Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 119 Forging Weapons

Chapter 119 Forging Weapons

On the second day after Chen Wei led his army to abandon Mianchi and return to Yongning County, it used to be Wang Qing's residence, but now it has become Chen Wei's official residence. Chen Wei was busy drawing something on the table.

At this time, Jia Xu came in with the food, and said to Chen Wei who was profusely sweating on the desk: "Chen Wei, it's time to have dinner, even if you want to draw some magical weapons, you still need strength." !"

But Chen Wei was obviously absorbed in the blueprints on the desk, and did not hear Jia Xu's words at all.

Jia Xu had no choice but to walk over, and when he got close to the table, he could see a lot of straw paper with complicated and messy patterns drawn on it with a brush.

Jia Xu picked up one of them, looked at it, and said in surprise, "Chen Wei, I've never seen such a strangely shaped weapon. Can it really cut through heavy armor?"

Chen Wei finally raised his head, wiped off his sweat, took the blueprint in Jia Xu's hand and said, "This is a saber, I came up with it to deal with Guo Si's elite cavalry with heavy armor!"

Ever since he retreated without a fight in Mianchi, Chen Wei was deeply afraid of Ma Ru's [-] heavy armored cavalry, and when he returned to Yongning County, he had to think hard about how to deal with those heavy armored cavalry.The battle armor worn by heavy cavalry and horses is forged from fine iron, which is very expensive.Moreover, the armor is bulky, and if it weren't for the vigorous horses, it would not be able to support it.Relying on the financial resources of Yongning County, not to mention being unable to equip heavy armor made of refined iron, those fine-bred war horses were imported from Mongolia outside the Great Wall, and each one was worth a hundred catties. Chen Wei had neither the money nor the means to buy such war horses.

Therefore, on the basis of not being able to also have heavy cavalry, Chen Wei can only work hard on improving the weapons of his own soldiers.He was a martial artist in his previous life, and he was not interested in guns, but he had a soft spot for cold weapons.He likes the Mongolian saber the most, and there are all kinds of swords in his family, including the saber!

And this kind of saber has never appeared in this era, so Chen Wei thought of drawing the design characteristics of this kind of saber and letting blacksmiths make it.

"This kind of weapon is called a horse-chopping knife. It has a wide back and a thin blade, and the blade is relatively heavy, which is conducive to increasing the strength of the chopping..." Chen Wei explained to Jia Xu holding the blueprint.

"It has a long handle without a guard, and a slender blade with a point and a blood groove. In this way, it can perform functions such as stabbing and poking in addition to performing actions such as cutting, chopping, and chopping like ordinary sabers. Often stabbing and poking can make the enemy lose combat effectiveness very quickly..."

Jia Xu was startled and amazed, pointing to the recess of the machete on the drawing and asked, "What is the use of this slot?"

"This is called a blood groove. Its function is not to let blood out. Its main function is that if there is no blood groove on the knife body, it will be very difficult to pull out the knife due to the sharp muscle contraction after the knife penetrates into the human body. However, the blood groove can make the muscles There is a gap between the blade and the blade, so that the air can enter the muscle, and it is easy to draw the blade for the next tactical action..."

"In addition, the Saber Saber can also be held with both hands. As long as our soldiers slash it hard, even if they can't cut through heavy armor, they can still cause huge damage to the people inside the armor."


Jia Xu was shocked and asked: "Chen Wei, you are a god, how could you come up with such a magical weapon?"

"Amazing?" Chen Wei smiled wryly in his heart. If there are materials, I will make a pistol for you to see and then you will know what is miraculous!

"This is just my initial idea, and I don't know its actual combat effect. I want someone to create a trial effect. If it can really produce power against heavy armored cavalry, we will mass-produce it. When the time comes, we will face Ma Ru's three With a thousand heavy cavalry, we still have the strength to fight!" Chen Wei said.

In fact, Chen Wei is the most clear about the effectiveness of this kind of saber, because history has proved it.After all, Chen Wei was not the original creator of this saber, he just drew the detailed shape of the saber from his memory, and he didn't know whether the technology of this era could forge such an advanced weapon!
"I'll send someone to build it right away to see how it works!" Jia Xu said excitedly.

Seeing Jia Xu leaving excitedly with the drawings, Chen Wei sat on the chair a little weakly. He did not rest for a day and a night, and drew the design drawings of two weapons in total. One is a saber, and the other is It is "F[-] Saber".

