Chapter 203
Father Lin stopped discussing with everyone in the Lin family, and directly made a decision on the matter of the mouse, thinking that he would be sent to the yamen in the town early tomorrow morning. The two things, the theft and the burning of the orchard, would be enough for this kid to drink a pot that's it.As early as the early days of the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty, the Taizu issued a decree that anyone who cut off a person's way of life would be sentenced according to the circumstances, and the lighter ones would be imprisoned and the severer ones would be sentenced to death.Because Taizu had suffered this kind of hardship back then, that is, because he had no way to survive, he was entangled with a group of other people to revolt, and later established the Great Xia Dynasty, so he knew the power of this better than anyone else.

As the saying goes, water can carry a boat and capsize it. If you can't even guarantee the future survival of the people, how can they support you loyally?For the common people, kingship needs to be obeyed, but it would be impossible for him to obey it on an empty stomach, otherwise there would be a saying that "food is the paramount necessity of the people".

So the mouse is very tragic. He is anxious like a cat scratching his paw at the moment. He wants to wake up and beg for mercy, but when he thinks of the tone of old man Lin talking to Lin Guoxiang and the gaze that fell on him, he immediately wilts away. .But he was really unwilling to beg for mercy, he thought very well, his uncle and the Lin family were related anyway, so why couldn't they be so desperate, right?But he didn't think about what the Song family did.

When the mouse tied up with a rope and locked up in the firewood room was about to cry, Xiucai and Lin Sijin brothers over there drove a donkey cart to send Wang Yuansan, who had no strength left to frighten and cry, back home. Before entering the door, I ran into Wang Liang who was looking for someone from the outside at the gate. It seemed that he had been looking outside all night, because his hair was covered with hoarfrost, his face was bruised and purple from the cold, and his pair of shoes It is full of grass clippings and ice balls frozen by snow water from winter snow, which is as embarrassing as it can be.

"Brother." Seeing his elder brother like this, Xiucai felt his nose turn sore for some reason, so before he could speak, he dragged Wang Yuansan to him, "Don't look for him, the third son is here."

"What's going on?" Wang Liang asked with a frown, not caring whether he had been out in the cold all night, looking at Wang Yuansan's weeping face and shivering little body.The first thing he was puzzled about was why Wang Yuansan was with his younger brother, and the two in-law uncles of the Lin family also came with him, and his intuition told him that something serious might happen.

"Tell yourself." When the scholar's eyes fell on Wang Yuansan, he couldn't help but feel cold again. At the same time, he felt disappointed and sad for his elder brother. How could such an honest person like his elder brother raise such an unlucky child.When we were on the road just now, because Wang Yuansan really couldn't bear the pressure and the fear in his heart, he didn't wait for Xiucai and Lin Sijin brothers to ask each other, so he secretly sold his chickens for money and took him there. Everything about the gambling house was told, and the angry scholar almost couldn't hold back his kick to kick him off the donkey cart.

What made him feel even more embarrassing was that his nephew turned his head and cried and begged for mercy with the Lin family brothers after he finished speaking, which made Xiucai's face turn red and then black, black and red again, which was very embarrassing.He has no face in front of the Lin family now, and it's nothing more than the frequent occurrences of the elder sister's situation. He didn't expect that his nephew would also become a gambler. This is still a child. Great?
Thinking of the rascal and gangster that Wang Yuansan would turn into in the future, Xiucai felt a sharp pain in his head, and his mood became irritable.He was even thinking, what's the fate of his life, he doesn't worry about one or two of them, and he knows he's causing trouble all day long.

To be honest, the two brothers of the Lin family were dissatisfied with the excellent relatives of the Xiucai family, but also sympathized with him. Although the shortcomings of this hairy son-in-law couldn't fit in a basket, but at least they were Gu's family, and they usually knew how to let their little sister , and now they have moved to Linjia Village and bought a house and an orchard. After nearly two years of getting along, the relationship between the two families is naturally much closer than before.Otherwise, what Wang Yuansan and the mouse did last night, even if they died ten times, they would not be able to send Wang Yuansan back so happily.

There was no way, Wang Yuansan told Wang Liang again what happened and how he was forcibly brought into the gambling hall by the rat and forced to sell the things at home.As soon as Wang Yuansan finished speaking, before Wang Liang could make a sound, he heard Zhang's sharp and even broken voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd. Immediately afterwards, Wang Yuansan felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a gust of cold wind whizzed by his ears. The whole person was lifted up by Mrs. Zhang.

"What did you just say, can you tell me again?" Zhang's voice was sharp and sharp at the moment, with a touch of frustration and complicated emotions mixed in, "Tell me again, you say! You Talk to me, are you dumb?"

