Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 485 Surprised

Chapter 485 Surprised
"Look, you masters don't even know how many grades of alchemy masters your apprentices are, so it's no wonder the overall level of alchemy in the sect is declining.

In the future, don't think about other people's medicine gardens all day long, and take care of your apprentices when you have that time. "

Yang Qinghe pointed at them angrily and lectured.

"Yes, the suzerain taught me that!"

Shi Tianyi hurriedly nodded to admit his mistake in a good-tempered manner, Dan Wenye smiled lightly, thinking to himself, the suzerain is so responsible, why didn't he bring an apprentice?
"Wen Ye, are you thinking why I don't accept disciples?"

Yang Qinghe turned to him with a smile.

"Sovereign, can you read minds?"

Dan Wenye said in surprise.

"I can't read minds, but I can read faces. I don't accept apprentices because I haven't met any good ones. How about you give me Chu Qingyi?"

Dan Wenye hurriedly shut his mouth and looked at the competition stage. He couldn't speak against the treacherous Suzerain.

Of course, their conversation was covered with a soundproof cover, and the monks on and off the stage could not hear it at all.

Liu Ya, who was thin and thin in a gray robe, had no intention of refining the seventh-rank elixir.

He just broke through to the seventh-rank immortal alchemist last night, and he is not very proficient, but his master, the elder, specially told him to pay attention to the new young disciple Chu Qingyi.

When he saw that this new little disciple actually took out the ingredients of the seventh-grade elixir, he immediately changed it.

As a genius alchemist hailed by the sect's disciples, how could he lose to a newcomer?

Besides, he really wants to get the first prize, one hundred thousand fairy crystals can buy a handy fairy weapon.

Most of the others are refining fifth-rank elixir, and less than ten people are refining sixth-rank elixir. It will be difficult to break through every level as you go up!

"The new little junior sister looks really good-looking!"

"I just said you didn't come to watch the game, did you? Look at your worthless appearance, your saliva is about to flow out."

"This is appreciation, understand?"

the other side……

"Can you tell what kind of elixir the new junior sister is refining?"

"I can't see it, but judging by the amount of medicinal materials, it is at least a sixth-grade elixir!"

"How is it possible? I bet all my fairy crystals on Senior Brother Liu Ya, do you think I will lose?"

"That's not true, we have to trust our genius brother."

"Hehe, I'm betting on the new junior junior sister. Seeing that he's betting on 500 million yuan, it's obviously full of confidence."

"Ling Tiangong is rich, so he doesn't care about winning or losing just to cheer up! What about you? You foolishly bet too."

"Haha, I believe my feelings. Look, the medicinal materials are half smelted in just one cup of tea. Have you ever seen a furnace that can't be fried at such a speed?"


Although the few monks next to Qingyi didn't pay attention, they could sense the speed at which she smelted the medicinal materials.

While being amazed and amazed in my heart, I was inevitably affected, so I had to abandon all senses to focus on my alchemy.

On the high platform, the suzerain's eyes still stopped on Qingyi, seeing her condensed flames, he couldn't help enviously saying:
"It's really Chu Muyuan's daughter, the fire of the phoenix, the best flame for alchemy and equipment, no wonder it smelts medicinal materials so quickly."

Shi Tianyi also nodded and said: "It seems that the number one today is really this girl, hey..."

"Haha, my eyes should be brighter, Wen Ye, with this girl's phoenix fire, her fighting skills should be very strong too!

This competition happened to let her participate in the competition, what do you think? "

Yang Qinghe spoke with sparkling eyes.

"No, don't forget that she is from Lingtian Palace."

Dan Wenye rolled his eyes secretly, the suzerain really dared to think, dared to compete with Ling Tiangong.

"Lingtian Palace doesn't lack capable people, but our Danzong lacks them!"

The suzerain narrowed his eyes and thought about how to lure this girl into the sect to stay.

"Wen Ye, she can actually congeal the soul?"

The suzerain's eyes that had just been narrowed widened in an instant.

"What's so strange about that?"

Dan Wenye's calm tone couldn't hide his pride!
"Why is it not unusual, may I ask if any of you can congeal alchemy with primordial spirit? Although congealing alchemy with primordial spirit has always been recorded in alchemy records, who can really do it.

It's amazing that such a little girl can congeal her soul with her soul!
No, someday I will go to Lingtian Palace myself, and I must keep this girl in the sect. "

Yang Qinghe's excited eyes lit up, how could such a rare alchemy genius not stay in the sect?

"It's useless, don't say that Chu Muyuan won't agree, just Fairy Bingxia can't pass the level at all, and this time she just came back with me, and she will leave in a few days.

Even the Lan family failed to stay, do you think she will come to Danzong? "

"The Lan family? What does the Lan family have to do with her?"

The marriage between the Lan family and Ling Tiangong was not arranged, let alone publicized, so many sects and families did not know about it.

"The lost child of the Lan family knows, right?"

Dan Wenye set up a soundproof enclosure between the suzerain and the great elder and asked softly.

The suzerain nodded hurriedly, and Shi Tianyi over there also leaned his head, as if he had already guessed what the result would be.

"That child is this girl's Taoist partner, and they have a son who is also a sword heart."

"what? What?"

The two big monks who had lived for millions of years were so restless, they opened their eyes wide and asked in surprise.

"Look at you, as for such a big reaction?"

"Can you not be too big? A few days ago, the head of the Li family asked me to join forces with our sect and fight against the Lan family together in the competition."

The suzerain said with a glare.

"You promised?"

Yang Qinghe's eyes flickered, he sighed helplessly and said:

"How do I know that it has become such a relationship now? The head of the Li family left behind two high-level ninth-grade immortal weapons.

You also know that our sect doesn't have an artificer, if you want to get a high-grade immortal weapon, you have to go to the tool array to buy it at a high price, and you often can't buy it.

I thought the Lan family didn't have any friendship with us anyway, so I might as well just do what he wanted, so..."

Shi Tianyi's often smiling face also became serious, and he said softly:

"The suzerain can't agree to this matter, and return the fairy artifact someday."

"Hey! Back and forth, do you want to lose my old face, Wen Ye, why didn't you come back sooner?"

Yang Qinghe wondered.

"For a family like the Li family, what can they do if they backtrack? They are afraid that the Lan family will make a comeback, so they always want to drive the Lan family out.

Now that the Lan family has the help of Lingtian Palace and Tianji Pavilion, suzerain, do you think they can succeed?

That boy from the Lan family is not inferior to Chu Muyuan in refining weapons, and will even surpass him in the future, so as long as we have a good relationship with my little apprentice, do you think we still worry about not being able to buy immortal weapons? "

Dan Wenye analyzed slowly.

"I know, don't worry, I will send those two immortal artifacts back in two days, and probably offended several forces headed by the Li family because of this, this time the big competition can only be with the Lingtian Palace and the Lan family."

Shi Tianyi couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief after hearing this, he has never liked the Li family!
Huang Deguang watched the three of them talking mysteriously, and the jealousy and anger in his heart burst out. He tried his best to please Yang Qinghe, but the old guy kept ignoring him.

If he can also have the same relationship as Dan Wenye and the suzerain, why didn't he come to that purple leaf tuola until now.

(End of this chapter)

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