fruity fragrance

Chapter 222 Pregnancy

Chapter 222 Pregnancy
So happily thinking about how to live alone in a rented house for the first time in her life, Lin Guoxiang was called back by her family when she walked halfway, and then saw that "second boss" dressed as a big eunuch The red robe she was able to wear looked at her with a half-smile, which made her so angry and hateful that she could rush to the capital right now and beat that unscrupulous baby face into a pig's head.

"Ma'am, can we declare the decree now?" The eunuch only called Lin Guoxiang his wife, not her title, because he had been serving the current emperor all these years, and he had dealt with Lin Guoxiang less. I still understand a little bit about my temper.Right now, this girl is getting angry, if she really called her the title given to her by the emperor, maybe this girl will explode and run away immediately.You must know that this master is a master who dares to beat up his master, and his attributes are definitely extremely tough. He is so old, it is better not to provoke him.

Finally, Lin Guoxiang was compromised by her family's earnest eyes and half-smiling gazes, and unwillingly knelt down to kowtow to accept the order.Seeing that Lin Guoxiang was finally willing to kneel down, the eunuch didn't show any pretense, quickly took out the imperial decree and read it quickly, then put the imperial decree in Lin Guoxiang's hand with a smile like throwing a hot potato, "Ma'am, Why don't you hurry up and thank you?"

Lin Guoxiang took the decree and gritted her teeth in secret, and then forced a smile on her face, and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth: "Thank you, Lord Long En." Caught, if I see you one day, I will beat you to such an extent that I can't take care of myself!snort!

Lin Guoxiang sealed the order, and the entire Lin family village was in a turmoil. People from all over the world rushed to the Lin family like going to a market, and surrounded the Lin family.And those relatives who had finally subsided some time ago all of a sudden appeared again, even Wang Liu's family was shameless and shameless, and when it was over, they would say that they were sealed. The wife's Lin Guoxiang is her younger brother and sister, and she also said that the relationship between the two is very good.

Lin Guoxiang didn't bother to talk to her, she didn't show her face after the person came, and directly asked the Lin family to "invite" him away very "tactfully", and in the end, Wang Liu, who was angry, spoke ill of Lin Guoxiang when she saw people, what? It's hard to hear anything.

Who would have thought that after hearing Wang Liu's words, that person would choke her and roll her eyes with just one sentence: "I don't know who was the one who kept praising my lady who was appointed as the imperial edict for how virtuous she is and how much she treats me. Come on."

Wang Liu was speechless, and finally had to leave with rolled eyes and a blue face angrily.

"If you're jealous, just say it directly. Why do you have to speak bad things behind someone's back like this?" I blame Wang Liu for being too unlucky. The person who was caught saying bad things happened to be related to a relative who was not in touch with the Lin family, so in line with " Wang Liu hit the gun directly on the principle of "one's own family".


The days passed day by day, and it was June in a blink of an eye. Wang Yuanzhi's letters were sent to Lin's family one by one as if they didn't need money. Going to Kyoto together is a good family reunion.

Wang Yuanzhi feels that he has now reached the standard of a successful career that his mother said, so it is understandable to take his family to live with him.But Lin Guoxiang was unwilling to go no matter what, but she was afraid of hurting the child's heart, so she always found various excuses to shirk at home and refused to go.

Now that Wang Yuanzhi has become a duke, he must have to socialize with those colleagues every day, and he is a more "favored" courtier in the eyes of the new emperor. If those people know that Lin Guoxiang has gone, they will definitely ask the family members to seek friendship with her.To be honest, Lin Guoxiang really doesn't want to deal with those fine-looking ladies in the inner house. With her temperament, she might be able to get a lot of words out of her in just a few words. Gun makes.

Although Lin Guoxiang has a carefree temper and is unwilling to use her brain, she is not so stupid.

So, when Lin Guoxiang opened the letter sent by Wang Yuanzhi again, she took a glance at it, then lazily put the letter aside, and then collapsed on the sofa again feebly (this is another plagiarism by Lin Guoxiang. "Invention"), took a candy-shaped pillow and hugged it in her arms, and suddenly there was a "grunt" sound in her stomach, she couldn't help but smashed it and whispered: "I'm so hungry..."

"Suddenly I really want to eat donkey meat..." Lin Guoxiang smashed her mouth with her pillow in her arms, and then shouted outside, "Xiucai..." Then she suddenly remembered that Xiucai was teaching in the school in the village at the moment, and couldn't help but feel embarrassing Shut up.

Since Xiucai won the Juren, the village head was afraid that Xiucai would run away in the future, so he quickly discussed with the famous elders in the village and went to the house overnight to pay a lot of money to hire Xiucai to go to the village school as a teacher to teach the children in the village.After the matter of Wang Yuanzhi, the scholar, the little bit of "motivation to do better" that was left was completely stimulated and thrown away, so he nodded after thinking about it, and then this teaching lasted for several years.

