Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 110 Plagiarism Hummer Thief

Chapter 110 Plagiarism Hummer Thief
Chen Wei secretly scolded Dou Dan for being too suspicious, so he had to throw the dagger in his hand, but he pretended to throw it half a meter.

Because of Ye Hei, he didn't see clearly the dagger with the scabbard coming to Dou Dan's body, and quickly reached out to pick it up, but at this moment, Dou Dan showed the flaw in his chest.Almost at the same time, Dou Dan seemed to be aware of this, and when he hurriedly turned his head to stop the other party from approaching, the eyes of Chen Wei on the opposite side suddenly opened.

Shocked, Dou Dan gave up catching the dagger, raised the big knife in his hand and blocked it in front of him, while stepping back quickly.

But he never expected that Chen Wei's speed could be so fast, he came to him almost in the blink of an eye, he instinctively slashed at Chen Wei, and even shouted hello.

Seeing that the big knife was slashing in front of Chen Wei, Chen Wei suddenly clasped his palms together and caught the blade. With a sound of "ding", the seemingly hard big knife was like a crisp biscuit in Chen Wei's palm, and responded It was broken, and the short knife was inserted into Dou Dan's chest the next moment.

But Dou Dan's cry before he died also attracted the attention of the surrounding patrols, and people immediately surrounded him.

Chen Wei's eyes were red, and he picked up the dagger on the ground and cut off Dou Dan's head. The next second, he raised his foot and kicked the two village soldiers shouting to kill him, and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

But when those soldiers saw Dou Dan killed, they had already turned red-eyed and rushed towards Chen Wei.

Chen Wei grabbed Dou Dan's head with one hand, grabbed a long knife with his right hand, and chopped down three soldiers, but was surrounded by more soldiers in a blink of an eye.

But at this moment, Jia Xu, who had already been prepared outside the camp, heard Chen Wei's loud shout from inside Dou Dan's tent, and immediately ordered his [-] soldiers to attack Dou Dan's camp.At first Dou Dan chose to approach Chen Wei to go to the camp in order to facilitate a sneak attack in the middle of the night, but he did not expect to help Chen Wei at this moment.The [-] soldiers, including [-] refugees, entered Dou Dan's camp in three ways, and dispersed the [-] enemy soldiers at once.

Chen Wei, on the other hand, slashed and killed several brave local soldiers, jumped up to a high place, waved Dou Dan's head in his hand, and shouted: "Dou Dan's collusion with horse bandits rebelled, and I, Chen Wei, have already killed those who surrendered!" Live, the resisters will be killed without mercy!"

Seeing the bloody head in Chen Wei's hands, the soldiers from the village immediately turned into headless chickens, turned around and tried to flee.

However, Jia Xu divided his troops into three groups and completely sealed off the three exits of the camp. Moreover, although the four hundred refugees had poor combat effectiveness, they still had an advantage in numbers when mixed with Chen Wei's original three hundred soldiers. After losing more than 50 people, someone shouted to surrender, and finally the remaining 400 village soldiers abandoned their weapons and surrendered!
Jia Xu immediately asked the soldiers to hand over the weapons of these people. These weapons were better than those of Chen Wei's soldiers. Chen Wei unceremoniously asked his [-] elite soldiers to replace them with new weapons, and distributed the old ones to the refugees. .

"Chen Wei, what should we do with these 400 captives?" Fan Jian was a literati, so he naturally hid at the end of the charge and came over after the overall situation was settled.

Chen Wei glanced at the surrendered soldiers who were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, and after a moment of thought, he said: "Although these people surrendered, they still cannot be trusted. If they stay by their side, they will only cause trouble."

"But killing them will inevitably arouse their anger, and counterattacking to the death may hurt our soldiers." Fan Jian said.

But Jia Xu said: "You can't let go and you can't kill..."

