Chapter 139
On the stone steps, blood was flowing from several corpses, and then slowly merged into several blood streams, which flowed to the ground step by step, forming a blood pool of several square meters.

The previous scene where Chen Wei raised his sword and chopped a bodyguard corporal in half still shocked the surrounding guards. These are veterans who have experienced the baptism of war. They have seen too many bloody scenes, but it is really the first time to see them. Seeing such a fierce scene, with just one swing of the sword, even the knife and the person were chopped into pieces... This is the first time they have seen such a powerful strength.

That's why they woke up when Chen Wei disappeared at the door and sneaked into the nave.

"Lieutenant, he...he ran in..." A pale-faced ordinary guard leader said.

"Thief mother, didn't I see it?" The captain was sweating profusely and cursed angrily.He glanced at his brother who died tragically at his feet, and the long knife in his hand trembled slightly.

"Then what should we do?" After being scolded by his superior, the ordinary soldier's already pale face became even more bleak. Thinking of the scene just now, he was a little afraid to face the man who ran into the hall.

"There are some generals inside, if anyone is hurt by that traitor, we can't bear the responsibility..." When the captain thought that Chen Wei had actually entered the palace, he had the urge to die, Sweat was pouring down his face, and his slightly trembling lips continued: "Go in and check the situation first, don't disturb the big guy inside, I'll report to the general..."

The faces of the ordinary soldier and his accomplices around him suddenly turned pale. Even the personal guards were no match for that man. Did they rush in to seek death?

"Rush in for me, do you hear me!" the captain shouted angrily, his eyes blushing.

Those ordinary soldiers glanced at the corpse on the stone steps. The threat of death made everyone tremble with fear, but under the order of their superiors, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush in.

"Wait--" the captain looked pale, shook his head and said: "Don't go in first, lest you annoy him and hurt the distinguished guests inside, you immediately send reinforcements to surround the nave and block him Inside, I will immediately ask the general for instructions!"

When the soldiers heard that they didn't need to go in, they were relieved, and immediately mobilized, surrounded the nave, and waited for it.


In the annex on the left side of the north gate of the front hall, Ma Ru stared at the officer kneeling in front of him with a livid face, clasped his hands behind his back, and shouted angrily: "Half an hour ago you promised me The traitor was besieged to death in Beicheng District, and now you dare to tell me that he sneaked into the Taimiao?"

The lieutenant, kneeling on the ground with a pale face, said in a trembling voice: "This subordinate has sealed off the northern city area. I really don't know where he escaped from. This subordinate suspects that someone helped him..."

"Okay... okay..." Ma Ru squinted his eyes that were shining with anger, and after saying hello three times in a row, he kicked the captain down and shouted loudly: "Then explain to me How did he get into the Taimiao? Don't tell me that someone helped him!"

The captain who was kicked to the ground hurriedly got up again and knelt in front of Ma Ru, daring not to speak.Obviously, the defense of the Taimiao was arranged by Ma Ru himself, and it was impossible for Chen Wei to enter the Taimiao through normal channels.It's just that he couldn't figure out how Chen Wei left Beicheng District and even got into the Taimiao, and naturally he couldn't answer Ma Ru's question.

"However, the traitor has been surrounded by our side in the nave, surrounded by our soldiers and high walls, I assure you that he will not be able to escape!" the captain said tremblingly.

There was a smile on Ma Ru's face, but he could still smile at this moment, but it reflected the infinite anger in his heart. It had been three full hours since Chen Wei ran away from the grain burning cart.During these three hours, he mobilized almost all the soldiers in the city, even General Guo Si's five hundred personal guards, but instead of capturing Chen Wei, he sneaked into the Taimiao and even hid in the nave .In the middle hall, there are many mid-level generals attending the wedding and rich merchants from far and near Luoyang City. An extremely dangerous traitor and traitor got in, and the situation has reached a very serious situation.

Fortunately, General Guo and other important generals were in the front hall, otherwise, once Chen Wei was allowed to approach the General, he, Ma Ru, should have died to apologize.

"Chen Wei, Chen Wei, it seems that I still underestimated you... But what is the purpose of you sneaking into the Taimiao? Don't you know that this is a self-inflicted trap?" Ma Ru frowned tightly, and suddenly he Thinking of a possibility, I suddenly felt an unprecedented chill in my heart, and my face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

He knew that there was no point in blaming his subordinates at this moment, the only thing he had to do was to capture and kill Chen Wei before the other party caused more damage!

"Bring back all the guards. Before that, if a fly flies out of the nave, I will kill you!" Ma Ru said through gritted teeth.


Inside the nave, Chen Wei's eyes suddenly lit up as he rushed into the hall, which made him stunned for a moment.The hall is resplendent and magnificent, with four giant red pillars supporting the dome, and each pillar is engraved with a circled, lifelike golden dragon, which is extremely spectacular.Under the dome, many people wearing all kinds of gorgeous and expensive clothes are drinking and drinking, and in the central open space, there are showgirls in scantily clad performances. Everyone laughs loudly, but no one notices the intrusion Chen Wei.

And a maidservant with a fruit plate happened to pass by Chen Wei. When she saw Chen Wei who was holding a sword covered in blood, she covered her mouth in fright and was about to yell. Chen Wei bullied her and knocked her unconscious. , and then dragged her back to the corner of the hall, saw a small door behind, and hid directly in.

Fortunately, everyone in the hall was attracted by the fragrant singing and dancing girl, and no one noticed the small movements here.Chen Wei was also very alert, dragging the unconscious maidservant into the small door.

(End of this chapter)

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