Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 491 Mu Shaoyang's demeanor

Chapter 491 Mu Shaoyang's demeanor
This time, the sudden change was finally safe, and it also solved the big hidden danger of Moxiu.

The elders and disciples of the entire sect were all rejoiced after learning the details.

I am even more grateful to the three of Mu Shaoyang from Lingtian Palace!

At that time, the cultivators of the Zongmen who lost 500 million immortal crystals, their unwillingness to be depressed and deceived also disappeared because of this incident, and even thought about whether to give them another 500 million immortal crystals?
Qingyi has also officially become a disciple of Danzong Liuyang Peak, and is loved by most of the disciples and elders in the sect!

Yue Ziqi and Ye Shanshan had returned to normal, of course they knew what had happened, they loved this little junior sister as much as Mu Shaoyang, and Liuyang Peak was beaming with joy.

Because of this accident in the sect, the sect master and the first elder did not immediately leave for Lingtian Palace with Qingyi.

During this period of time, the disciples of the Pill Sect put on the ring, insisting on competing with the three of Ling Tiangong.

Mu Shaoyang became the one who attracted the most attention from the Danzong disciples.

As the only proud disciple of Chu Muyuan in Lingtian Palace, his reputation is of course very famous. As monks with the same cultivation level, they all want to learn a thing or two about him.

Mu Shaoyang also nodded generously in agreement.

On this day, the central square was once again full of monks, and fighting skills attracted more attention from monks than alchemy. Even the elders came out to see the demeanor of the great disciple of Lingtian Palace, Mu Shaoyang!
"Brother, you have to behave well! Try to solve one person with one move!"

Qingyi did not forget to send voices from her spiritual sense to cheer up Mu Shaoyang, this is the time to fight for face with her father.

Mu Shaoyang rubbed her head amusedly, "Brother, is he a human being or not a god!"

After speaking, he jumped directly onto the ring, and won a round of applause from the female monks under the stage. Of course, there were also male monks here.

The immortal demeanor standing in white clothes, black hair and jade bones naturally attracted the attention of countless female disciples.

While Xue Bingyan appreciates, it is inevitable that he will feel a sense of loss in his heart. Maybe he can only appreciate but not be with her.

Soon, a male cultivator of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal of Danzong jumped onto the ring. It was a rare opportunity to compete with the disciples of Lingtian Palace, and they would not be humble.

The fighting platform is surrounded by an energy shield set up by the Great Elder, otherwise the energy of the Golden Immortal Stage fighting will hurt the disciples watching the game.

The two stood opposite each other on both sides of the fighting platform, and started the competition after holding each other's fists and saluting.

Qingyi opened her eyes wide and prepared to see her senior brother's demeanor. She had never watched Mu Shaoyang fight, but only heard the discussion from Lingtian Palace's disciples, saying that he was very strong!
However, her wide-open eyes narrowed again in an instant, it was too fast, she didn't even see how the move was made, and the ninth-level golden fairy of Danzong flew to the audience.

Those elders who watched the game on the high platform really wanted to cover their faces directly, isn't this too embarrassing?
If you are not strong enough, you will be the first to jump on stage?
The morning sun shone on the white dress, coating it with a layer of hazy golden light, adding a touch of mysterious beauty!
Standing on the stage, Mu Shaoyang looked at Qing Yi, who was looking at him with a constantly changing expression, and raised his eyebrows, which meant that he listened to her very much, and it was really a one-shot solution.

There was a few breaths of silence in the audience. Those disciples of the ninth and tenth ranks of the Golden Immortal originally wanted to rush to the stage to learn, but they knocked down their opponents with one move. This strength was stronger than expected!

Although the strength of the person who went up to the competition was mediocre, but can they do it by themselves?The answer is of course shaking his head in the negative.

After a moment of silence, there was a commotion.

"What's going on? Flying down before the competition started?"

"Keep down, it's not embarrassing enough to be idle!"


