Chapter 223
Along with Lin Guoxiang's pregnancy, news came that the emperor gave the eldest princess Changping to marry Wang Yuanzhi. This news was great news for the Lin family.If it weren't for the authenticity of the news, the Lin family would have held a feast to celebrate.Prince consort, can anyone be this?For the Lin family whose grandparents and grandchildren have been farming for a living, this is simply a great honor.

But Lin Guoxiang couldn't laugh at all. On the contrary, because of the news, she felt a depression that was hard to get rid of.Just thinking about it makes her feel extremely depressed, why?When someone raises a son to marry a daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law can at least let the mother look after her. She also raises a son. Why is it that when she comes to her place, the benefits that originally belonged to the mother-in-law are gone?Why is there such a big gap between people?

Lin Guoxiang felt that her heart was broken because of such a son. When the child left home a few years ago, she was worried about whether he would be fed and clothed. After the war, she worried about his safety all night. Now that she is older And worried that if he really married the pampered princess in the future, what if the husband and wife don't get along well in the future?Anyway, these things will at least reduce her life for several years. To be honest, it seems that it is better to have a daughter to raise her, at least now there are no such annoying things.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Lin Guoxiang is pure hypocrisy. The emperor decreed that the princess be married to your family.Who are you not willing to show it to, fake!
But Lin Guoxiang had her own ideas. The emperor must choose a son-in-law who has potential. It just so happens that her son is the best among young people.But although Wang Yuanzhi is in a high position now, he is not a son of a noble family who grew up pampered since he was a child, and the princess is a real royal family. No matter how they think about it, they think it is impossible.

This is not a question of whether you deserve it, but a question of the environment in which you grew up.In fact, to put it bluntly, it’s the wrong family. What kind of growth environment creates what kind of life values ​​and thinking mode, just like modern times. If you let a farmer’s son marry a millionaire’s daughter, then the two can live together. ?Even if the two of them have a sense of freshness and give in to each other at the beginning, once the freshness passes and everything returns to reality, all the problems will probably surface.

Maybe Lin Guoxiang's thinking is too pessimistic, but it's not unreasonable, it's always true that the right family is right.Don't tell her that love doesn't distinguish between family and each other, that's pure nonsense.In addition, when Lin Guoxiang thought that Wang Yuanzhi's future mother-in-law would be the emperor's tricky concubine or something, Lin Guoxiang wished she could rush to the capital and take a kitchen knife to chop off that sinister baby's face.

What's wrong with the princess, the princess is amazing, why do you have to bite her baby son?Those who are on the pole, why do you have to control those with potential, it's so irritating!Speaking of which, Lin Guoxiang's temper is a bit twisted, and the sudden gift of the baby face made her depressed, and she always felt that Princess Changping couldn't get married, so she rushed to their house.

At the same time, Lin Guoxiang was lucky enough to think that something might have gone wrong, although her baby son has a bright future, but it's not enough for Babyface to ask him to be his son-in-law, right?After self-hypnosis in her heart for a while, Lin Guoxiang's mood finally improved a lot.

But before she had time to be happy for a few days, a decree of marriage completely suppressed her emotions to the bottom and she couldn't get up.

When the eunuch who announced the decree read out the content of the decree, Lin Guoxiang felt depressed and wanted to kill someone. She didn't know why she did this, but her animal instinct told her that she couldn't talk to a baby face. This product is too close, otherwise I don't know when it will be sold.

But it’s useless now, the imperial decree for granting marriage has come down, and that shameless person even specifically stated in the imperial decree that she and the scholar must go to the capital, in the pretense of being a discussion between the parents of both parties Consider the marriage of the two children.In fact, to put it bluntly, he asked Lin Guoxiang how much bride price she could give in a disguised form. Lin Guoxiang even suspected that the guy was vacant in the national treasury and then focused his attention on her.

If this is the case, then Lin Guoxiang will be completely depressed. There are many rich people in the Great Xia Dynasty, and she is nothing in the eyes of those real rich and fat businessmen. Watching their house.Lin Guoxiang thought it would be the greatest tragedy in her life that she would know Babyface.

When the Lin family clamored for a big celebration, only Xiucai was calm, and only he knew how depressed Lin Guoxiang was feeling at the moment.He looked at Lin Guoxiang who was obviously unhappy but still deliberately pretended to be excited and happy in front of everyone in the Lin family. He couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and finally comforted him when there was no one: "Now things are over. If this happens, don't take it too seriously, it's not good for your health." Then he deliberately counted the benefits of his son after marrying the princess with his fingers.

In his words, things are already like this, no matter how depressed you are, you can’t change anything. Instead of taking this matter to heart and making yourself depressed, it’s better to let it go and think about better things, so that you can feel better anyway Some.

Lin Guoxiang could only let out a long sigh after hearing what the scholar said. There were ten thousand muddy horses galloping past in her heart, and she imagined throwing the baby face into the frying pan and frying it back and forth dozens of times. In the end, there was nothing she could do. He lowered his head.As Xiucai said, things are already like this, even if she is not convinced, it is useless. Now she is already thinking in her heart whether she should ask for more dowry when she sees the baby-faced guy in Kyoto.Although the dowry is kept by the daughter-in-law, it is also considered a property of their small family. At least the money for rouge and gouache is not earned by their sons.

Thinking of this in her heart, Lin Guoxiang's mind became active, she squinted her eyes, and suddenly turned her face to ask Xiucai: "When do you think we are going to the capital?"

Seeing Lin Guoxiang raised his eyebrows involuntarily, Xiucai suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. He knew this person too well, so he might not know what to do now.

"I guess I have to leave in two days." Xiucai thought for a while and said, "You must not go too fast on the road in your current situation. If you are more careful, the speed of the journey will be slower. If you go now, it will take at least two or three months. Only then can we arrive." The imperial decree said that after getting married at the end of this year, it would be almost time to go to Kyoto and make some preparations.

This whole thing is really uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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