Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 111 Ambush in the Canyon

Chapter 111 Ambush in the Canyon
When the horse thief saw so many people hiding in the jungle, he was shocked and opened his mouth to shout, but he didn't know Chen Wei was hiding in the bushes under his feet.

In the nick of time, Chen Wei made a sudden move, and the blood blade wiped across the horse thief's neck quickly and deftly.

The horse thief raised his throat and exhaled rapidly, but he couldn't make a sound. Almost at the same time, Chen Wei strangled him by the back of his neck, pierced his heart with a sword, and then gently pulled him into the bushes.

To Chen Wei's relief, this horse thief did not attract the attention of other horse thieves, and the rest of them had already rushed back to the main force, and then chased downstream.Obviously, he was attracted by the more than 400 township soldiers.

After all the horse thieves left, Chen Wei realized that his back was covered in cold sweat.He turned back angrily, looking for the guy who almost killed everyone just now. It turned out that a refugee was bitten by a poisonous snake, and then he screamed.

Seeing the refugees who had been poisoned to death, Chen Wei couldn't even talk about punishing them.

"Now that the horse thieves have been temporarily attracted away, I'm afraid they will return the same way after they find out that the villagers are not their targets. The horse thieves are too powerful to be confronted head-on. We should evacuate this place as soon as possible!" Jia Xu said.

"This is the territory of horse thieves. No one is more familiar with this place than them. I am afraid that no matter where we hide, we will be discovered by them. It is only a matter of time!" Fan Jian said.

Chen Wei glanced at the sky, it was already dim.

"Now that the situation has changed, we should merge with Sun Hou and make plans!" Jia Xu said.According to Chen Wei's plan, Sun Hou confiscated a thousand refugees from various townships to ambush on the east bank of Luoshui. After Chen Wei lured the horse thief into the urn, he bluffed the horse thief into thinking that the reinforcements had arrived, and then killed the opponent by surprise.

Chen Wei looked at the canyon from a distance, and said with a plan: "Let's retreat to the canyon!"

Fan Jian was startled.

Chen Wei slightly narrowed his murderous eyes, and said: "The horse thief planned to ambush us in the canyon, so let's deal with him in the same way!"


One day, Chen Wei sent someone to notify Sun Hou, and at [-]:[-] noon, Sun Hou led a thousand new recruits to the valley to meet Chen Wei.

Sun Hou's 700 recruits joined the ranks, and Chen Wei's side reached [-] at once.It seems that the strength has increased greatly, but the situation is not optimistic.Because the opponents are all experienced and fierce horse thieves, and except for [-] trained elite soldiers, the rest are newly recruited and untrained recruits.If they face each other head-on on the plain, a single attack from the opponent can easily overwhelm their own formation, and they will only end up at the mercy of others.

"So we have to be outsmarted. We will only kill ourselves if we go head-to-head. If we want to win the many with the few, and the strong with the weak, we will definitely win by surprise..." Jia Xu stood on the top of the canyon, pointing into the canyon: "This canyon is narrow Slender, and in autumn, the leaves are dry and easy to attack by fire!"

"The problem is that when the horse thief thinks of ambushing in the canyon, he will naturally think of us also ambush in the canyon. Will the other party be so easy to take the bait?" Fan Jian asked.

"The key is how to lead the horse thieves into the canyon..." Sun Hou said.

The four fell into silence.After a while, Chen Wei suddenly raised his head and said: "Let's not overlook one point, the horse thieves don't even know that we have an extra thousand soldiers and horses, there is a lot to do here."

After Chen Wei finished speaking, the three of them looked at Jia Xu in unison.Jia Xu's ingenuity was already revealed when Cao Ying was burned, and now in Chenwei's camp, Jia Xu has become an indispensable military advisor.

Jia Xu's face was a little ugly, as if he hesitated to speak.

"Wen He, just talk if you have something to say, is there any scruples between us?" Fan Jian couldn't help but said. "Wenhe" is Jia Xu's word, and after Fan Jian and Jia Xu got acquainted, they also used the word to match each other.