"This Mu Shaoyang is too crazy, no matter how strong he is, he should save some face for our Danzong! How can he compete in a friendship match like this?"

A Jinxian ninth level complained very dissatisfied.

"Don't blame others if you are not strong enough. Brother Liu, you go up, you can't just be scared like this?"

Another person glanced at Senior Brother Liu, who was silent and cold, and suggested.

Brother Liu with a cold face did not speak, but his shining eyes showed that he was very excited at this moment.

Fly directly onto the fighting platform.

"Liu Sweat, please advise!"

Mu Shaoyang also clasped his fists together: "Don't dare to teach! It's just a discussion!"

After the two of them finished talking, they didn't talk nonsense, and the fighting began in an instant!
The cultivator who went up this time was strong enough, and Mu Shaoyang felt a little depressed because he didn't realize her junior sister's move to knock down the opponent.

But in less than a cup of tea, he was considered very strong by the monks of the Dan sect, and Senior Brother Liu, who was at the ninth level of the Golden Immortal, also flew down the ring with honor.

This time Qingyi finally saw clearly the characteristics of Mu Shaoyang's fighting style, which is somewhat similar to his father's. It is the strongest metal attack, and the meaning of the attribute should also be realized to perfection, so the fighting style is so strong.

The elders on the stage felt ashamed but at the same time admired him. He was indeed Chu Muyuan's proud disciple, and he would not be inferior to his master in the future.

Liu Khan's cold face was full of disbelief. He always felt that he was very powerful, and no one could match him among the ninth-level golden immortals in the Zongmen.

But why in front of Mu Shaoyang, he was like a kite, staggered by the beating, and finally broke the string and flew off the stage.

This time, none of the monks of the ninth-level Golden Immortal came to the stage. Although it was a sparring match, it was embarrassing to be dismissed in front of everyone.

Just when everyone was expecting a certain warrior to take the stage to fight, a female cultivator in white clothes lightly landed on the stage.

The woman stepped into the ring and smiled at Mu Shaoyang, "Ye Qingyan came to ask for advice, and I hope that Junior Brother Mu will be merciful!"

The fairy smiles just like her name, and her face is unparalleled in the world!But he won't win the heart of the man opposite him.

Mu Shaoyang also smiled warmly, "Thank you, Senior Sister Ye, for your enlightenment."

Ye Qingyan is at the tenth level of Jinxian, so calling her a senior sister also expresses the friendship between the two forces and respect for each other.

Qingyi stole a glance at Xue Bingyan next to her, thinking that it would be very difficult for Senior Sister Xue to catch up with her senior brother!

She sneaked around again, and found that the eyes of the female disciples looking at her senior brother were all twinkling with little stars.

Why!This time he shouldn't be brought here, look, when he leaves, he will break the heart of the Danzong female disciple!

This look seems to be more attractive than Lan Fengli. Thinking of Lan Fengli, Qingyi's heart beats a few beats faster. I wonder how he and Yu'er are doing in Lan's house?
At this moment, the two people on the stage had already started the competition. One fairy and one fairy, both dressed in white clothes, looked very beautiful in their fighting skills, which attracted countless exclamations from everyone in the audience!
Although the woman's cultivation base was one level higher than Mu Shaoyang's, she was knocked out of the ring within a cup of tea.

Xue Bingyan clapped her hands involuntarily, and her applause seemed very abrupt when no one would applaud Mu Shaoyang's victory since all the disciples of the Dan sect.

Provoking Ye Qingyan's cold glance, Xue Bingyan glanced back without showing any weakness, the secret battle between the women is communicating silently...

The group arena sparring match didn't end until the sun set and the moon rose. Mu Shaoyang won ten rounds in a row, and in the end even the strongest tenth-level peak cultivator of the Golden Immortal Stage was knocked out of the ring.

So far, Mu Shaoyang has become famous in Danzong!It was even quickly spread to other sects and forces by the monks of Danzong.

(End of this chapter)

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