Chapter 122 Bad Omen
The dark sky covered the moon with dark clouds, and thunder rolled in. Occasionally, a flash of lightning exposed the hideous rocks of the dark mountains in the distance.

On the bank of the river, two hundred naked corpses were lined up neatly, and several soldiers were checking the number of dead bodies.

"General, there are two hundred corpses in total, no more, no less!"


After listening to the reports from the soldiers, Chen Wei breathed a sigh of relief when he knew that no enemy soldiers escaped tonight. As long as his two hundred soldiers put on the armor of these people, they could pretend to be heavy cavalry and at the same time prevent On the way to Luoyang, there is a danger of being discovered by mistake.

In order to avoid leaving any traces for Ma Ru to discover, Chen Wei asked the soldiers to bury the two hundred corpses and cover up the blood with sand to ensure that there would be no accidents. The next morning, Chen Wei led the grain truck and continued to Luoyang. .

Chen Wei glanced at the sky, thinking that at this time, the five thousand armored soldiers led by Jia Xu and Sun Hou should also have arrived in Sanjiao.

Luoyang is a battleground and a barrier to Chang'an. Its importance made Guo Bang dare not be careless. He set up a large number of passes and beacon towers within a hundred miles around Luoyang to warn and check the entry and exit of troops.Fortunately, when Chen Wei killed the two hundred heavy armored cavalry, he did not forget to find the official documents from them, so he passed through several passes along the way without hindrance.

Chen Wei was happy that it went so smoothly, but for some reason, the corners of his eyebrows kept twitching all the way, and he always felt ominous.

In the evening of this day, Chen Wei's food team finally arrived in Luoyang according to the plan in advance.Chen Wei asked the soldiers to set up camp, while he climbed up to look out. At this moment, they were far away from Yongning County. Looking at the southeast sky, Chen Wei was frowning.His premonitions were always accurate, and he was caught in a dilemma at this time, hesitating whether he really wanted to take the risk of sneaking into Luoyang this time.


The sun was setting, and the sky seemed to be stained red with blood.

Yongning County, a hundred miles southeast of Luoyang, was bathed in the last rays of the setting sun, casting long shadows on the east side.

After Chen Wei took control of Yongning County, he spared no expense in repairing the city wall and digging the moat, so that Yongning County, which was weak in the past, had the ability to protect itself.After three months of development, more than half of the city wall and other protection projects have been completed, and the largest number of troops in the city once reached nearly [-]. However, in this surprise attack on Luoyang, Chen Wei took away [-], and Jia Xu and Sun Hou took away [-]. Today, there are less than [-] guards in Yongning County.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of outsiders, Fan Jian, who was left to guard the city knowing that the city was empty, increased the number of patrols on the top of the city.At Xichengtou, although the setting sun was slanting to the west, the sun still made the soldiers sweat profusely.A few soldiers on patrol couldn't bear the sun, and squatted under the battlements, chatting.

They hadn't been so leisurely a day ago, and they needed to be more vigilant.But after Chenwei agreed to hand over the grain to Luoyang, the dignified and tense atmosphere of fighting hand to hand at any time before dissipated a lot, and the soldiers believed that the probability of war was not high.

"The sun is so poisonous..." A veteran squatting in the corner complained, rolling up his clothes and wiping the sweat off his face.When he lifted the hem of his clothes, a shocking scar appeared on his abdomen.

"Ouch, Old Chen, what's the matter with your scar?" A soldier with an immature face in front asked, pointing at the scar.

The veteran looked down, but when he raised his head, his face showed pride and emotion, and said, "This scar has a story to tell, and you recruits don't believe it."

And a bearded soldier on the left side of the old soldier obviously knew the old soldier well, and immediately showed a sneer on his face, and said: "Old Chen, you have shown off your scar more than a dozen times, and you have to say it to everyone. I can hear calluses in my ears."

That old Chen glared at Hu Zhazi, and reprimanded: "Where did I show off? That's what Tian Wa asked?"

