Chapter 118
Gradually entering the Mid-Autumn Festival, the autumn wind blows into the border, and the cold clouds and moon shroud the Western Mountains.

Luoyang City is no longer a scene of thousands of lights, but the torches on the top of the battlement walls are juxtaposed like soldiers, making the shadows of soldiers patrolling the thick city walls faintly visible in the dark night.

"General, now that Cao's army is powerful and facing each other across the mountain, the enemy has been mobilizing frequently recently. I'm afraid there is an intention to seek Luoyang. At this moment, instead of fighting against the enemy, we are killing each other. I am afraid that we will damage our own strength and give Cao Cao an opportunity to take advantage of it!"

In the military aircraft hall in the city, Yan Shou was filled with righteous indignation and said to the general Guo Si sitting in front of the hall.In the hall, under Guo Bang's chairs, there are two rows of seats, and the generals in Luoyang City are all gathered here.General Wei Yan Shou was originally Guo Bang's loyal general, but after the ambush battle between Sanjiao Mountain and Zhu Jun, Yan Shou had already looked at the young general with admiration, but Guo Bang was narrow-minded and could not tolerate others. What Japan did made the veteran more and more disappointed.

Beside Guo Bang, an attendant cut the neck of a deer and poured the blood into a wine jug, the red blood of the deer mingled with strong wine.And Guo Bang picked up the blood wine on the desk, poured it into his mouth happily instead of using a cup, the strong wine entered his throat like a flame was lit, making his throat, chest and stomach feel hot and refreshed.

He wiped away the red wine stains from the corner of his mouth, then raised his head slightly to look at Yan Shou, and asked indifferently: "Yan Shou, how long have you been fighting side by side with this general?"

Yan Shou was taken aback for a moment, then cupped his hands and replied, "It's been eight years, and I've experienced more than a hundred battles, large and small!"

"You just fought a battle with Chen Wei, not to mention losing the battle, why do you want to speak up for him at this moment?" Guo Si kept his eyes on Yan Shou and continued to ask.

There was no change in expression on Yan Shou's dark face, but his thick eyebrows trembled slightly. He stood up from his seat, then knelt down in front of Guo Bang and said, "General, the last general is just thinking about the overall situation. I don’t want to see our army kill each other, and those who love each other will hurt their enemies!”

Guo Si twitched his lips coldly, and said disapprovingly: "It is said that if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. Chen Wei lives in Yongning County, and without my permission, he recruited troops without my permission. He has ulterior motives. We have to deal with Cao Cao wholeheartedly. Get rid of the unstable elements!"

Yan Shou's cheeks protruded slightly, and he couldn't help but said: "General, when Chen Wei first arrived in Luoyang, you let him burn Cao Ying to fight against the danger. He obeyed and burned Cao Cao's hoard for two months. Food and grass slowed down the opportunity for Cao Jun to attack the city. He is in ruins, has very few household registrations, and his fields are deserted, but you ask him to hand over a huge amount of military rations, isn't it just an embarrassment?"

"Now that Cao's army is approaching the city, the situation is critical, but you have allocated [-] of the [-] heavy armored cavalry to Ma Ru to attack Chen Wei. This really chills the generals under your command!" The more Yan Shou said, the more excited he became, but he didn't notice it at all. Guo Si's face became more and more ugly.

The rest of the generals also bowed their heads. They were all Guo Bang's generals, but no one came out to refute Yan Shou's words. Obviously, they more or less agreed with Yan Shou's words.

"So I hope the general can bring General Chen back to Luoyang and resist Cao's army together!" Yan Shou begged.

"Come on, give me a stick to sweep him out!" Guo Bang was furious.

"General..." Yan Shou looked sad, angry and disappointed.But Yan Shou was immediately driven out of the lobby by a knife and axe.

"It's simply presumptuous!" Guo Si's anger still persisted, his tiger eyes glanced at the generals present, and he shouted: "With me, Guo Bang, Cao Jun's delusion is that he can enter Luoyang with one soldier, and then I will kill Chen Wei!"

The generals in the hall looked at each other, but no one dared to speak.

But at this moment, a messenger walked into the hall and reported: "General, Deputy General Ma has a message from Jiexin, Chen Wei's army has captured Mianchi..."

Hearing this news, all the generals present changed their colors one after another, Guo Bang's expression became even more ugly, and he shouted violently: "Continue to read..."

"However, Deputy General Ma took Mianchi into his hands without bloodshed, and he sent troops to Yongning County soon!"

Guo Bang's face turned from black to red, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, Ma Ru did not disappoint the general, well done!"

The generals under his command congratulated one after another, Guo Si was in a good mood, and drank with all the generals until late at night.In the end, his subordinate guards sent him back to his residence in the west of the city.

After entering the mansion, Guo Bang, who was very drunk, dismissed his attendants and walked towards Dongyuan alone. Seeing the flickering candlelight in the wing room in the garden, a obscene smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A gust of cool wind blew away his drunkenness.Feeling like he was on fire, he tore off his shirt, exposing his black and furry chest.

When the two maids standing outside the attic saw Guo Bang, they immediately bowed their knees and saluted.

"Where's Miss?" The drunken Guo Bang had red eyes and staggered footsteps.

"She's been inside, and she hasn't had a drop of water in it for half a day!" The maid replied tremblingly.

