Chapter 123
For a moment, the enemy soldiers who had already climbed to the top of the city were immediately scorched and screamed, and fell from a high height, falling directly to death.The enemy soldiers who were lucky enough to climb to the top of the city were also outnumbered, and were immediately hacked to death by the swarming defenders.

But there are still a steady stream of enemy soldiers climbing up.

"Fire!" Fan Jian roared again.

Hundreds of lit torches were thrown from the top of the city wall, and the ground below was already covered with boiling oil. When the torches were dropped, a catastrophe burned under the city wall, and there were flames on the wall.Chen Wei had already trained and prepared these measures to defend the city, so even though they were suddenly attacked by the enemy, the soldiers' usual training immediately had an effect.They followed Fan Jian's order in a panic.

Sure enough, the fire under the corner blocked the enemy's attack at once.

Fan Jian, who was nervous, saw that the enemy's attack had slowed down, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. The main force led by Chen Wei and Jia Xu had already rushed to Luoyang. At this moment, Yongning County was empty. If Ma Ru broke through, the city would be destroyed. tragic outcome.Fortunately, relying on the solid city wall temporarily blocked the enemy soldiers.

But before Fan Jian was relieved for a long time, he saw that the enemy soldiers brought sand and buried the flames at the foot of the city, and then the enemy soldiers started the second round of siege, and a huge siege vehicle was pushed away by dozens of enemy soldiers. come over.

"Let the arrows! Let the arrows! Let the arrows!" Fan Jian's face turned pale again, and he hastily roared.

The rain of arrows shot towards the siege vehicle, but the shields prepared by the enemy soldiers, the arrows could not hurt at all, pushed the siege vehicle close.

"Bang—" The siege vehicle slammed into the city gate heavily, shaking the entire city wall trembling.

"Smashing rocks—" Fan Jian shouted again.

The soldiers immediately picked up stones and threw them down from the top of the city, knocking over several enemy soldiers carrying shields, but the opponents immediately had their successors rushing up.


There was another loud crash at the city gate.Although Chen Wei rebuilt the old city wall in Yongning County, there was not much time after all, the city wall could only be thickened on the outside, but the old city wall was still decayed inside, after two rounds, cracks had appeared.

When the third round hit, Fan Jian had already felt that the city wall was about to collapse, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

"Fan Changshi, the city wall is about to fall, you'd better go down!" A bloodied soldier dragged Fan Jian's sleeve down the city wall.

"That's right, let's go back to the east of the city. General Chen is still in the east camp. After we go back for the whole episode, we'll fight the enemy again!"

However, Fan Jian's face showed a miserable look. In order to let Chen Wei act as a surprise soldier, the news of Chen Wei's Jia Xu going to Luoyang was concealed from these guards. Fan Jian told the soldiers that Chen Wei was just stationed at the To the east of Yongning County, they didn't know that Chen Wei and Jia Xu had already left Yongning County.

Looking at the black enemy soldiers at the foot of the city, Fan Jian's eyes showed sadness. He knew that Yongning County could no longer hold it. If he abandoned the city and fled now, he still had a chance to survive.

But he still insisted on standing on the top of the city, fighting side by side with these defenders...

Once Ma Ru breaks through Yongning County, he will definitely find that the main force in the city is gone, and he will definitely guess something at that time. In order to delay Chen Wei for more time, Fan Jian decided to stay.But the result is—to live and die with the city!

The setting sun had already submerged in the Western Mountains, and the last of the last rays of light fell on Fan Jian's face above the head of Yongning County. At this moment, his inconspicuous face appeared extremely resolute, but the eyebrows were frowned, like two deep lines pierced by a wood carving knife.

He looked to the northwest with both eyes, but he couldn't see the end of the vast mountains, let alone Luoyang City, which was hundreds of miles away... The sideburns around his mouth were trembling because of his stiff face, "Chen Wei , I am forty-eight years old, and I have spent most of my life without success. I was unhappy in Chang'an and was not taken seriously. I was lucky to have you look at me with admiration and allow me to follow you to fight. But I boast that I have great ambitions, but I have no ability. I am not as brave as you, I can't match Jia Xu, and I've been ashamed of not being able to make an inch of merit for you. Now that Yongning is besieged, the city is about to be broken, and my life is at an end. I only wish to let Yongning County save a moment before I die, to fight for you One more chance to hope..."

After Fan Jian watched the last ray of sunshine in Xishan disappear, his heart slowly cooled down.Seeing countless corpses piled up at the foot of the city, while the city wall was crumbling, he showed no signs of fear, and methodically commanded the only remaining weak soldiers in the city to defend, just to let the time of the city break down Move some, some more.

Darkness fell, but the sky above Yongning County was full of flames.The crumbling city wall was still intact, but the city gate was finally smashed, and a large number of heavy armored cavalry were invincible, directly entering the city.Fan Jian at the top of the city looked expressionlessly at the enemy troops pouring into the city through the gap, but remained completely motionless, standing on it like a monument.


Finally, Yongning County fell completely.

Two fierce enemy soldiers dragged Fan Jian down the city wall, and knelt down in front of Ma Ru.

There was no trace of joy on Ma Ru's face after breaking through Yongning County. His face was gloomy in the firelight, and his eyes were like owls fixed on Fan Jian, who had a gray face and messy hair.

Although Fan Jian was forced to kneel on the ground, his waist was rigidly straightened, and he looked at Ma Ru without fear.

Ma Ru slowly raised his hand, pointed his long sword at Fan Jian's throat, and asked coldly, "Where's Chen Wei?"

"The city is alive and the people are alive, but the city is dead and the people are dead. A defeated general has no right to speak, so just kill me!" Fan Jian said expressionlessly.

"Let me ask you, where is Chen Wei?" Ma Ru couldn't suppress the anger in his chest, and asked violently.

Fan Jian pursed his lips tightly and turned his face away.

Ma Ru's face turned ferocious, and with a wave of the sword in his hand, he actually cut off Fan Jian's right ear.

Fan Jian's face was ashen, his chapped lips trembled, but he gritted his teeth and did not make a sound.The wound on the right ear was bleeding continuously, dripping on the sand, like ink dripping on rice paper, not aesthetically pleasing, but shocking.

"General, I've checked. Apart from these rudimentary soldiers, there's no trace of Chen Wei's main force in Yongning County!" Feng Hu strode over with an angry expression on his face. .

(End of this chapter)

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