After Jia Xu glanced at the other three people, she sighed softly and said, "I do have a plan in my stomach, but it's a bad plan."

"Sir, please tell me." Chen Wei couldn't help asking.

Jia Xu walked to the edge of the cliff with his hands behind his back, pointed to the plain at the mouth of the gorge, and said, "Chen Wei was right just now. The horse thieves only know that we have seven hundred soldiers and horses. This is our advantage. My strategy is to Yes, let Chen Wei lead the [-] soldiers to lead the horse thieves to the canyon. When the horse thieves see our army coming out, they will definitely pursue them. And Chen Wei and your [-] soldiers fight and retreat, but the opponent is cavalry, and we are infantry, so we must Sacrifice some people to delay the horse thief, and let Chen Wei and the rest of the soldiers enter the canyon. The horse thief didn't know that we still had a thousand soldiers and horses, so naturally they couldn't guess that we had an ambush in the canyon..."

"The tripping rope we set up in the canyon, after luring the army to go deep, Chen Wei found another way to evacuate from another exit of the canyon, then a thousand of our soldiers can push stones above the canyon to block the exits on both sides, and then shoot down with rockets. The dead leaves and dry grass in the canyon burn at a touch..."

When Jia Xu said this, she remained silent and did not continue.

But Chen Wei and the other three were shocked and couldn't get over it, and it took a long time before they came back to their senses.No wonder Jia Xu has been reluctant to talk about this trick, which can be called a "poisonous trick".

After the four were silent for a moment, Sun Hou couldn't help but said: "If you are not cruel, it is not war. To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself. If we don't kill them, we will surely die at the hands of the other party."

"Yes, we can't be kind to women at this moment!" Fan Jian said.

Chen Wei frowned slightly. The horse thief was an enemy, and Chen Wei was not soft-hearted when he killed the other party. However, the success of this strategy was based on the sacrifice of some of his own lives. Chen Wei couldn't accept it for a while.Because the opponent is a horse thief, on the plain, your own infantry can be easily overtaken by the opponent. If you want to lure the horse thief into the canyon, I am afraid that more people will be sacrificed than those who escaped.

But Jia Xu, Fan Jian, and Sun Hou looked at Chen Wei. Chen Wei was the general, and it was Chen Wei who made the final decision.

Looking at more than 1000 horses and horses under the slope of the canyon, Chen Wei stood on the cliff for a long time without saying a word.They also knew that Chen Wei was struggling in his heart.

Although Jia Xu's relationship with Chen Wei is not the longest, or even the shortest, but he knows Chen Wei best.He walked behind Chen Wei and said softly: "Chen Wei, if we win, we will lose 500 people. If we lose, we will annihilate 700 people."

Chen Wei's body trembled, he closed his eyes in pain, and muttered to himself: "One will be successful and all bones will be destroyed..."

After a long time, Chen Wei said: "Just do what you say, sir."


After the strategy was formulated, the soldiers went to prepare everything step by step.Chen Wei selected ten groups of scouts to monitor the movements of the horse thieves day and night.Sure enough, the horse thief found out that Chen Wei's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and immediately returned from a long distance.Because he wanted to attract the other party, Chen Wei deliberately left a trace of clues for the other party to trace.

On the third day, when the preparations for the ambush in the canyon were completed, Chen Wei also knew that the real battle was coming.

On the plain, the setting sun dyed the earth blood red.The whole wasteland exudes the preheat of the day, and it is dead silent.

When the setting sun had already sunk halfway into the horizon, there was a slight tremor on the ground of the plain. From a distance, a cloud of sand and dust rose from the gullies in the southwestern part of the plain.

Suddenly, an infantry regiment of about 700 people rushed out of the pass in the southwest of the plain, all of them panicked and ran wildly.When they ran several hundred meters, there was an excited cry of killing behind them. A cavalryman brandished a curved saber, shouting and shouting, and chased and killed the infantry mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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