"Hmph, bring the food and wine, I want to have a drink with the young lady!" Guo Bang laughed wildly, then pushed open the door and walked in.

Entering the attic, Guo Si looked around for Dong Bai.

Beside the window sill, there is a table and chair carved out of high-quality sandalwood, which he gathered around to win Dong Bai's favor.The tables and chairs are engraved with different patterns in detail, and the delicate and gentle feeling of belonging to the daughter's home circulates everywhere.

Guo Si couldn't find Dong Bai, so he walked into the window, but saw a few sheets of rice paper on the rosewood table, a few brushes on the inkstone, and a full-body portrait of a man drawn in ink on the rice paper.The man in the painting is wearing an elegant and handsome long gown, standing on the top of the city, with his hands behind his back, and a three-pointed smile on his sharp-edged face, which is charming.Although the appearance of the man in the painting is not lifelike, he has an unrestrained temperament. If this man had not left a deep imprint in the painter's heart, it would be difficult to paint such charm.

And beside this man, there are a few lines of delicate poems written in Xiaozhuan:

The peaks and mountains are like gatherings, the waves are like fury, and the mountains and rivers are like Tongguan Road.

Looking at the western capital, he hesitated and felt sad. Wherever the Qin and Han Dynasties traveled, thousands of palaces and palaces were made of earth.

Prosperity, people suffer; death, people suffer.


What is hung on the bamboo window is purple tulle, fluttering in the wind blowing slowly outside the window.Guo Si, who drank deer blood, saw the calligraphy and painting, his eyes turned red immediately, because he recognized who was in the painting almost instantly.Ever since the [-] troops led by Chen Wei entered Luoyang, rumors of Dong Bai and Chen Wei's ambiguous affair began to spread in the army. Guo Si didn't know the truth, but it also made him hate Chen Wei even more. one of the reasons.However, he always thought it was a rumor, and he had strictly ordered the soldiers not to talk about it in private, but when he saw the portrait on the calligraphy and painting tonight, he already knew that the rumor was true.

He angrily tore the portrait to pieces, then looked around for Dong Bai's shadow.Finally, I found Dong Bai outside the Peony Pavilion outside the attic. At this time, Dong Bai Qianying was sitting alone in the pavilion, looking at the lotus pond under the night in a daze.She has been under house arrest by Guo Bang for several months.As Dong Zhuo's granddaughter, if anyone dared to treat her like this, General Guo Si was the only one!Not only because of Guo Si's position, but also because he is the grandson-in-law appointed by Dong Zhuo himself!
"Chen Wei, you bad bastard, stinky bastard, big bastard, you haven't come to me for so long, hum, I hate you to death..." Dong Bai's delicate and beautiful face was full of anger, but For a moment, it became resentful again: "How can you blame him? You only blame yourself for being betrothed to Guo Bang, how can he see you..."

Dong Bai, who was sitting under the pavilion and muttering to himself, suddenly heard the sound of heavy breathing from behind, turned around, and when she saw the torn portrait in Guo Bang's hand, those wild eyes stared at her angrily, her cheeks were full of anger. It suddenly turned pale.

Dong Bai stabilized his flustered emotions, and then pretended to be savage and angrily reprimanded: "Guo Si, why do you tear up Miss Ben's calligraphy and painting?"

Guo Si, who drank deer blood, was already on fire, staring at her snow-white and delicate face with red eyes, and smiled angrily: "Why, it hurts to tear up the portrait of the adulterer?"

Dong Bai's pretty face changed, and he slapped Guo Bang's face coquettishly and angrily. With a slap, he slapped Guo Bang hard and loudly.

"I will make grandpa punish you severely!" Dong Bai shouted tremblingly with anger.

"Heavy punishment?" Guo Si's eyes flashed a savage color.

"Bold..." Dong Bai hurriedly struggled away, but Guo Bang was provoked to be more violent, and he directly picked up Dong Bai and walked towards the attic.

"The grand master has already betrothed you to me, sooner or later you will be my man..." Guo Si laughed angrily, and rushed towards Dong Bai on the bed like a hungry wolf.

"Don't come here..." Dong Bai, who was huddled in the corner of the bed, took out a sharp knife from under the bedside quilt, held it with both hands and pointed it at Guo Bang, his face paled.

Seeing that Dong Bai had hidden a weapon by the bed, Guo Si was obviously on guard against himself, and was furious in his heart, without any hesitation, he rushed towards Dong Bai and wanted to grab the dagger.

Dong Bai instead had a dagger across his neck, but his pale face showed determination, and he said, "If you touch half of my finger, I will kill myself in front of you!"

"Because of him?" Guo Bang's blood-red eyes were fixed on Dong Bai, and the green roots on his neck were exposed.

Dong Bai didn't know that Chen Wei had been expelled to Yongning County by Guo Si, he was afraid that Guo Si would anger Chen Wei, and said: "Although my grandfather betrothed me to you, you can't touch me before we pay homage! "

Hearing this, Guo Bang's face blushing due to anger slowed down a little, and he narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly: "Okay, I promise you..."

Dong Bai secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but the image of Chen Wei appeared in his mind. "Bad guy, come and save me from here..."

"We will get married in three days. At that time, Baimei, you will be my man!" Guo Si obviously saw through Dong Bai's retreat, smiled coldly, turned and walked out of the room. Then he grabbed a maid who was kneeling outside the door and dragged her into another room to vent.

(End of this chapter)

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