Chapter 204
Mrs. Zhang was dragged into the house by Wang Liang, and she still acted recklessly, looking like she was looking for death. Wang Liang was dull at first, and he just told her not to make trouble anymore, but it was Xiucai who was hit on the forehead by her. Blue veins break out.Now he feels more and more that his own wife is the most pleasing to the eye. Although she is a little violent, at least she doesn't make trouble with him like this.Look at this troublemaker, he knows how to toss around all day long. According to him, a good family will be broken up sooner or later after Zhang's tossing about like this.

As for the brothers Lin Sijin and Lin Simu, they are as embarrassed as they want at the moment. They are caught in the midst of such a disturbance, whether they will leave or not, and the Wang family must not be in the mood to deal with Zhang's disturbance. Wang Yuansan, it is estimated that this kid has been spared this kind of trouble.To be honest, the Lin brothers are really not reconciled to such a result. Although there is always a voice in their hearts telling them that they are adults and cannot be as knowledgeable as children, but this child is really annoying, and the method is very wicked. If it is true I'm really sorry for letting him go.

The Lin brothers were wondering whether they should find an excuse to leave, when Wang Liang suddenly yelled at Zhang, "Shut up!"

Mrs. Zhang suddenly heard Wang Liang's angry shout, she was stunned for a while, and then she closed her mouth subconsciously. She didn't wake up until a few seconds later. She couldn't help being frightened by the look in her eyes.

Seeing that Mrs. Zhang stopped talking, Wang Liang took a deep breath and said, "I'll go to the village chief." Then he asked Xiucai to help entertain the Lin brothers. Taking advantage of his father's absence, he wanted to beat him, so he quickly ran behind Xiucai, clutching his robe with both hands and refusing to let go.


Wang Liang borrowed a donkey cart from the village head, and dragged Wang Yuansan into the cart. See, it meant going to Lin Family Village to plead guilty to everyone in the Lin Family. The Lin Family Brothers said that Wang Liang insisted on going, so The two sides were deadlocked like this, and in the end, Xiu Cai said, "Forget it, since the elder brother is going, let's not stop him."

He also understands his elder brother's temperament. If he is not allowed to go to the Lin family to make amends, he probably won't be able to fall asleep in the future.

Sure enough, Wang Liang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the scholar's words, and his lips, which were originally tightly pursed into a straight line, also showed signs of loosening, but the pair of eyebrows were still furrowed, obviously the pressure in his heart was still quite heavy.

The scholar saw that it was not good for Wang Liang to say anything in front of the two brothers-in-law, so he reached out and patted the brother-in-law on the shoulder, pulled Wang Yuansan to him, and followed the two brothers-in-law into the same donkey cart, while Wang Liang dragged Wang Yuansan himself. Drive a donkey cart.

When Wang Liang and the others arrived in Linjiacun, Miaozi was sadly tied up by the Lin family and sent to the yamen of the town. Now only the old man and the old lady are left in the family, and there are a few sisters-in-law and two little girls, plus Lin Fangxi. Little friend, in fact, Lin Fangxi really wanted to go to the town with his father and the others to gain experience. To be honest, he was five years old and he had never been there once.

The atmosphere of the Lin family was obviously gloomy, and there was no joy that should be enjoyed during the Chinese New Year. Compared with yesterday's happy atmosphere, the dignitaries obviously felt depressed.

As soon as Wang Liang arrived at the Lin family and saw the old man of the Lin family, he dragged Wang Yuansan and knelt down in front of him with a "plop", which shocked old man Lin and everyone in the Lin family. It was old man Lin who reacted first and staggered away. Go to help Wang Liang: "What are you doing, you can't help it, get up quickly."

Unexpectedly, Wang Liang couldn't get up stubbornly. He still dragged Wang Yuansan to kneel there, and pressed Wang Yuansan's head to force him to kowtow to Father Lin and everyone in the Lin family: "Master, children are not sensible to do such things. , I brought him here to make amends to you, and now he is at your disposal." Then he pressed Wang Yuansan's head and kowtowed vigorously on the ground several times.

Fortunately, this is a rural area, and there are no blue bricks or other floor tiles in the house. Otherwise, Wang Yuansan might have knocked Wang Liang out just now, but just like that, his head hit the frozen solid soil. The forehead on the ground instantly became red and swollen.

Wang Yuansan only felt that his eyes were turning black, and there were stars in front of his eyes, plus the pain of concentrating on his forehead, so he couldn't help crying, but because he started crying last night, it didn't stop intermittently. , his voice has been hoarse for a long time, even if he pulls his voice, he can't howl much.

The scholar couldn't bear to see Wang Liang like this, but in the end it was his nephew who did something wrong, so he couldn't say anything and had to try his best to look away from them, so as not to feel uncomfortable.As for the rest of the Lin family, although they still couldn't forgive Wang Yuansan's actions, they still appreciated Wang Liang's behavior of taking the child to admit his mistakes.

As the saying goes, a man has gold under his knees, and he kneels down to his parents. Wang Liang is now able to kneel down for his son's mistakes. To be honest, it is quite touching.I have to say that Wang Liang's simple confession of the Fang family was recognized by everyone in the Lin family. At the same time, he also felt that it was not easy for him to do this. Too bad luck.

As for Father Lin, naturally he would not accept the gift from Wang Liang and Wang Yuansan, not to mention he couldn't, even if he could, he would not accept the gift.At that time, even if the Lin family took advantage of it and spread it, it would inevitably look bad. At that time, someone might secretly spread that the Lin family took this opportunity to deliberately bully the in-laws.

In the end, at the insistence of Father Lin, he managed to pull Wang Liang up from the ground. He wanted Wang Yuansan to get up too. After all, the child is not very old, and he was kneeling on the ground bang bang again after tossing around last night. He kowtowed several times in a row, probably couldn't take it anymore.However, Wang Liang insisted on making him kneel on the ground, and asked him to reflect on his mistakes. Father Lin really couldn't resist him, so he had no choice but to agree.

However, since he had made up his mind to forgive Wang Yuansan last night, he didn't intend to continue pestering him like this, so he said directly: "The child is still young, so don't bother him, and this time you can't blame him entirely, the main thing is to be blamed. He was provoked by someone, and he was used as a gun." Then Father Lin briefly told Wang Liang about the mouse's harassment of Wang Yuansan.

Wang Liang was already a little cautious when he got up from the ground, but this time when he heard what Father Lin said, he couldn't help but pursed his mouth into a straight line again, and he looked even more cramped.

(End of this chapter)

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