The reason why Chen Wei didn't show the blueprint of the F[-] saber is because compared to the chopping saber, the difficulty of forging the F[-] saber is definitely not something that can be forged in this era, because there is too much chemical knowledge in the design.

The F21 saber is virtually unrivaled in the [-]st century knife world.The special forces of many countries are equipped with these powerful knives, but its power largely depends on its extremely tough special steel. The swords of this era are all forged with ordinary pig iron, and the proportion of carbon powder is very rough, while the F[-] saber The most critical of the materials required is a chemical substance called "chromium", which is why Chen Wei has blueprints but can't forge them.

The chopper is relatively easy to forge.

Sure enough, Jia Xu summoned all the good craftsmen in Yongning County to forge the first saber according to the blueprint given by Chen Wei.But when Chen Wei experimented, he found that the saber chopper with the added blood slot was too brittle, and when cutting those heavy armors, it was often easy to break at the blood slot.

"Generally, the thicker the sword, the harder it is. The blade of this horse chopping knife is relatively thin, and there are blood grooves on the blade, which weakens its structure, so it is so brittle." A blacksmith explained to Chen Wei.

Chen Wei shook his head, frowned and said, "This may be because the proportion of carbon is wrong..."

China is the first country in the world to produce pig iron. As early as the late Spring and Autumn Period in the [-]th century BC, there were pig iron utensils.Chen Wei, who comes from the future, naturally has knowledge that the ancients did not know: as long as carbon is added to wrought iron, or the carbon content in pig iron is reduced, steel can be obtained.

"What ratio of carbon?" The blacksmiths around were at a loss. It was obviously the first time they had heard such a strange and fresh term.

Chen Wei naturally couldn't explain the chemical knowledge to these people clearly, but asked: "Did you use pig iron or wrought iron to make this chopper?"

"Pig iron, of course!" replied one of the blacksmiths.

"Then what method do you use to make the pig iron harder?" Chen Wei slowly induced these people.

"Using the hundred refining method!"

The ancients lacked chemical knowledge, but Chen Wei knew that the so-called hundred refining method is actually the pig iron decarburization method called by modern people. become harder.But because the ancients didn't know the composition of steel at all, they couldn't control the weapons they made were hard.

"Now I'm going to teach you another method, the method of filling steel." Chen Wei said.

The steel filling method is to effectively control the composition of steel by adjusting the ratio of pig iron and wrought iron, so as to obtain qualified and hard steel.This is something that cannot be achieved by the Hundred Alchemy Method.

Those blacksmiths didn't expect Chen Wei to be a skilled craftsman, and they were very surprised.

In the end, those blacksmiths made another saber chopping knife according to Chen Wei's method, and the effect was much better than the previous one. The thick and heavy armor also showed cracks under ordinary soldiers' two-handed knife chopping.

After the practice was effective, Chen Wei immediately sent people to purchase pig iron and other materials in Yongning County, but Yongning County was only a small county, and there was a shortage of iron products at that time. Chen Wei originally wanted all the soldiers in Yongning County to be equipped with The wish of the saber had to fail.

"We can build as many as we have, and we can also send people to the nearby county town to buy them!" Chen Wei said.

But the bad news came again. It turned out that after Ma Ru swallowed Mianchi, he knew that Yongning County was impregnable by Chen Wei. Contact with Yongning County, completely block Yongning County.Then he sent an envoy again to ask Chen Wei to hand in the rations and soldiers. As long as the rations were paid in full, he, Ma Ru, would retreat.

"This Ma Ru is really far-sighted. He knows that our Yongning County will be difficult to conquer in a short time. If we attack the city with all our strength, we will lose both sides. Therefore, he blocked our Yongning County's external exchanges and tried to force us to submit."

"If we hand over the military rations, doesn't that mean weakening our own strength and boosting the opponent's strength? Isn't he thinking too well?"

Fan Jian said angrily.

"Since Mianchi came back, I have sent more scouts to spy on Luoyang. Cao Cao has gradually moved his troops to the south. I am afraid that he is targeting Liu Bei in Yiyang. Once Luoyang is not tight, Guo Si will definitely send more troops to Ma Ru. Come and deal with us..." Jia Xu said.

Chen Wei frowned uncomfortably, and sat on a chair in deep thought without saying a word.

The leaky house was rained overnight, and the next day, bad news came one after another.

"Chen Wei, I received news from Luoyang that Guo Si will marry Miss Dong Jiasun in three days!"

(End of this chapter)

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