Chapter 121
"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"...

Under the temporary hut, almost all the blacksmiths in Yongning County were gathered here by Chen Wei to make weapons.The blacksmith and the temporary helpers were sweating profusely in the blazing fire, while soldiers kept coming out with newly forged sabers, piled in clusters on the open space outside the hut.

These horse-chopping knives made by the "steel filling method" are sharp and hard, and their power is much stronger than ordinary swords.

Jia Xu accompanied Chen Wei to observe the process of making the chopper.

"Rushing to build overnight, [-] have been built, but now that there is a shortage of pig iron, [-] is the limit!" Jia Xu said.

Chen Wei nodded, and after condolences to the hardworking blacksmiths, he left with Jia Xu and Sun Hou.

"How are the preparations for the food and grass?" Chen Wei turned around and asked.

"The preparations are ready. After the Saber is forged, two thousand carefully selected soldiers can enter the grain cart!" Fan Jian said.

"Then what's going on at Ma Ru's side?" Chen Wei continued to ask.

Sun Hou replied: "The envoys sent back said that Ma Ruhui will send people to collect the grain carts and send them to Luoyang on the same day."

Chen Wei nodded and said, "We must be absolutely foolproof in this matter. If Ma Ru finds out that the grain truck has tampered with it, it will be a failure!"

"Chen Wei, you can rest assured. I have sent people to make interlayers on two hundred grain trucks. Ventilation holes have been dug in the bottom of the trucks. People can hide under them, and the top is covered with grains. If the grains on the top are not lifted , I will definitely not find out that there is someone hidden in the car!" Fan Jian said.

"However, Chen Wei, are you really determined to sneak into Luoyang yourself?" Fan Jian felt that it was too risky after all.

Chen Wei nodded solemnly. This time he will use the grain cart to sneak into Luoyang and he will accompany him personally, but let Jia Xu and Sun Hou take the remaining [-] armored soldiers to copy the road and Sanchao. Comparing the two, it is obvious that Chen Wei took a higher risk.Once they enter Luoyang and are discovered, Chen Wei's two thousand soldiers will fall into the abyss of eternal doom.

"Chen Wei, the key is to wipe out Guo Si and his generals. As long as these people fall under our control, we can control the overall situation!" Jia Xu said.

"I know how to do it!" Chen Wei said.Having said that, Chen Wei still had no idea in his heart.Because there will be too many changes in sneaking into Luoyang, it is impossible to guess what will happen next.

One day, Ma Ru's [-] cavalry appeared ten miles north of Yongning County, and Feng Hu personally led [-] cavalry to Yongning City to ask for food and grass.

Chen Wei on the city wall looked at the grain carts pulled out one by one from the city gate with a solemn expression.Fan Jian and Jia Xu were also nervous, especially when Feng Hu went up to inspect the grain truck in person, their palms were covered with cold sweat.

There are two hundred grain carts hiding two thousand armored soldiers.If one of them will show a flaw and attract the attention of the other party, then all efforts will be wasted.

This Feng Hu looked as respected as Mount Tai, but he was not a brave man. When he inspected the grain trucks, he randomly checked several grain trucks from the beginning, middle and rear. Fortunately, Fan Jian's preparations were also well done. Complete, so that Feng Hu didn't find out that the car had been tampered with.

"Our family has accepted the grain, haha..." Feng Hu laughed arrogantly, glanced contemptuously at Chen Wei on the city wall, and then led [-] cavalry and [-] grain carts to leave swaggeringly.

Watching Feng Hu leave, Chen Wei and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will follow the food team back to Luoyang, and everything will go according to plan," Chen Wei said.

"Then Yongning County will be handed over to you." Jia Xu said to Fan Jian.He will also sneak to Luoyang with [-] soldiers tonight.

"This battle is a life-threatening battle, and the winner and the loser are here!" Fan Jian said, "Take care!"


As Feng Hu left half a column of smoke, Chen Wei also quietly left Yongning County, and followed the grain truck. The grain truck moved slowly, and Chen Wei caught up after a while.He followed the grain truck from a distance, and found that Feng Hu had only sent two hundred cavalry to escort the grain and grass towards Luoyang, and then led the remaining one hundred cavalry back to Ma Ru's main force.

"Why didn't Ma Ru's army return to Luoyang with the grain carts? Do they have any plans to stay?" Chen Wei was suspicious, but he still followed the grain carts towards Luoyang for the sake of the overall situation.