Chen Wei and Fan Jian were stunned, and Jia Xu said: "I'm afraid the horse bandits have been alarmed at this time. Before we know the strength of the horse bandits, we must retreat immediately for the sake of caution."

"But these captives also evacuate with them, I'm afraid it will delay the speed!" Fan Jian said.

"It's natural to keep these captives!" Jia Xu said with a mysterious smile on his face, "We let them retreat towards Yongning County, misleading the horse thieves into thinking that we were retreating towards the southeast, while 700 of us followed the river bank towards the northwest. Go up, go around behind the horse thief, and at the same time send out scouts to scout out the horse thief's forces, and make another plan!"

Chen Wei and Fan Jian immediately agreed with Jia Xu's clever strategy.

At this time, Chen Wei walked towards the more than 400 disgraced rural soldiers and shouted loudly: "You rural soldiers are willing to become the dog legs of Wang Qing's landowners, working for tigers and oppressing the people. It is a capital crime, but I, Chen Forgive you for going astray because you had nowhere to go, so I will let you go back now, but you must ensure that you will not be Wang Qing's fangs in the future, and live in peace!"

Seeing that Chen Wei let them go, the four hundred town soldiers were overjoyed, and they naturally agreed verbally, thinking that after they left, it would be Chen Wei's turn to take care of them.

Seeing those soldiers running for their lives, Chen Weicai retreated into the black forest on the river bank with 700 people, and hid down.

Chen Wei and Jia Xu squatted in the bushes at the front edge of the forest, quietly looking at the river bank that had been emptied by people.

Half an hour passed, the moon had already set in the west, but the horse thief had not arrived yet, and there was no movement.

"Could it be that the horse thief didn't find out?" Fan Jian couldn't help asking.

Chen Wei and Jia Xu also frowned slightly.

And just when Chen Wei was about to give up, a horse neighed suddenly on the northeast hillside.

"Here we come!" Chen Wei was immediately excited.

Sure enough, within half a cup of tea time, a black shadow riding a horse appeared on the hillside, and immediately after that, dense swarms of horse thieves crossed the hillside and rushed towards the camp.

When Chen Wei saw the horse thieves all over the mountains and plains, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he couldn't help being shocked: "Oh my god, there must be no less than 1000 people!"

The 1000 men seem to be only 700 more than Chen Wei's 300 men, but the important thing is that the opponents are all cavalry, and only [-] infantry on our side can really fight. It can be seen from the camp. Facing the vicious horse thief, I am afraid that he will be so scared that he can't even hold a weapon.

At this time, the thousand horse thieves formed a circle around the camp on the river bank, as if they were looking for signs of people.Chen Wei's side couldn't help becoming nervous. If the horse thief finds out that Chen Wei's people are hiding in the dense forest, they will definitely die by then.

And fear what happens more easily.A few horse thieves ran to the edge of the woods to check, stabbing the bushes with spears in their hands, and slowly walked towards the woods.Chen Wei and the others held their breath tightly, watching the horse thief getting closer and closer with tense nerves.

Seeing that the horse thief came here, Chen Wei had already clenched the "Blood Blade".

Ten meters, eight meters, five meters, three meters...

Beads of sweat were already oozing from Chen Wei's forehead, he pursed his lips tightly, his eyes fixed on the horse thief who had come before him.

Just when the other party took a step forward and could see him, a voice suddenly sounded from behind the horse thief: "I found out, they ran downstream!"

Those horse thieves who had come two meters in front of Chen Wei couldn't help but turned their heads. After hearing the shouts of their companions, they turned around and ran out of the bushes.

Chen Wei's tense nerves finally relaxed, it was too dangerous.

But before Chen Wei breathed a sigh of relief, a scream suddenly sounded from behind, but his mouth was covered in an instant.

Hearing the shout, the last horse thief stopped in his tracks, pulled out his saber, poked his head and walked in vigilantly. When he saw the dark head hiding in the dense forest, he was shocked and dumbfounded. .

(End of this chapter)

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