Wang Yuansan was so frightened by Zhang's actions that he cried, how could he speak when he was crying, and even if he could speak, he would not dare to speak, as far as Zhang's current actions and performance are concerned. If he really told her that he sold all her dowry jewelry and some valuables at home and sent them to the casino, why not tear him up?
Mrs. Zhang now looks at her most precious youngest son, wishing she could eat him.Originally, Wang Yuansan would not have hit Zhang's muzzle so quickly, who made him too unlucky, just in time to catch up with yesterday's new year, Wang Liang went to the old man's house to deliver New Year's goods, and Zhang, who had lived in her mother's house for a long time, just happened to be Seeing this opportunity, they came back together, but Wang Yuansan disappeared after the New Year's Eve, so the couple searched outside all night.

Just came back now, Mrs. Zhang is full of worry, afraid that her baby will be abducted by traffickers or something will happen to her, and she is thinking whether to tell the village chief and ask him to mobilize the people in the village to follow her to find it. Before I got to the door, I heard what the baby Yaozi said.Mrs. Zhang just felt dizzy now, and her heart was also blocked for breath, she was so stuck there that she couldn't breathe out or swallow, it made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Are you talking?" Mrs. Zhang saw that Wang Yuansan was only crying and didn't speak, but she was in a hurry. She grabbed his collar with one hand and began to shake it vigorously. While shaking, her voice choked up and asked loudly, "You're dumb, huh? Don't you?" Play dead for me, talk to me!"

Wang Liang, who was on the side, was also angry, but seeing Zhang's excited appearance, he was afraid that she would be overwhelmed and do something, so he hurried over and stretched out his hand to pull away Zhang's hand that was holding Wang Yuansan's collar, and pulled his son behind him. Persuading Mrs. Zhang: "Mother, don't worry, just listen to the child slowly..."

"You don't want me to be in a hurry? How can I not be in a hurry, this little bastard has sold out my mother's dowry book secretly, how can you not be in a hurry?" Zhang's hair exploded, and the whole person was in a half-crazy state. He rushed over to beat Wang Liang and Wang Yuansan behind him, and then he seemed to remember something, turned around and rushed into the room quickly. Then there was a sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the room, and Zhang's heart-piercing and desperate cries were heard after a while.

After a while, I saw Mrs. Zhang rushing out like a furious lioness with a head of slightly disheveled hair, and those red eyes that turned red from crying or anger were dead. Staring at Wang Yuansan who was behind Wang Liang, his voice could be frozen in the cold dog days: "Little bastard, if you don't hand over my mother's dowry jewelry today, I will be polite to you!" Come and hit him.

Wang Yuansan was so frightened that he shrank his head and hid behind his father. Wang Liang also stopped Zhang Shi, for fear that she would do something impulsive.The two brothers Lin Sijin and Lin Simu stood aside and looked at each other with a trace of embarrassment on their faces. They were either persuading the situation in front of them, or not completely.Persuade them, it's someone else's housework, and this kid Wang Yuansan is really irritating, they won't be able to pass that test by themselves.Don't persuade them, it seems unreasonable. After all, the two families are in-laws, so we can't really let them go, right?If this spreads out in the future, people may say bad things about the Lin family behind their backs, not to mention that they are all adults. Could it be that their mentality is not as good as that of children?

Thinking of this, the Lin Sijin brothers looked at each other, and they both walked over to persuade them. Who would have thought that Mrs. Zhang was already red-eyed at this moment, so how could she listen to the persuasion? Instead, they scolded the Lin family brothers. A dog blood sprinkler was installed.Lin Simu was even more unlucky than Lin Sijin, because he was closer to Zhang Shi and had no time to dodge, but Zhang Shi scratched his face with a few bloodstains, and his face twitched in pain.

Xiucai also came over to persuade Wang Yuansan when Mrs. Zhang rushed out of the house and wanted to beat and kill Wang Yuansan, but no one accepted his favor.

In this way, a group persuaded one to make a fuss, and the other hid. Several people stalemate for a long time. Finally, Mrs. Zhang simply fell to the ground, wiping tears with one hand and beating the dirt under her body with the other, crying. Sadness, as if that day has collapsed.

As a result, the matter was not resolved, but a group of moldy neighbors who were idle because of the Chinese New Year were recruited. Not long after, Wang's family was surrounded by everyone from Wang's Village, and they even pointed and whispered at Zhang and the others. That's it, anyway, you can say anything.

From the corner of the scholar's eyes, he caught sight of the interest and gloating on the faces of the people in Wangjia Village, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. In the end, he had no choice but to whisper to Wang Liang: "Brother, you can drag your sister-in-law into the house. Let's talk about what we have in the house, we don't have to let outsiders see the joke."

Wang Liang nodded his head a little grumpily, then walked over and dragged Mrs. Zhang, who was crying and fussing on the ground, into the yard. The scholar also led Wang Yuansan and The brothers of the Lin family went in together, and in the end Lin Simu even shut the door of the Wang family with a "bang", making the onlookers outside hate it.

 Guoxiang writes to the end, and it is slowly coming to an end, so I have to explain things clearly, it may be a bit long-winded, please forgive me.Due to some circumstances, this chapter was written on paper with a pen and coded in a Word document. Although [-] words is a bit short, everyone should just read it, ahem.

(End of this chapter)

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