Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 490 Results

Chapter 490 Results
After listening to Dan Wenye's narration, Yang Qinghe's eyes turned to Mu Shaoyang and Qingyi.

"With a young generation with such aptitude, strength and wisdom like you, Lingtian Palace will surely become the strongest force in the Central Continent in the future."

He spoke with worry and self-blame.

"Why didn't I think of magic poison? What should I do this time? My space was taken away by him, and Ziyeduo was planted in it.

It is estimated that the ancestor can't beat him to death. When he escapes back to the Demon Realm and refines the magic poison in the future, wouldn't the continent be in danger! "

Dan Wenye also shook his head and blamed himself:

"It's all because my sudden return shocked him and made him act early, which almost killed you, suzerain."

"If you don't come back, it may be more dangerous. Once the time is right, he is likely to produce magic poison in the sect. At that time, the entire sect and even the Central Continent will become chaotic."

Yang Qinghe was even more afraid when he thought of that kind of possibility. Although the current result is not very good, at least he knows what Moyu is doing and even what he will face in the future is the army of Mozu.

With a sad face on his face, Dan Wenye looked outside the hall and sighed:
"An eighth-level devil emperor only wants to escape, even if there is another eighth-level and ninth-level immortal emperor, he can't kill him!

Now I can only find a way to research the antidote to the magic poison early, so as to avoid the harm caused by this poison sneaking into the Central Continent silently. "

"For how many years, since this poison was passed down in ancient times, there has been no antidote. It is estimated that this is a poison with no solution."

Yang Qinghe also let out a long sigh!
"We can do prevention first."

Qingyi interjected.

"Prevention? How to prevent it? This kind of poison is colorless and tasteless mixed in the fairy aura, so it can't be found at all!"

Yang Qinghe shook his head, how difficult it is to prevent it!Doesn't every monk breathe or practice?
"Isn't it possible to refine an anti-virus fairy weapon?"

Qingyi thinks this should be feasible.

Yang Qinghe continued to shake his head, "This kind of poison is pervasive. Even if we can refine this kind of thing, how many monks need to refine it may not even have enough materials."

Qingyi frowned, feeling that she was thinking too simply.

"Only by beheading him will the future troubles be eliminated forever. The ancestor hasn't returned yet, so he should be entangled with him. Maybe I can help the ancestor if I go out now."

Yang Qinghe disappeared as soon as he finished speaking.

Dan Wenye sighed: "It's useless to go out with my strength, I'd better sit here and wait, hoping to kill him!
How did you get here?How are my two apprentices? "

Qingyi briefly told about Yue Ziqi and Ye Shanshan's affairs, and Dan Wenye cupped his hands to Mu Shaoyang gratefully:
"Thanks to Shaoyang, otherwise they would be dead! Even the entire Liuyang Peak would be finished."

Speaking of this, the disciple who suddenly thought of that peak said urgently:

"Not good, his disciples are probably under control too, let's go there quickly!"

Qingyi grabbed him and comforted him softly:
"Master, don't worry, let's call a few elders. You haven't recovered yet, so it's not good for me and senior brother to interfere with other peaks."

"Okay, I'll go find the Great Elder right now."

The three of them didn't stop and went straight to Yishui Peak where the Great Elder was.

Just as the Great Elder walked out of the cave, he was stunned when he saw them, and then said in surprise:

"Wen Ye, why are you injured? What happened? Just now I felt like something big happened?"

Seeing that Dan Wenye was having a hard time speaking, Qingyi briefly explained what happened just now.

Shi Tianyi's often smiling face also became serious.

"It turned out that Huang Deguang turned into a demon cultivator, and it was all my fault, so I should have believed your words and told the suzerain the other day!
Alright, I'll go to his mountain now, and you all go back to the Suzerain Hall to wait. "

After Shi Tianyi finished speaking, a ray of light disappeared, and Dan Wenye and Qingyi didn't follow, and they didn't need to worry about it with the First Elder.

The three of them returned to the main hall again, and gradually waited from the sky full of stars until dawn, but they still did not see the suzerain returning, but heard a loud bang.

Qingyi was startled and said, "Is this self-explosion?"

Dan Wenye's already weak face became paler.

"Well, there are many mountain disciples of the Eighteenth Elder, it should be some neglected disciple who has suffered misfortune!

I hope it won't hurt other disciples. "

"So, this Demon Cultivator should be dying soon. This is his last resistance when he was dying. He wanted to leave a heavy blow to the sect. Thanks to Master's timely response."

Qingyi felt that this was already very good, otherwise those disciples would go to different peaks to detonate the explosion, and the sect would not be able to bear the loss.

After waiting for less than half an hour, Shi Tianyi hurried over and blamed himself as soon as he entered the room:

"There is a disciple in his secret room, so I didn't find out. Hey, I should have believed your words back then."

"This is not bad, no other disciples were injured or injured, right?"

Dan Wenye said with a relaxed expression.

"No, fortunately I went there in time and called the second elder. Many disciples went to other peaks. This should be based on the instructions of the demon cultivator to choose different places to detonate.

Now they are all blocked, only that one is really lucky!This magic repair is too hateful!He wanted to destroy the entire sect. "

The Great Elder, who never liked getting angry, couldn't hide his anger.

While speaking, a figure appeared outside the hall, and entered the gate in an instant.

"Haha, I knew you were still waiting here, Tianyi, you are also there.

Don't worry, it's all right this time, he has been beheaded by us! "

As soon as Yang Qinghe entered the palace gate, he sat on his chair and was in a very good mood.

Dan Wenye let out a long breath, and said happily, "Fortunately, he was killed, otherwise my two apprentices would not be able to live normally."

"It's all thanks to meeting Tian Yunzi!"

"Tianyunzi? He should also be in danger."

Thinking of that old man, Dan Wenye said clearly.

"Well, the ancestor chased him all the way to the north. Although this person is an eighth-level devil emperor, he is very powerful. The ancestor chased him for a long distance and he was still unable to kill him!

When he was about to set foot on the planet of Demon Realm, he was stopped by Tian Yunzi who suddenly appeared, and he and the ancestor could hold him firmly.

When I passed by, that demon cultivator was already covered in injuries, and with my joining, he couldn't even fly with his wings!The dead cannot die again.

I don't know when this person sneaked in?Will there be magic cultivators in the sect?It seems that it is necessary to check all the elders, including the disciples. "

The sect master took a sip of tea. With this lesson learned, he should manage the sect seriously in the future.

"Thanks to Wen Ye and these two juniors this time, otherwise the sect would be in danger!"

The Great Elder thankfully said something, and Yang Qinghe quickly echoed:

"Yes, otherwise I would be dead!"

"Not only the suzerain, but also all the disciples on the Eighteenth Elder Peak. Without Wen Ye's reminder, they would all be controlled by Moxiu's final consciousness and choose to self-destruct. By then, how many people will be left in our sect?"

Yang Qinghe broke into a cold sweat when he was shocked by the elder's words, he grabbed Mu Shaoyang and Qingyi's hands and thanked him:

"You guys from Lingtian Palace will be the life-and-death friends of Danzong!"

(End of this chapter)

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