Chapter 130

Guo Si looked at Ma Ru and said, "Take my personal guards, even if the city is overturned, I have to find him!"

Ma Ru's face paled, Chen Wei ran away, obviously he was also responsible, he heard that Guo Si even sent out his personal guards, knew that Guo Si must be angry, regretted in his heart, made a military order on the spot, and Chen Wei must be caught.


Since Cao Cao sent his troops westward to approach Luoyang, Guo Si imposed a curfew, and no pedestrians could appear on the street, so the empty street was like dead silence.

But tonight, the streets and alleys in Luoyang were crowded with soldiers, and the doors and windows of shops and houses were locked tightly.They thought that the whole city was on guard because Guo Bang, the general who ruled Luoyang City, was overjoyed, but they didn't know that the soldiers all over the city were chasing a man named Chen Wei at this moment.

But at this moment, Chen Wei was like a wild cat wandering in the night, silently walking along the top of the city.

The pursuers at the corner had no idea that the man they were chasing was swaggering above their heads.But not long after, the patrolling soldiers on the top of the city immediately discovered Chen Wei who was acting strangely.

Looking at the several figures standing in front of him on the dark city wall, the flickering light of the torches could clearly see the weapons in their hands.

Half a quarter ago, Chen Wei took out a group of patrolling soldiers and put on the clothes of the enemy soldiers.Obviously, there was more than one patrol on the city wall, and these patrols were all in formation, and Chen Wei, who was alone, obviously aroused the vigilance of the other party.

The wind on the top of the city was very strong, blowing the torches loudly, and the fire light reflected on Chen Wei's face was also swaying. It is obviously not easy for him to be recognized by the other party wearing a helmet, but it will be a matter of time before he reveals his flaws. Chen Wei didn't think it was necessary for him to fight wits here, so he gently pulled the tight armor on his body. The armor was tight and hot on his body, which was really uncomfortable. In the end, the blood blade sword in his hand Drooping slightly, he walked towards the other side step by step.

The strides are getting bigger and bigger, and the speed is getting faster and faster. In the end, Chen Wei's figure is like a preying cheetah in the cold northwest wind above the city. The enemy soldiers were killed.

The city wall was built of ashlar stones one by one. Although it has been smoothed, there are still small uneven grooves, but this also increases the coefficient of friction.The soles of Chen Wei's feet continuously kicked on the ground, relying on the friction, whizzing, swishing, his body seemed to turn into a puff of smoke, and he was about to kill the five stunned Luoyang soldiers.

The five city soldiers only had doubts about Chen Wei's identity, but what they didn't expect was that the opponent was actually Chen Wei, and they had already launched an attack without talking nonsense!
The soldier standing in front was already alert, so when Chen Wei shot, he reacted quickly enough. He grabbed the spear with his right hand and pressed it forward, while his left hand grabbed the tail of the gun. The tip of the gun was already aimed at the charging figure.The opponent was holding a sword, and he was holding a long spear. Taking advantage of the length, he stabbed directly, convinced in his heart that if the opponent wanted to hurt himself, he would be the first to be stabbed by him.However, at the next moment, he found desperately that the spear in his hand was cut off by the opponent's sword, and that figure had already come in front of him.

With a crisp click, Chen Wei's left hand popped out with a whoosh, and hit the soldier's heart hard. The blow seemed to have pierced through the flesh, and instantly dented the man's chest.

Almost at the same time, his right foot kicked out quickly, kicking this person into the air, knocking down the two people behind him directly, and then stabbing the other person's throat like a bolt of lightning with the blood blade sword in his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, his left hand retracted at an even faster speed, without even looking at the soldier who was attacking from the side, the fingers of his left hand just retracted spread out, and with the shoulder as the axis, he slapped down on the opponent with incomparable violence!

At that moment, the soldier only felt that the inch-sized palm was coming at him with the momentum like a mountain pressing down on him. He hurriedly raised his spear to block it in front of him, trying to resist the extremely violent palm!

The wind of the palm roared fiercely, Chen Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, his face was expressionless, and he slapped down unreasonably, and slapped the opponent's face together with the spear.

With a piercing sound, the bridge of the soldier's nose was like a bridge that suddenly collapsed, and two pillars of blood sprayed out from his nostrils.His face was like a soft cake, with a bloody gunshot mark, and he didn't even let out a cry of pain from his throat, as if a flower pot had been dropped from the top of the city.

The two soldiers who were hit finally got up, and at the same time they held long guns and stabbed towards Chenwei to the left and right.

Chen Wei opened his arms, and the two long spears happened to stab against his flanks. When the opponent was about to draw back the long spears, his arms suddenly closed, clamping the two long spears.

The two soldiers struggled to pull it out, but found that the spear seemed to be attached to each other's body, and did not move at all.

Chen Wei suddenly let go, and the two soldiers immediately lost their balance. This time, no one bumped into them, but they fell on their backs on the ground.

But at this moment, Chen Wei did not give them another chance to stand up again, Chen Wei stepped forward with his right leg, and the blood blade sword stabbed twice in a row, both of them accurately pierced their hearts, and took the opponent's life in an instant!

The five enemy soldiers were dealt with again, and at the same time, the fight on the city wall also attracted the attention of a large number of pursuers at the foot of the city. Chen Wei's face froze, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and ran to the north.

At the foot of the city, a large number of soldiers had already rushed up, and what was even worse was that there were enemy soldiers in front of the city, so Chen Wei was blocked in the middle of the city.

Chen Wei glanced out of the city on the right, and under the night, the nearly [-]-foot-high city wall could not see the ground clearly, and the only way to die was to jump down.

At this moment, Chen Wei noticed that there was a pile of sand under the city wall being built on the left side of the city. Facing the enemy soldiers who were getting closer, Chen Wei had no way to escape, so he jumped and jumped down.

Fortunately, there was soft sand at the foot of the city to cushion the force of the fall. Chen Wei only felt his body tremble, then stood up again, saw the dark alley in front of him, and burrowed in.

At this time, the residential area in the north of the city was getting closer and closer, and there were more and more alleys in front of him. Chen Wei was overjoyed and plunged in without hesitation. He ran when he saw a road, but he didn't dare to go too fast. , because the night light is dark, accidentally hit the wall.

Entering the residential area, the pursuers immediately lost Chen Wei's figure, but there were many people on their own, and under the orders of several officers, the pursuers immediately dispersed in several ways.

Suddenly the horse neighed, and a group of elite cavalry came running from the wide street in the center, led by Ma Ru.

The elites behind Ma Ru were all tall and mighty, and they were Guo Bang's one-in-a-hundred guards!

"General, the fugitive has already hid in the residential area!" A school captain ran to Ma Ru and reported.

In the light of the fire, Ma Ru's face was terrified, he pointed forward with his hand holding the whip, and shouted: "All soldiers seal off all the street exits in Beicheng District, and the guards follow me!"

Chen Wei, who was hiding in a dark corner, looked at Ma Ru from a distance, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he turned around and was submerged in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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