On the contrary, Tianwa was aroused curiosity, defending the city was bored, and it was a good pastime to listen to a piece of meat to relieve boredom.

"Old Chen, just tell me." Tian Wa stretched out her hand to touch the smooth scar curiously as she spoke. This kid is obviously interested in scars because he hasn't been through war.

In fact, the experienced veterans and elites in the city were all taken away by Chenwei Jiaxu, and most of the guards left behind were old or immature recruits.

Seeing Tian Wa's question, Lao Chen smiled, pretended to sigh helplessly, and opened his mouth to ask, "Danzi, are you a local?"

Tian Wa nodded, and Chen Wei recruited troops like crazy, and when he heard that he could make a living, he ran over.

"But I'm from Chang'an, and I'm one of the first batch of veterans who joined General Chen..." Old Chen's face slowly showed pride.

After hearing this, Hu Zhazi pouted his lips in disapproval.

Old Chen didn't care, and continued: "At the beginning, I left Chang'an with General Chen to support Luoyang, and I was one of the 3 people. At that time, not only Yan Shou and other veterans disapproved of General Chen, but even us Veterans look down on General Chen, he is really too young, wouldn't it be death to fight with this young general who has no hair yet?"

"At that time, General Chen was the chief general, but we all thought that he had climbed up to Ms. Dong Sun, rather than having real skills. So we only listened to General Yan Shou, and we camped whenever he told us, We cook wherever we cook. When General Chen was wronged by Dong Huangdian's soldiers, we didn't come out to help and just watched. In short, most people in the army didn't like General Chen at that time... "

"Later, when passing through Sanjiao Mountain, General Yan Shou and General Chen had a quarrel over the camping site. Naturally, no one supported General Chen. Most of the people went up the mountain with General Yan Shou, and only a few followed General Chen. Stationed in Chuandao. As a result...we were ambushed by Zhu Jun's rebels..."

Tian Wa couldn't help asking: "General Chen was ambushed, what happened?"

Old Chen shook his head, and said: "We were ambushed and besieged by Zhu Jun's rebels on the mountain, cut off the water source, and blocked all the roads down the mountain..."

"Won't you die of thirst without water?"

"That's right. At that time, the 2 people on the mountain kept trying to break through, and there were countless casualties. In the end, we retreated to the mountain. There was no water or food. General Yan Shou saw that the situation was over and wanted to commit suicide several times. We also planned to surrender..."

"What about General Chen and the others?"

"Breakout, retreat with troops, uh..."

"That's true. If you listened to General Chen, you wouldn't be trapped on the mountain. If it was me, I would have run away..."

"You're wrong about this, General Chen finally came back?" Hu Zhazi couldn't help but interjected.He had already heard Lao Chen say it dozens of times, and although he hadn't experienced it himself, he knew it clearly.

"Could it be that he found reinforcements?" Tian Wa heard that Chen Wei had come back after killing him, and couldn't help asking, "How many people did he bring?"

Old Chen held out a finger.

"1 people?"

Old Chen shook his head.

"1000 people?"

"It's 100 people!" Hu Zhazi laughed.Immediately causing old Chen to roll his eyes, Hu Zhazi quickly laughed and said, "Say it, say it!"

"Yes, that's 100 people!" Lao Chen sighed.It seemed that the tragic scene at the beginning appeared in my mind again.

"Aren't 100 people going to die?" Tian Wa shook her head and lamented.

"Yes, all those 100 people died in the end." Old Chen sighed, "The 100 people were surrounded by thousands of people to death, there was no escape."

"What about General Chen?" Although Tian Wa knew that Chen Wei was alive, it was obviously hard to believe that Chen Wei could survive among so many enemy soldiers.

"Of course it's okay, General Chen killed it!" Old Chen pursed his mouth, as if he was as majestic as himself, "I can see clearly from the mountain. Like a black arrow, piercing the enemy's heart, a gentian silver gun dazzles the eyes, no one can stop it wherever it goes, tsk tsk, the scene is indescribably thrilling and exciting, anyway, it is majestic and invincible, The blood of our brothers on the mountain is boiling."

