Chapter 140
Outside the small gate, if you continue to move forward, you will find a pavilion, surrounded by rockery and flat land, and in the middle is a small lotus pond. Many young men and women gathered beside the lotus pond to play. Obviously, these are the noble children of powerful generals and merchants.On the other side is a long corridor with oil lamps on both walls.Because there were people in the Xuanting in front, Chen Wei chose the direction of the long corridor, picked up the unconscious maidservant on his back and ran forward.The corridor leads to nowhere, and Chen Wei prays in his heart not to meet anyone.But at this time someone's footsteps came from behind, Chen Wei's face changed slightly, and he ran forward with the maid in his arms.

Finally, when he turned a corner, a row of wing rooms appeared on the right side of the corridor.In desperation, he picked a room at random, pushed it open and walked in, gently closed the door, and put his ear against the door to listen to the sound from outside.After a while, he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the voices outside the corridor gradually leave.But when he turned his head, his face became stiff.

This is a luxurious women's boudoir.Bead curtains are drawn on both sides of the round arch, while the upper half circle is covered with red gauze curtains.In front of it is a large bed with a red quilt, and on the wall diagonally opposite to the bed is a dressing table inlaid with tortoise shell shells, which is very gorgeous and eye-catching.The most eye-catching thing is the big red happy letter pasted on the wooden lattice window.

Originally, the boudoir of Miss Hou Men's Qianjin would not have shocked Chen Wei, but what made Chen Wei's face stiff was the messy broken pianos scattered on the floor blanket.Although this guqin has been broken into several pieces, Chen Wei is very familiar with this guqin, because it is the Aegin that Dong Bai has always carried with him.

Dong Baiyou Aiqin, Chenwei knew this in Chang'an, even if she sneaked out from Chang'an, she would still carry it with her.But at this moment, it was broken and scattered all over the place.Looking at the broken piano, Chen Wei's heart suddenly became very uncomfortable, and the memory seemed to be pulled back for a long time.

He felt that those things seemed far in the past. He didn't remember being humiliated by Dong Bai in every possible way when he was in Chang'an; he also didn't remember when he took revenge on this unreasonable and unreasonable daughter of the Hou family under the flower tree on the hillside. , the tenderness and resentment shown on that exquisite face; I don't remember her willfulness when she mischievously wanted to follow her on the expedition...

However, he clearly remembered the scene of being trapped in Sanjiao Mountain that day, her sad and stubborn face, her red and swollen eyes filled with tears... Faced with all kinds of insults and humiliations from him, this proud and noble girl did not give up. Indomitable and unwilling to give up on himself: "I don't want to leave you, don't scold me, scold me, I'm so sad..."

Chen Wei tore off a piece of the curtain, wiped off the enemy's blood on the Blood Blade Sword, and then wrapped up the pieces of the broken piano.He knew what kind of despair was in that savage and lovely girl's heart to break Aegin into pieces...

"You said that I was not allowed to leave you, how could I let you marry someone else..." Chen Wei stood up mutteringly, tied the package with the broken zither behind his back, and held the blood blade sword , walked out of the room frankly.

As soon as he took half a step, a messy noise came from the direction of the hall. Chen Wei knew that the enemy must have entered the hall to look for him.But this time he didn't dodge, but walked straight ahead.At the end of the corridor is a pavilion. The guests in the pavilion were dismissed by the swarming soldiers, and a general was directing the soldiers to search around.

"Give me some energy. Don't let go of every corner. You must get out the dead guy who disturbed my drinking interest..." The general was very ugly with moles on his face, and his voice was very thick. The sound echoed in the pavilion.But before he finished speaking, he stopped, his eyes showed surprise, because on the other side of the promenade in front of him, a man with a naked upper body and a blood-stained bandage on his waist and abdomen walked towards him step by step. come over.

This general is Guo Bang's direct descendant general, who was originally guarding the Yellow River Ferry, but was later replaced by Guo Bang's Yan Shou. He will only appear in Luoyang tonight, one is to attend Guo Bang's wedding banquet, and the other is to accept a new mission.Tonight, he drank to his heart's content with his colleagues in the nave, enjoying the wonderful performances of singing and dancing girls.According to the past habit, the general would allow them to choose one or two favorite singing and dancing girls from these singing and dancing girls to sleep in. This made him, who had been bored with his military career for a long time, extremely excited and eager.

However, before the wedding ceremony started, he had planned to hug a woman to vent his desire for more than half a year, but he suddenly received the news that a fugitive had infiltrated the Taimiao, and was finally ordered to come in to search for the fugitive, which made him very sad angry.

Now, at this moment, the fugitive came out so openly, as if fueling his anger, he even picked up the heavy vase half a person's height at his feet with his bare hands and walked towards Chen Wei, who was still three meters away. Then he yelled violently, raised the vase and threw it at Chen Wei's head.

The soldiers in the pavilion have always known the general's rough temper, and they also know the reason for his rough temper, because he has strong strength.So when the general was so angry that he picked up a nearly [-]-jin vase and threw it at the fugitives, they all cast sad glances at Chen Wei.

Indeed, the vase was smashed down with the momentum of Mount Tai, and when it fell to the ground, it directly smashed a hole in the wooden plank on the floor of the corridor.Fragments of the vase and the sand inside were scattered in the air, making a mess.

The soldiers couldn't help shouting, the general is super powerful, the general is amazing.

But the next moment, they were all dumbfounded.Because the embarrassing fugitive came over unharmed, as if the vase hadn't been smashed and nothing happened at all, he walked over calmly.But the heroic general fell straight down, and a bloodstain on his neck could still be seen.

In this way, Chen Wei walked to the pavilion step by step, the sword in his hand was still dripping with blood.The blood was not the enemy's, but flowed from his wrist and flowed down the hilt of the sword.When he killed the general, his hands were inevitably cut by fragments of the vase.

But he was completely fine, and killed the soldiers in the pavilion.

Those who do not know have no fear.Those soldiers didn't know how their mighty and heroic general died, so they didn't know the horror of the man in front of them.They have a large number of people, and they raised their weapons and killed them.

(End of this chapter)

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