Chapter 202
The scholar carried Wang Yuansan, who had become a soft-footed shrimp after crying and frightened, back to the orchard. When he arrived, he found that everyone in the Lin family, old and young, had gathered there, and Father Lin was instructing him to clean up the orchard. The scene was a bit noisy But it's not messy.The festiveness that should have been in the daytime because the Chinese New Year is coming to everyone's faces has long since disappeared, and some are just dignified.

Father Lin frowned even more, and any fool could see how bad he was in the moment.

To be honest, Xiucai felt a little uneasy when he saw Father Lin like this. No matter how much these losses are calculated today, it has something to do with him. You must know that Wang Yuansan, one of the arsonists in the orchard, is his own nephew. Still just a kid.And Mouse is the nephew of his eldest brother-in-law. Although he has cut off contact with them after the incident of stealing the bicycle last time, can this relationship be broken at will?If something really happened this time, people will still contact him unconsciously. There is no way, who made him so unlucky to have such a good brother-in-law.

Thinking of this, Xiucai exhaled angrily, then brought Wang Yuansan over and pushed him in front of Father Lin: "Father, this child has done something wrong, so you can punish him as you like."

This is obviously to tell Father Lin that one of the murderers who burned the orchard was Wang Yuansan. He pushed Wang Yuansan out to let Father Lin punish him. On the one hand, he can let Father Lin vent his anger, and on the other hand, he hopes It can be seen that Wang Yuansan can be punished somewhat lightly because he is only a child. Although he did burn the orchard, he is not guilty of death.In fact, to put it bluntly, a scholar is somewhat soft-hearted. No matter how bad Wang Yuansan is, he is still his elder brother's son. In the past, his elder brother helped their family secretly, so this time he can't really shout and kill Wang Yuansan, right?In that case, it would appear that he was too heartless, and he always felt that Wang Yuansan was still just a child, and as long as he disciplined him more in the future, he could always improve.

As for the rats, Xiucai didn't mention a word at all. The meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, how old man Lin likes to fix him.This guy is really annoying. The last time he came to their house to steal things, he didn't know how to restrain himself when he was caught stealing things. He even persuaded this child to set fire to his orchard. It's really unbearable!This time, I would feel sorry for myself if I didn't make him suffer a little bit.

With the light of the fire, Father Lin glanced at Wang Yuansan, who was being carried by the scholar, and said after a pause, "Let your elder brother take care of this child, after all, he is still a child." The meaning is, for the sake of our in-laws, we should hand over the child to his parents to discipline him, but if anything happens in the future, we can't blame them.

There is a saying in the countryside that when you are three years old, you see your old age. In Father Lin’s opinion, Wang Yuansan’s bad habits are too deep. Even if he really had the courage to discipline him, it probably wouldn’t have much effect. .In fact, to put it bluntly, Father Lin like Wang Yuansan didn't even bother to punish him, so he didn't feel at ease at all.Besides, he doesn't believe that Brother Xiucai didn't say anything about his son burning down his orchard?

Anyway, the orchard has been burned now, so I don't have to add trouble to myself for a person who bores me.

Xiucai could only smile wryly when he heard Father Lin's words, then nodded and stopped talking, what should he say?No one in the family can worry about it, and they know that something is wrong all day long.

The scholar stopped talking, but Father Lin spoke again: "Boss, you and the second child can set up a donkey cart and take the child back with Wang Hao. It's almost midnight, and the adults at home should be in a hurry." Lin There is nothing wrong with what the old man said, but the people present are not fools, how can they fail to hear the disgust in the old man's words?To put it bluntly, the old man didn't want Wang Yuansan to live here, because he was annoying to see him now.

However, although the old man was a bit obvious, none of us could say anything. On the one hand, the old man has such a temper. It would be great if he let Wang Yuansan go like this. You can still expect him to kill someone who set fire to his orchard. How polite and likable is it for a family of twenty or so?
The scholar sighed inwardly, so he had to carry the trembling Wang Yuansan back together behind his eldest brother-in-law Lin Sijin and second brother-in-law Lin Simu. Lin Guoxiang glanced at him from the corner of her eye, how could he feel that his back was full of excitement? Helpless and bleak.But then again, you can't blame Xiucai for being like this. Whoever has such a worry-free family will not be in a better mood.

When the scholar was gone, Father Lin let out a long breath of foul air, and patted his chest with his big hand like a cattail leaf fan. He was very angry at first, probably because the cloud was light and windy just now. The light appearance is probably because the son-in-law, Xiucai, is pretending to be calm.Lin Guoxiang watched from the side and was really afraid that he would be angry, so she hurried forward to help him comfort his back, comforting him in a low voice.At the same time, I secretly rejoiced that Father Lin didn't let the old lady come with me, otherwise she would have to faint when she saw the orchard's current situation?
"Oh, forget it, if the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come. Your elder brother and I were still hesitating whether to dig up all these fruit trees and plant watermelons tomorrow. You don’t have to work hard to cut it.” Father Lin heard his daughter’s persuasion, and finally comforted her, “Don’t take it too seriously, this fire is so good, it saved us a lot of energy, really.”

Lin Guoxiang's mood didn't brighten when she heard Father Lin's reassurance in turn, but she became even more angry. It was all a trick that that bastard Song Dongdong thought up to do such a wicked thing.No matter what era it is, throwing someone else's job is the most wicked thing, and it's easy for someone to fight with him.

"Father, don't worry, I won't spare that Song this time!" Lin Guoxiang said while helping the old man to comfort his back, clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth.If she doesn't show that Song Dongdong a little color this time, she won't be named Lin!
"Hmph, of course that bastard can't be let go!" Father Lin snorted coldly when he heard Lin Guoxiang's words, and as he spoke, his eyes fell on the mouse that was still lying dead on the ground. His eyes were like two knives trying to penetrate his body.

In fact, the mouse had woken up a long time ago, but it just didn't dare to get up. Hearing the conversation between Father Lin and Lin Guoxiang's father and daughter and feeling the cold gaze of Father Lin, he couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart. I'm scratching my ears, you said why is he so cheap, the last time he provoked the Lin family, he didn't suffer enough, what's the matter, he was tricked by his uncle to kill him again.Now he started to hate Song Dongdong, this is not his uncle, this is clearly an enemy, I have never seen any uncle who would push his nephew into a fire pit.

 Thanks for Kitty's evaluation and Yishui's reward, O(∩_∩)O~
  I haven’t been to the book review area for a long time. I went to see it today and found that Guoxiang has three disciples. Yes, it’s worth celebrating. I’ll see the situation tomorrow. If I’m not busy, I’ll add another chapter to celebrate, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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