"Since they didn't return together, only two hundred cavalry were left to protect food..." Chen Wei suddenly had a plan in his mind.

Chen Wei followed the food team closely and waited until nightfall, when the food team camped at the border of Yongning County.

The autumn wind at night is already chilling, especially the wind blowing from the mountains and forests, rustling the leaves like rain.

Chen Wei sneaked into the enemy camp unknowingly. Chen Wei was already familiar with this kind of stealing camp in the dark.

In the darkness of night, he moved like a nimble civet cat, and quickly came to the rear of the enemy formation.

The camp formed by the two hundred heavy cavalry is called the "earth square", forming a square with five layers from the inside to the outside.

The grain carts were placed at the rear of the camp by them, followed by two large fences, where their two hundred war horses were kept.

This side of the camp was peaceful and quiet, the lights were dim, most of the cavalry had disarmed and went to sleep in tents, and the snoring sounded in the night wind.

Chen Wei observed carefully twice. The security of the enemy's camp was relaxed, and some guards even sat down and dozed off.

To deal with the two hundred cavalry, Chen Wei alone would definitely not be able to do it, so he decided to go to the grain cart to release the soldiers of his own in the cart.

After bypassing the two patrol soldiers, Chen Wei got into the grain convoy of the rear camp smoothly.Two hundred grain carts were neatly lined up in the back camp. When Chen Wei came to the back camp, he saw five or six enemy soldiers who were on duty at night gathered around and chatting with women. He didn't even know that someone had sneaked into the camp.

"What's the point of girls? You just pull open your pants and poke them in to make her feel better, and you'll keep her docile in the future..."

"I didn't realize that there is a woman who can't subdue girls... Hahaha..."

The few enemy soldiers around laughed and talked about some obscene language, which was extremely rude.

Chen Wei hid behind a tree and pulled out his dagger. As long as the six enemy soldiers were dealt with, he could release the soldiers in the grain cart without any scruples.

The problem is how to kill these six tough and experienced enemy soldiers without letting anyone make a sound?

Although Chen Wei was sure that he could kill the six enemy soldiers quickly, he was not sure that he would not cause the remaining 100 cavalrymen who were sleeping in the tent behind them.

And when Chen Wei was having a headache, one of them walked towards him.

Chen Wei was shocked, he didn't expect to be discovered, and he was taken aback. Just when he was about to fight hard, he saw the man walking over and unbuttoning his pants. Only then did Chen Wei know what the other party was going to do. After a while, when the man came to the foot of the big tree and was about to release the water, Chen Wei, who was hiding behind the tree, appeared instantly. With a flash of blade light, the man's throat was slightly cold, and his throat was cut immediately, and he threw it away without making a sound. killed.

Chen Wei retracted the dagger, then pulled the dead body into the grass, stripped off the opponent's armor, put it on his body, and walked over with his head down.

The remaining five enemy soldiers were chatting about something exciting, unaware that one of their brothers had already died, but Chen Wei swaggered up behind two of them, grabbed their hair with his hands, and pulled the two of them vigorously. The heads slammed into each other, and then the two palms were raised, and they swiftly struck the necks of the other two enemy soldiers, and the neck bones made the sound of breaking.

These two moves were done in one go, crisp and neat, and when the four fell down, the last enemy soldier realized what had happened.

Instinctively, he reached out to grab the knife at his feet, but Chen Wei had already raised the knife, and the blood blade sword had already chopped off his head!

In the blink of an eye, all five enemy soldiers died under Chen Wei's hands.

There were no enemy soldiers in the rear battalion, so Chen Wei walked to a grain truck, tapped three times with his fingers, paused, and tapped four more times.

After a long time, the hidden compartment under the grain truck suddenly opened, and a soldier jumped out of the truck. Seeing that it was Chen Wei, he couldn't help exclaiming: "General, have you arrived in Luoyang?"

Chen Wei shook his head, and told them about the two hundred cavalrymen who were going to be escorted.According to Chen Wei's order, the ten soldiers in the grain cart also dispersed to open the rest of the grain carts.Chen Wei did not let all the soldiers get out of the car immediately, but let fifty soldiers sneak into the enemy's tent quietly.

With the shadow of swords and swords, the two hundred cavalrymen who were sleeping were cut to death in their sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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