"Especially the scene where he soars into the sky and cuts the opponent's enemy general in half with one blow, just like a god descending to earth!"

Tian Wa's eyes blinked and blinked, and the tragic scene of Chen Wei defeating thousands of troops seemed to appear in her mind, and her blood boiled involuntarily.

"And my scar is from that battle. At that time, I was by General Chen's side. If he hadn't helped me kill the enemy soldiers in front, I'm afraid I would have died in Sanjiao Mountain long ago!"

"So after that battle, I firmly believe in General Chen, no matter how much territory or power he has, anyway, my old Chen's life belongs to General Chen!" Old Chen said excitedly.

"Hey, Old Chen, you are also very fateful. If it were other generals, remnants like you would have been abandoned long ago, and only General Chen Renyi didn't abandon you in Sanjiao Mountain..." Hu Zhazi laughed.

"Yes, this is also the reason why General Chen was driven out of Luoyang by General Guo, and I was obliged to follow him to Yongning County. I, Old Chen, have lived most of my life to meet such a good general, and I have nothing to ask for. I plan to guard the city for him for the rest of my life here." Lao Chen nodded with emotion.

Tian Wa's eyes were also full of admiration, and she said, "I will also guard the city for the rest of my life for General Chen..."

"No prospect, you are so young, of course you still want to kill the enemy and make meritorious service. In the future, you will become the deputy general beside General Chen and help him!" Old Chen scolded with a smile.

Tian Wa scratched her head and said with a naive smile: "I never thought about being a general. I came to join the army to collect enough food and salary, and then marry a daughter-in-law..."

Before Tian Wa could finish speaking, there was a sharp piercing sound suddenly, and Lao Chen looked around in shock, only to see an arrow protruding from Tian Wa's chest, coughing violently, and a lot of blood gushed out of her mouth.

Hu Zhazi raised his head and looked down the city, his face paled in shock, and he let out a mournful cry: "Enemy attack!"

All the guards on the top of the city were frightened and their hearts trembled. They stared wide-eyed and looked at the distance below the city. All of them turned pale immediately. They saw dense cavalry galloping towards the city in the distance. At the same time, the crossbow arrows in his hand continued to shoot towards the city.

Arrows shot like locusts all over the sky, and a dozen guards couldn't react in time, they were shot through immediately, and died tragically on the spot.The rest of the guards finally woke up and hid behind the battlements one after another. The arrows made of pig iron shot at the top of the solid wall, making harsh jingling sounds.

Looking at Tian Wa lying in a pool of blood, Lao Chen's expression changed drastically, and he roared desperately: "The enemy is attacking, the archers are ready..."

But the next moment, a swift and fierce arrow pierced his forehead, and the veteran who had survived half a quarter ago died suddenly.


The enemy soldiers under the city wall have rushed to the bottom of the city wall. These cavalry in heavy armor are not afraid of the arrows shot down from the city at all. Unable to withstand the impact of the arrows, the cavalry who was thrown off the horse fell to the ground and immediately got up and continued. Charge forward.

After the enemy cavalry archers shot the arrows in their hands, they immediately separated from the left and right, and rushed to the iron hook soldiers again. These cavalrymen had iron hooks in their hands, and relied on the sprint and inertia of the horses to throw the iron hooks attached to the ropes. After reaching the top of the city, part of the iron hooks caught the battlements, and the iron hook soldiers immediately climbed up to the top of the city along the ropes.

These iron hook soldiers had obviously undergone special training, and they were flexible and proficient in climbing the city wall, and they had already climbed two feet in a few breaths.

Fan Jian, who heard the news of the enemy's attack, had already reached the top of the city. When he saw the three thousand cavalry led by Ma Ru approaching the city, his face turned pale.

At this time, the defenders who were dodging the arrows saw that the enemy had already climbed up, Fan Jian immediately gave an order and shouted: "Prepare the fire oil..."

(End of this chapter)

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