Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 486 Bidan

Chapter 486 Bidan
On the stage, Qingyi was closing her eyes and concentrating on her soul congealing pills.

Ever since Dan Wenye woke up, she knew that the primordial spirit congealed alchemy only existed in the alchemy records, and even her master couldn't congeal the primordial spirit. It seems that she was able to do so because of absorbing the soul-nourishing stone.

Today, she is here to win face for her master, so she wants to be a blockbuster!Now there are strong parents as the backing, not a fledgling little monk, you need to be careful everywhere!
She once heard from Dan Wenye that the suzerain of Danzong is a very good person, since that is the case, she must perform extraordinary, so as to draw Danzong into their camp, and there will be another ally in the competition.

Her primordial spirit congealing pill not only alarmed the suzerain and all the elders, but even the monks watching the competition in the audience were dumbfounded.

"Senior sister, she, is she the primordial spirit congealing pill?"

"Well, it should be, otherwise do you think it's sleeping?"

"Yes, but even the suzerain can't do it, she, how is it possible?"

"Anything impossible can happen in the world of cultivating immortals! Watch the game carefully."


Liu Ya finally melted the last medicinal herb, gently closed the furnace lid, and quietly let out a sigh of relief, it seems that today's condition is not bad.

Just about to break into the Condensing Pill Art, he glanced at Qingyi's side, and his thin body flickered.

The alchemists in the world of cultivating immortals are not those alchemists in the mortal world. They almost all know the alchemy records of the primordial spirit congealing alchemy. She is congealing alchemy in the primordial spirit?
Liu Ya's outstretched hands stopped there in a daze. Thanks to the person next to him coughing, he regained his senses, and quickly held his breath and began to enter the Condensing Pill Art, so that the furnace of pills was not destroyed.

Xue Bingyan looked at Qingyi, who was attracting everyone's attention on the stage, and couldn't hide her envy in her heart. Why didn't she learn alchemy at the beginning?See how beautiful it is standing on the stage at this time, maybe it will also win the favor of Senior Brother Mu!

She sneaked a glance at Mu Shaoyang who was not far away, and the smile on his lips was no longer as far away as before...

Soon the sun was getting to the west, and Qingyi finally completed the last alchemy formula. She opened her beautiful eyes and quietly tried to wipe off the sweat from her forehead. With a confident smile on her lips, she succeeded!
Glancing at the master on the high platform, seeing that Dan Wenye was also looking at her with a smile, he couldn't help blinking, which meant that it was enough to embarrass you!

"Haha, Wen Ye, this child is not as noble as Fairy Bingxia, she looks easy to get along with, I have to have a good chat with her later."

The suzerain was in a good mood, and laughed. This time, not only did he witness the miracle of congealing the alchemy of the primordial spirit, but he also won so many medicinal herbs. This girl must try to stay in the alchemy sect.

The Great Elder also enviously said: "Wen Ye, what kind of luck are you, how did you meet this child?"

Dan Wenye sat there silently and laughed so annoyingly!
Huang Deguang and a few elders looked at him so proudly, and they cursed inwardly and were very unhappy, hoping that there would be only two pills when the furnace was opened.

Qingyi's eyes turned to the audience again, looking at the faces with different expressions of surprise, sigh or disappointment and the countless gazes gathered on her body, she no longer had the surprise and uneasiness she had when she first met on Jusming Island.

Haha, it's good to experience the feeling of being amazed by everyone's attention and discussion. Has she also become a little celebrity?

Thinking of how famous her parents are in the fairy world, she shouldn't be unknown, and she will also create a splendid road to glory in the future!

Mu Shaoyang looked at the young junior sister who was full of spirits and contented on the stage, and his mood also flew away.

When Qingyi glanced at Yue Ziqi and Ye Shanshan, her complacent little thoughts were instantly restrained. Is that elder a demon cultivator?

Glancing at the alchemists next to them, most of them have only entered the alchemy art, and it is estimated that it will be completed in the early morning of tomorrow at the earliest.

She was bored standing on stage for such a long time!Thinking that if he could go into the eighteenth elder's place and take a look, he would be able to confirm whether this person was a demon cultivator?

How to enter that space?Unless the suzerain is told, will the suzerain believe their words?
If it's not what they guessed after entering, wouldn't it be considered that they deliberately sowed right and wrong and affected the unity of the sect?

Qingyi closed her eyes, her consciousness entered the space, seeing that Shui'er had woken up at some point, she was overjoyed and asked:

"Shui'er, can you teleport across space now?"



"When did I lie to you!"

With Shui'er's words, Qingyi felt a lot more at ease. After the competition, should she and her senior brother find a chance to explore that place.

As the night fell and the moon was shining, the monks on the stage were still concentrating on alchemy, and none of the monks in the audience left.

They all wanted to know how many pills this new little junior sister, the first alchemist who used the primordial spirit to congeal alchemy, would produce in the end.

The monks under the stage were still talking about it.

"You said, did she succeed or fail?"

"It's done, I didn't see her expression just now, that's the expression that a winner will show."

"It's really strange. I think it's time for Danzong's genius to change again."

The few people who set the bet in Yinshui Peak had beads of sweat on their foreheads at this time, and estimated that they lost at least 300 million immortal crystals this time, and lost all the profits they made from the bets in the past few years.

Time passed slowly amidst the discussion and anticipation of the monks, and it was dawn in a blink of an eye.

The sun came out of his head shyly, looked at the familiar things, sprinkled its brilliance, continued to touch everything and warm everyone's heart!

All the monks on the stage finally finished the competition, and none of them blew up the stove, which shows the high quality of alchemists in their sect!
The suzerain flew directly down the high platform, he just wanted to see the quality of the girl's pill.

The great elder followed closely behind, thinking to himself, when did the suzerain become so anxious?

Yang Qinghe fell directly to Qingyi's side, showing a smile that he thought was very kind and kind.

"Little girl, quickly open the furnace lid and let me have a look."

Qingyi glanced at the old man who smiled abnormally, this person should be the suzerain.

In fact, Yang Qinghe's face is not old, he is much younger than the Great Elder, he just laughed out a few wrinkles, so he looks a little old.

Qingyi chuckled, thinking that this suzerain is really cute!Hastily opened the furnace cover.

The suzerain's eyeballs fell in directly, and the elder over there just wanted to announce the end of the game, but when he heard the voice, he quickly shut his mouth and came over.

Both pairs of eyes were staring at the ten pills lying in the furnace. They both had almost the same expressions, and their eyeballs stayed in the furnace for a long time.

It can be seen that the elders on the stage wanted to jump down to see what happened, and the monks in the audience also wanted to jump up.

Is this a success or a failure?

Finally, the two raised their heads and glanced at each other!Shouted in unison: "Mandan!"

The exclamation of the two eighth-level immortal emperors spread throughout the entire sect, and also surprised all the elders on the stage and all the monks in the audience.

"What, it's Mandan!"

This is the unbelievable sound of all monks!

(End of this chapter)

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