Rogue master in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 129 Road 1 heading north

Chapter 129

Chen Wei's face changed slightly, and his footsteps froze. There were cavalry blocking the way in front of him, and pursuers were pressing behind him. In desperation, Chen Wei had no choice but to turn around and rush into the alley on the right side of the street.The doors and windows of the houses in the alley were locked tightly, and the sound of hurried footsteps echoed on the empty stone street.Chen Wei ran to the end in one breath and came to the east city wall.And there are already pursuers on the left and right sides, and it is obviously impossible to retreat.

Chen Wei's heart sank, there were too many enemy soldiers, there was no chance for him to run to Beicheng District, and he had no way out, and was surrounded again.He clenched the blood blade tightly, turned left to kill, only by making a breakthrough from here would he have a chance.

Just when Chen Wei was determined to fight to the death, he caught a glimpse of a stone step up to the top of the city wall under the reflection of the torches on the city wall.

Chen Wei raised his head and glanced at the pursuers holding torches, who were getting closer and closer. There were obviously a lot of them, so he didn't choose to go shopping, but walked up the stone steps.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Wei had already reached the city wall, but four patrol soldiers suddenly came in front of him.

Seeing the black shadow running up, the four patrol soldiers drew their swords and shouted, "Who is it?"

Chen Wei put the sword behind his back, lowered his head and walked towards the four soldiers.


It's a pity that Chen Wei didn't give the opponent another chance to warn, the soles of his feet slid across the uneven stone floor, his strength exploded in an instant, and his left arm struck straight across, hitting the upper body of the soldier at the front like a crushing blow.

There were two abnormal clicks, and the sternum of the soldier's chest broke suddenly, his body went limp, and he fell limply to the ground.At the same time, the blood blade sword in the right hand flashed, and it was drawn out in the night, cutting the throat of the second person.

"Bang!" With a kick, it hit the face of another soldier who had just pulled out half of the knife, kicking him unconscious.

Chen Wei's method of dealing with the three of them was done in one go, simply and neatly. When the three of them fell down, the last enemy soldier just reacted, turned pale with fright, turned around and ran, and opened his throat at the same time, wanting to call for help.

"Puchi——" The blood blade sword in Chen Wei's hand came out and pierced into the enemy soldier's body.The enemy soldier paused, then fell to the ground and twitched a few times, before dying and becoming a dead body.

Chen Wei glanced around and saw no one noticed, then walked over and pulled out the blood blade sword, wiped off the blood with the opponent's clothes, took off one person's outer armor, put it on his body, then picked up the helmet that fell on the ground, and put it on on the head.

Wearing slightly tight-fitting armor, Chen Wei glanced at the enemy soldiers at the foot of the city who were looking around for him, then walked straight on the city wall, heading north in a fair manner.

Standing on the high wall, Chen Wei could see the majestic hall in the center of the city on the left.Under the night, the main hall was decorated with lights and festoons, making it extremely conspicuous.

"Where will the wedding banquet be held?" Chen Wei grumbled in his heart. He didn't expect that something like this happened in Luoyang City, but Guo Bang still didn't stop holding the wedding.

"Where will Dong Bai be?" Chen Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, while walking on the city wall, he looked at the situation of the hall in the distance.It's a pity that under the night, I really can't see the situation there clearly, I can only vaguely see countless figures shaking in the open space in front of the main hall.

"Since the wedding banquet didn't stop, it means that Guo Bang is there?" Chen Wei muttered to himself, suddenly he stopped, and an extremely dangerous idea appeared in his heart.

"Stop—" Suddenly a group of city soldiers came in front of them, seeing Chen Wei alone and behaving strangely, he immediately became suspicious.

On the attic of the most central and most majestic hall in Luoyang City, Guo Bang was talking with the generals. There was a smile on his mouth, obviously he was in a good mood.Indeed, being able to kill Chen Wei and marry Dong Bai at the same time, no matter how you look at it, it is a good day for double happiness.

Looking at the stars in the sky and tasting the high-quality spirits, Ma Ru is already talking about the future schedule of fighting Cao Cao with great ambition. Recently, Cao Cao stopped the attack on Luoyang, but moved his troops to the south. These actions fall on these In the eyes of the senior generals in Luoyang, they all believed that Cao Cao chose to shift the target of annexation after being unable to attack Luoyang for a long time.

"Cao Cao withdrew his troops from Hulao Pass and went south. The target was either Yuan Shu or Liu Biao. Which one do you think has a higher probability?" Ma Ru asked.He raised his wine glass to everyone, and then asked this sentence with a smile.

"Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are brothers of the same clan. If Cao Cao goes to attack Yuan Shu, won't he be afraid that Yuan Shao from the north will take advantage of it?"

"However, Liu Biao has been in Jingzhou for many years, and his roots are deeply rooted. It may not be that easy for Cao Cao to attack Liu Biao."


Those present were all generals with soldiers and horses stationed on one side, because the general Guo Si got married tonight, so they gathered together rarely.They were all favored generals that Guo Si relied heavily on, brave and resourceful, but no one guessed that Cao Cao's real intention was to conquer Liu Bei who had taken refuge in Liu Biao.In fact, who would know that Cao Cao would pay so much attention to the unknown Liu Bei these days?
At this moment, a school lieutenant ran up the pavilion, knelt heavily in front of Guo Bang, and said in a trembling voice: "General, we...he escaped!"

The night wind blows from the northwest, and as the flustered lieutenant knelt down in front of him, Guo Si's original relaxed and happy mood seemed to be swept away by the northwest wind for most of it. He frowned and squinted his eyes, not knowing Was it because of the alcohol that his hearing was a little fuzzy? He slowly turned his head to look at the captain who was kneeling in front of him, and asked, "Who did you say escaped?"

The school lieutenant trembled all over, and said: "The enemy soldiers were wiped out, but Chen Wei ran away..."

Guo Si frowned and raised the tip of his brows suddenly, and there was a hint of coldness in his squinted eyes.Ma Ruze's expression changed suddenly, and he strode up to the captain, with killing intent on his face, slapped the captain heavily to the ground, and scolded in a deep voice: "You two thousand Can't kill a caged beast? Useless stuff!"

The captain struggled to stand up, bowed his head and knelt on the ground again, not daring to have the slightest argument.

"Where are people now?" Guo Si asked coldly.

"Run towards the north of the city!" The captain replied hastily.

"Order to block all exits, and no one can enter or leave!" Guo Bang said coldly.

"Yes!" The captain lowered his head and took a few steps back before he dared to turn around and leave, and suddenly felt the pressure on his body disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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