.

If you want to learn alchemy, my first disciple is already a fifth-rank elixir teacher, you can learn from him, or I can teach it in person. "

Master Ye Feng led the two of them into his alchemy room very enthusiastically. Qingyi really wanted to learn more about alchemy during this time, and was going to break through to the fifth-rank immortal alchemist when she accompanied Dan Wenye back to the sect.

So he drove Mu Shaoyang away with a smile, while he stayed on Danfeng.

Ye Hai, the master of Danfeng, felt very honored to be able to teach Chu Muyuan's daughter in person. He also worked very hard when he talked about alchemy, and he made a batch of alchemy to demonstrate it himself.

Qingyi listened and watched humbly. Although Dan Wenye's level of alchemy was higher than Ye Hai's, every alchemist had his own way of alchemy, and if he could gather the strengths of different schools, he would improve faster.

When Ye Hai witnessed Qingyi making alchemy, he was so surprised that he couldn't bear to blink his eyes aside, this is simply a genius, why didn't he receive such an apprentice?

Especially at the end, when he opened the furnace cover and saw the round and plump ten pills, Ye Hai's eyeballs could not move.

It turned out to be Mandan!He has been an alchemist for tens of thousands of years, and he has never seen a man who is full of alchemy. Even the suzerain of the alchemy sect can produce at most nine alchemy in one furnace.

When Ye Hai was excited, he wanted to worship Qingyi as his teacher. He really wanted to know how to make Mandan?
Of course Qingyi would not agree, but she still told her alchemy experience without reservation.

So the old and the young started the alchemy life in the alchemy room, discussing and learning.

Lingtian Palace is full of joy, while the Lan family on the other side of the Central Continent is gloomy.

Menglian has been bedridden since Feishengxing returned to the family. She thought she could fall asleep again to Li'er who dreamed of her, but she couldn't fall asleep no matter what, and finally became really worried.

The already haggard body was getting thinner and thinner day by day, and the head of the family, Lan Chenghuan, was so worried that he pushed all the family affairs to the elder, and he stayed by Menglian's side every day.

But no matter how he enlightened, Menglian couldn't hear a word, as if she had entered her own world, where her Lier was.

On this day, Lan Chenghuan sat beside Menglian's bed as usual, looking at his wife lying there motionless, so thin that she could barely see her original appearance, she felt very sad!

For his missing son, he has given up any hope, but his wife who has been with him for many years has become like this, which makes him very heartbroken!
Could it be that the luck of the Lan family is exhausted?Forget it, he doesn't care about family matters, he just wants to accompany his Lian'er like this, and find a quiet place to grow old.

The silence in the room was broken by the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.

"Brother, are you there?"

An eager young man's voice sounded from outside the door.

Lan Chenghuan got up and went out the door. Seeing the eager and surprised look of the visitor, he couldn't help being stunned, and asked softly:
"Chengyu, why did you come here in such a hurry to look for me?"

The person who came was Lan Chenghuan's younger brother, Lan Chengyu. The two brothers were tens of thousands of years apart. Not long after their mother gave birth to Lan Chengyu, their mother passed away for unknown reasons, and their father also died in a trip.

It can be said that Lan Chengyu was raised by Lan Chenghuan and his wife, and their relationship is like brothers and father and son.

(End of this chapter)

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