You bastard, you spend all your time wandering around in front of you when you're free, but now you're looking for someone, but you can't even see him!

Lin Guoxiang cursed bitterly in her heart, but after cursing, she felt even hungrier, so she threw the pillow in her arms aside as if venting her anger, and went to the kitchen weakly to find something to eat.

In the next few days, everyone in the Lin family found out that something was wrong with Lin Guoxiang, especially Xiucai, who from time to time would look at her flat stomach with strange eyes, and then glance to the side as if nothing had happened to pretend It's like everything happens.Only Lin Guoxiang, who was as thick as a cable, didn't notice his abnormality.

Nervous Lin Guoxiang was still wringing her fingers and thinking about getting something delicious to fill her stomach that couldn't be full recently, but she didn't see the entanglement, caution, care and joy in Xiucai's eyes.

Seeing Lin Guoxiang like this, Fan and the others couldn't help but quietly ran to Zhao's ear and whispered: "Mother, do you think my little sister is like this..." Fan didn't say the rest, but everyone has been there , even if she didn't say it, she knew the meaning of the rest of her words.

Zhao originally thought that she was the only one who had this idea, but now that everyone thinks so, things must have developed in the direction she thought.So after thinking about it for a while, he simply asked Lin Situ to go to the big pharmacy in the town to pick up a doctor behind Lin Guoxiang's back.

When Mrs. Zhao sent someone over to call Lin Guoxiang, she was nestling on the sofa in the living room, holding a white porcelain box and eating potato chips. She looked lazy. If there was a TV here, she would probably look will appear more lazy.

When Lin Guoxiang arrived at the old lady so lazily, before she had time to speak, Mrs. Zhao waved her hand and smiled and pulled her to the table, and pressed her shoulders to make her sit down, and then asked the doctor to give Lin Guoxiang a hand. Feeling the pulse, he didn't say a word during the whole process, but the smiling expression made Lin Guoxiang feel a little creepy.It always feels a little weird, but I can't say exactly where it's weird.

The doctor carefully gave Lin Guoxiang the pulse, then smiled and bowed to Zhao's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as well as Lin Guoxiang and said something pleasant: "Congratulations old lady, madam, this is the happy pulse..." Then he said A lot of festive words made Mrs. Zhao so happy that she couldn't see her teeth.

Lin Guoxiang was stunned by the doctor's bombardment, and she didn't react for a while, but she froze there, but Mrs. Zhao and the daughters-in-law all had smiles on their faces, obviously beaming.In the end, Mrs. Zhao cheerfully tipped the doctor ten taels of silver, and asked some questions about Lin Guoxiang's health before letting the doctor go.

After seeing off the doctor, Mrs. Zhao pulled Lin Guoxiang to look at her with a smile. The more she looked at her, the more strange she became.

"Girl, is there anything you want to eat now? Just tell me, Mother will make it for you." Mrs. Zhao asked Lin Guoxiang with a smile.Ever since Wang Yuanzhi, a high-ranking duke, and Lin Guoxiang, a high-ranking lady, came out of the Lin family, the Lin family all felt that they couldn't be like before, otherwise it would be too cheap.So after some discussion, the Lin family hired a cook, a coachman and a wife who did chores.

"No, I'm not hungry..." Even if I was very hungry at first, I was so frightened that I wasn't hungry anymore.

"I'm not hungry... Come here, lie down here quickly, you are a person with two bodies now, you should pay attention to rest so that you don't get tired."

"..." Lin Guoxiang really wanted to say that she was not tired at all, but she couldn't stand the fact that Mrs. Zhao and her sisters-in-law were "too enthusiastic". Look at this, they were taking cushions and food. She wished she could run away .


During lunch, Xiucai also found out about Lin Guoxiang's pregnancy. If it wasn't for the presence of everyone, he would probably be able to hold Lin Guoxiang in circles.This child came too timely, although the two of them have never mentioned those past events in the past few years since the two of them had an open talk, but not mentioning it does not mean that they don't care, even if the two of them are together now, deep down in their hearts I still care a little bit in my subconscious mind.Especially the child who died before birth, almost became a thorn in the hearts of the two of them, even if you don't touch it usually, it will hurt you from time to time, making you unforgettable.

That's why it is said that the child that Lin Guoxiang is pregnant with is too timely. He is like a bond that completely connects the two of them, and they are no longer separated from each other.

Maybe with this child in this life, Guoxiang will no longer think about finding a way to go back... Xiucai looked at Lin Guoxiang's flat stomach tenderly and thought silently in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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